
Geopolitics and patriotic education
Danilov A.V., Danilov V.V. Evolution of us public diplomacy 1917-1991 8
Butovskiy A.Y. Development of national education system in the Crimea on the initial stage of the civil war 17
Bredikhin A.V. The influence of the external factor on the activities of extremist organizations in the South of Russia 25
Darmilova E.N., Jazaeva I.A., Batchaeva M.K. Byzantine model of historical movement of Europe in the middle ages 36
Adzhieva Z.I., Hubieva A.A., Chomaeva Z.M. Legal and ideological maintenance of repressive policy against the managerial apparatus in the North Caucasus during nep
(on the example of the karachayev autonomous area (KAO)
Darmilova E.N., Jazaeva I.A., Batchaeva M.K. Activity  of correctional institutions in the Russian Empire in the end of the XIX - present. XX Century (on the example of «Kuban correctional shelter») 53
Adzhieva Z.I., Hubieva A.A., Batchaeva M.K. Natural archaeological examinations in the second half of the XVII century - first half XIX. in the territory of Karachay-Cercessia 58
Filinuk O.I. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 68
Kapustina (Artamonova) M.G. Cossacks as a social and managerial phenomenon 70
Darmilova E.N. The Old Russian chronicle in the XIII - XV centuries 80
Sidoreyko N.V., Ershov M.F. The conference “The Role of Siberian Cossacks in the Formation of the Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Northern Ob-Irtysh” was held in Khanty-Mansiysk 89
Abstracts 99
Authors 103




Danilov A.V.

Danilov V.V.

Evolution of us public diplomacy 1917-1991

The article covers the period of the development of public diplomacy in the United States of America. The chronological framework is determined by the process of historical policy formation in the field of public diplomacy of the United States and the beginning of the active implementation of public diplomacy programs abroad as a mean of implementation of foreign policy objectives.

The research is exploratory and its purpose is to trace back the history to learn better the evolution of the leadership policy of the United States. In the first quarter of the twentieth century it was focused on the active involvment of the country in international politics and the rejection of isolationism policy, which was primarily reflected in the departure from the tenets of the Monroe Doctrine and the US’s entry into the First World War, which had a great influence on the development of public diplomacy in the United States as a mean of promotion of the US interests.

Keywords: USA, public diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, soft power, international relations.


Butovskiy A.Y.

Development of national education system in the Crimea on the initial stage of the civil war

The article is devoted to the complex topic of the development of the public education system in the Taurida Governorate at the beginning of the Civil War. On the basis of careful study of archival documents, publications in the periodical press and other materials concerning changes in the education system of the Taurida Governorate of the specified period, the author, using the method of source analysis, restores the historical picture of the public education development on the Peninsula during the Crimean regional governments (June, 1918 – April, 1919).

Keywords: Russia, Germany, Taurida Governorate, Civil War, Ministry of Public Education.


Bredikhin A.V.

The influence of the external factor on the activities of extremist organizations in the South of Russia

The problem of the spread of the activities of extremist organizations in the South of Russia is being actualized in view of the increasing role of international actors and the influence of neighboring states. Extremist groups are in the sphere of interests of countries with a high level of institutional instability, having unresolved administrative and territorial problems, as well as large terrorist organizations, such as the Islamic State banned in the Russian Federation. Despite the decline in its activity, the IG continues to be among the top threats to international security. The Russian Federation successfully conducted an antiterrorist operation in Syria, at the same time the IG conducts its work in the territory of Iraq and a number of other regions of the world. His interests also include Russia, since IG units exist in the Caucasus region, as well as on the Crimean peninsula. At the same time, the territory of the Rostov region and the Republic of Crimea are influenced by Ukrainian geostrategic interests. The Ukrainian authorities make territorial claims to the Russian Federation in a number of border regions, as well as organize sabotage operations, support marginal movements. Significant for the South of Russia continues to remain and so-called. "Circassian question". As part of the work, the author poses the problem of considering the interaction of neighboring countries and extremist organizations in the border regions of Russia. Institutional and correlative research approaches are used, which allows defining the main “points of tension” in the system of the South Russian border area and identifying the main actors influencing extremist organizations. The results of the work provide recommendations for expanding the activities of state authorities in the field of preventing extremism and terrorism.

Keywords: Islamic state, borderland, terrorism, extremism, South of Russia.


Darmilova E.N.

Jazaeva I.A.

Batchaeva M.K.

Byzantine model of historical movement of Europe in the middle ages

The historical dynamics of the Byzantine Empire was significantly influenced by various historical traditions. Here there was a real possibility of their organic synthesis, which was dictated primarily by the geopolitical structure of the empire. The Byzantine Empire has quite clearly traced the features of both Eastern and Western civilizations, and also has many of its own, distinctive and unique features.

Keywords: Byzantine Empire, the concept of power, historical traditions.


Adzhieva Z.I.

Hubieva A.A.

Chomaeva Z.M.

Legal and ideological maintenance of repressive policy against the managerial apparatus in the North Caucasus during nep  (on the example of the karachayev autonomous area (KAO)

This article provides a historical and legal analysis of the repressive policy against the administrative apparatus in the North Caucasus during the new economic policy, taking into account historical data and documents.

Keywords: repression, state control, state control, the party cleansing, crimes against the state.


Darmilova E.N.

Jazaeva I.A.

Batchaeva M.K.

Activity of correctional institutions in the Russian Empire in the end of the XIX - present. XX Century (on the example of «Kuban correctional shelter»)

The object of the research is charitable activities of the Kuban Correctional Shelter, a correctional institution where children, many of which were previously held by their parents in prisons, street children, as well as children who committed a crime were brought up. The sources of its financing are revealed. The significance of Russian correctional institutions for the rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents is analyzed.

Keywords: charity, correctional institutions, shelters, moral correction, labor education, training of prisoners.


Adzhieva Z.I.

Hubieva A.A.

Batchaeva M.K.

Natural archaeological examinations in the second half of the XVII century - first half XIX. in the territory of Karachay-Cercessia

Currently, the development of historical science and support for the latest archaeological research is gaining in importance. With the growing interest in the ancient past of large and small Nations and nationalities, a comprehensive study of their historical and cultural heritage has become particularly relevant. The analysis of the history of the study of archaeological sites in the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia will allow us to trace the evolution of ideas, to sum up certain results of the development of archaeological science, to outline ways of further study of the main problems, to pay attention to their little-studied sides.

Keywords: archaeological sites, historical and cultural heritage, archaeological science, archaeological research, scientific societies.


Kapustina (Artamonova) M.G.

Cossacks as a social and managerial phenomenon

The Object of study: Russian Cossacks as a social and managerial phenomenon. The Subject of study: institutional level of Cossack management. The Problem of study: systemic contradiction between the state and the Cossacks in choosing the strategy of institutionalization, in the modernization paradigm of the Cossack society or in the paradigm of the traditional value-normative structure in the conditions of modern society. The Purpose of study: identifying the conditions and factors for improving the institutional level of Cossack management.

Keywords: Cossacks, ethno-cultural community, the Cossack people, the institutionalization of the Cossacks, self-government, social and managerial phenomenon, civil society, cross-border community, the state, public service.


Darmilova E.N.

The Old Russian chronicle in the XIII - XV centuries

In the framework of a comprehensive analysis of the contents of the ancient Russian chronicles of the XIII - XV centuries. The factors that influenced the selection of scenes and their interpretation depending on the centers of their creation were singled out. Feudal fragmentation in Russia, especially intensified in the years of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, contributed to the fragmentation of the all-Russian chronicle and development of the chronicle of the local, regional.

Keywords: chronicle tradition, chronicle arches, Moscow and Tver principality, annals of Novgorod.




Adzhieva Z.I., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of state and legal disciplines. North Caucasus state Academy of Humanities and technology.

Batchaeva M.K., Associate Professor of the Department of General History, Karachay-Cherkess State University.

Bredikhin A.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Advisor to the Director of the Centre of Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Butovskiy A.Y., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Junior Researcher, Associate Professor of the Chair of Legal Disciplines of Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University.

Chomaeva Z.M., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Associate Professor of General history. Karachay-Cherkess state University.

Danilov A.V., Peoples friendship university of Russia.

Danilov V.V., Peoples friendship university of Russia.

Darmilova E.N., Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Humanities, North Caucasus State University of Humanities and Technology.

Ershov M.F., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Research Department of History and Ethnology of the Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Research and Development. Khanty-Mansiysk.

Filinuk O.I., Military expert.

Hubieva A.A., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of history, social science and political science. Karachay-Cherkess Republican Institute of advanced training of education workers.

Jazaeva I.A., Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Humanities, North Caucasus State University of Humanities and Technology.

Kapustina (Artamonova) M.G., Chair Sociology of Management at the Institute of Social Sciences, Academy of National Economy and State Service under the President of the Russian Federation.

Sidoreyko N.V., Deputy Director for Information and Methodological Activities of the Autonomous Institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "District House of Folk Art".