
Geopolitics and patriotic education
Komlatsky V.I., Bespyatov Е.A. Cossack split 7
Kolupaev D.V. The Jewish ethnic element in the Siberian Cossack army 16
Shebzuhova T.A. The development of the nomadic farms of Stavropol Territory and Terek in the post-reform period 22
Solodova N.V., Yaroslavceva T.A. Missionary activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Primorsky Territory (end of the XVII - beginning of XIX centuries) 27
Emelyanov O.B. The Cossacks of the Terek left Bank in the “Alexandropol detachment” on the battlefields of Asia Minor from spring to august 1854 36
Savka O.G. The establishment of the system of control and supervision in the sphere of education in Russia 46
Cossacks today
Trans-Baikal Cossacks in Australia dispersed Ukrainian nationalists 58
Military history
Filinuk O.I.  Fedor Andrianovich Poletaev 60
Filinuk O.I.  Historical Notes 63
Filinuk O.I.  The appointment of partisan movement 65
Emelyanov O.B. The ranks of the Grebensky and Mozdok Cossack regiments as a part of the “Alexandropol detachment” in military operations on the Russian-Turkish border from August 1854 to June 1855 71
Abstracts 80
Authors 88



Komlatsky V.I.
Bespyatov Е.A.

Cossack split

Based on the literary data and the results of our own research, the analyze is given for the main causes that led to the split of the Cossacks in the early twentieth century. Data on the destruction of Cossacks during the Soviet period is presented. The events on the basis of which the Cossacks split in the period 1917-1922 were shown. The revolutionary events of 1917 in Kuban and the participation of Cossacks in the Great Patriotic War are described. It is shown that, despite the physical destruction of the Cossacks, their descendants managed to preserve the genetic memory of the moral ideals of the Cossacks, Cossack traditions and culture. The view was expressed that the division of the Cossacks into the registered and non-registered can serve as the bas is for the split of the Cossacks at the present stage.
Keywords: Cossacks, the revolutionary events of 1917, physical destruction of the Cossacks, genetic memory, Cossack traditions, the registered and non-registered Cossack.


Kolupaev D.V.

The Jewish ethnic element in the Siberian Cossack army

Among the numerous historical works devoted to the life of the Jewish community in Russia, there are almost no studies about the service and various socio – economic activities of Jews in the ranks of the Cossack troops of the Russian Empire. Meanwhile, it should be noted that in many Cossack armies of Russia persons of the Jewish nationality served as technicians, medical workers, and as persons of «non - military estate» - that is not Cossacks, but living in Cossack villages, Jews constantly carried out these or those economic functions and were engaged in trade. In the Siberian Cossack army Jews appeared in service at the beginning of XIX century and carried out the functions designated above. The purpose of this study is to determine the place and role of different national groups in the life of Cossack society. In this research the historical and comparative method was applied.
All system of social and economic activity of Jews in the Siberian Cossack army was reduced to two main occupations: office – to accomplishment of official tasks in the form of obstetricians, paramedics , pharmacists, and to occupations by trade. The latter is a major area of occupations of the Jews in the land of the Siberian Cossack troops. The commodity structure of trade was as follows. From provinces of European Russia and of the inner regions of Siberia Jewish traders in the Cossack settlements were imported: bread, flour, cereals, oats, rural Handicrafts and also a manufacture and a number of colonial goods. The export of goods from the Cossack villages was as follows; horses, cattle, sheep, and cattle products - skin, fat, hair: also – fish, caviar, fish oil, salt, garden vegetables, wax, pine nuts and timber – firewood, timber and poles. Thus, the information at our disposal allows us to draw the following conclusions. With the wide promotion of market relations in the socio-economic foundations of economic life in Western Siberia at the end of the XIX century, representatives of the Jewish ethnic group in Russia increasingly began to move to the lands of the Siberian Cossack army. In the Cossack settlements, they were able to blend into social reality as highly skilled technicians and well-organized merchants.
Keywords: Siberian Cossacks, the Jews, the Siberian Cossacks, entrepreneurship in the environment of the Cossacks, nevojshme bar.


Shebzuhova T.A.

The development of the nomadic farms of Stavropol Territory and Terek in the post-reform period

The article deals with the problem of the evolution of social stratification among the nomadic peoples of Stavropol Territory and Terek in the post-reform period. The causes and peculiarities of patriarchal and clan vestiges of nomads influencing the specificity of estate relations are analyzed. The Russian government’s policy towards nomadic peoples was defined, whose goal was to move them to a settled way of life. The role of special commissions that determine the boundaries between the Stavropol province and the Terek region is considered, which led to changes in the social structure of society and was reflected in the economic field. An analysis is given of specific measures aimed at changing the social structure of nomads, where General A.P. Ermolov, aimed at the liberation of the yasir from slavery. The stratification of society for the agricultural population was established by owning land, but unfortunately land for nomadic population was a value only as pasture land for cattle.
Keywords: social stratification, nomadic peoples, class relations, way of life, Russian government, land allotment, post-reform period, yasiri, slavery, nomad society.

Solodova N.V.
Yaroslavceva T.A.

Missionary activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Primorsky Territory (end of the XVII - beginning of XIX centuries)

For Russia, with its variety of languages, traditions, ethnicities, cultures and religions, the religious question, without any exaggeration, has a special character. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the country in the 1990’s was on the eve of loss of manageability of territories and people uniting the people, created over 70 years of communist ideology. In the society at that time negative manifestations of interethnic and interreligious contradictions were growing. The issues of preserving Russia’s sovereignty, its integrity as a multinational Federation and the revival of spiritual and moral values have become especially relevant.
The history of the missionary activity of the ROC shows that religious culture, in particular the Orthodox, significantly influences the formation of spiritual and moral values for the benefit of society.
This article reveals the experience of the missionary activities of the ROC, which positively influenced the state-confessional relations and religious consciousness of believers in Primorye Territory.
Keywords: religious question, interreligious contradictions, orthodoxy, Russian Orthodox Church, worship. missionary.


Emelyanov O.B.

The Cossacks of the Terek left Bank in the “Alexandropol detachment” on the battlefields of Asia Minor from spring to august 1854

The article talks about the resumption of military confrontation in the Russian-Turkish border in the Caucasus, following with the warm weather. Hundreds of Cossacks line, as before regularly has spent tours of surrounding neighborhoods and often came in contact with the Turkish cavalry. Gain several victories over the Osmans, the troops of the “Alexandropol detachment” rose to the position near the village of Kuruk-Dara, where on the 24 of July in the final battle of the campaign of 1854, defeated the superior forces of the enemy, that is the merit of the natives of the Terek left Bank.
Keywords: Cossack patrols, cavalry skirmishes, trophies, Western European officers, Kurdish cavalry, rewarding distinguished.


Savka O.G.

The establishment of the system of control and supervision in the sphere of education in Russia

The article considers the process of emergence and formation of the system of control and Supervisory activities in the Russian Empire. The author highlights the main stages of this process. On the basis of legislative acts of the considered historical period the conclusion that since the XIX century the Russian state made considerable efforts for the organization and implementation of control of activity of the state and non-state educational institutions is drawn. The degree of this control directly depended on the development phase of the domestic political situation in the country. If the periods of reform of control and Supervisory activities took liberal counter-reforms that caused a tightening of legislation in this area.
Keywords: education, higher education, control, supervision, Russian Empire, University.


Emelyanov O.B.

The ranks of the Grebensky and Mozdok Cossack regiments as a part of the “Alexandropol detachment” in military operations on the Russian-Turkish border from August 1854 to June 1855

Defeating the Turks at the Kuryuk-Dara village, the main forces of the Russian troops departed to the border. Only rarely the Cossacks entered the fleeting skirmishes and only with the onset of cold weather settled in winter quarters. Until the middle of February the divisions of composite line Cossack regiment No. 2 was carried out round the clock border security along the river Arpa-Chai, while in full while at full strength they didn’t go to the aid of border the Kurds. With the appointment of the new commander, General N.H. Muravyov’s discipline in the troops in the Caucasus has increased significantly, which led to positive results in all theaters of military operations.
Keywords: winter apartments, patrol and inspection service, smugglers, Kurdish nomads, regimental review, replacement of linear hundreds.



Bespyatov Е.A., Lietenant colonel in retirement, military judge of the public organization «Vsekubanskoye Cossack Voisko».
Emelyanov O.B., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Teacher of “History of Law and Social Sciences” faculty of Stavropol state pedagogical Institute (branch office in Essentuki).
Filinuk O.I., Military expert.
Komlatsky V.I., Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Professor, Head of the Department at FGOU VO «Kuban State University. I.T. Trubilina», academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Military ataman of the public organization «Vsekubanskoye Cossack Host».
Kolupaev D.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor (Altai state Technical University).
Oleg Filinuk.
Savka O.G., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of Russian History and Law of Moscow Technological University.
Shebzuhova T.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of service, tourism and design (branch) FGAOU VPO «North-Caucasian Federal University» in Pyatigorsk.
Solodova N.V., Graduate Student of the Far Eastern Institute of Management (Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration).
Yaroslavceva T.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration and Service Law of the Far Eastern Institute of Management (Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration).