
Geopolitics and patriotic education
Bormotova T.N., Zkukov P., Hodzic M. Formation of public opinion about the work of the police in modern conditions 9
Kalabekova S.V. The phenomenon of extremism in social and humanitarian knowledge 20
Kadymov А.А. Status legislative framework in the field of boxing development in the republic of Bashkortostan in 90ties. The XX - beginning of XXI centuries 29
Moraru N.F., Calpacci N.D., Dolgova M.A. The problem of statelessness in the context of European migration crisis 42
Solopova A.V., Bitsadze N., Chan Wang Bin US Security Sector Support Assessment in Africa 52
Golubeva E.M., Ermolaeva A.K., Teterina L.V. Migration processes in Mexican-Central American relations 61
Klinkov A., Mardanli R., Karamalak S., Khotivrishvili A. European Migration Crisis as a Factor of Disintegration in the EU 69
Rupich M.V. The activities of the Soviet military counterintelligence agencies during the Japanese occupation of Manchuria 81
Sociology and history
Voznesenckiy I.S. Family time management: confessional, psychological and organizational components 87
Tarasenko V.N., Orishev A.B., Grachev A.B. Denmark 1940-194: mild occupation and velvet resistance 96
Abstracts 110
Authors 116





Bormotova T.N.
Zkukov P.
Hodzic M.

Formation of public opinion about the work of the police in modern conditions

On the basis of analytical and statistical information, the article analyzes the content of the Internet on the activities of the police. The problems of formation of public opinion about police activity in the conditions of modern society are reflected, and also offers on the main directions of improvement of mechanisms of formation of public opinion about police activity in modern society are given.
Key words: public opinion, police, Internet, social networks.


Kalabekova S.V.

The phenomenon of extremism in social and humanitarian knowledge

The object of the analysis of the article is the phenomenon of extremism, and the subject is the interpretation of the social nature of extremism by social and humanitarian knowledge. The author analyzes the phenomenon of extremism by socio-philosophical, sociological, political science, psychological and legal knowledge. Extremism is considered as a certain doctrine, worldview and practical activity, as a unity of irrational, emotional and illusory. The role of various factors leading to the emergence of extremist ideas and sentiments is shown. The principles on which the ideology of extremism is based, its relevance to certain groups of the population are investigated. The methodological basis of the study was made up of the dialectical principles of objectivity, concrete historical and comparative approaches, which provided a holistic analysis of the phenomenon of extremism. Scientific novelty consists in the substantiation of the following provisions: 1) extremism is one of complex and ambivalent phenomena that require the use of an interdisciplinary approach; 2) extremism is not only a system of relevant practices, but primarily ideologies, a set of ideas and views used to achieve specific goals.
Key words: еxtremism, radicalism, violence, destruction, social rate, social alienation, intolerance, deviation, marginality, aggression.


Kadymov А.А.

Status legislative framework in the field of boxing development in the republic of Bashkortostan in 90ties. The XX - beginning of XXI centuries

The article is devoted to the state of the legislative framework in the field of Boxing development in the Republic of Bashkortostan in the post-Soviet period. The article traces the process of gradual improvement of the legal framework in the field of sports development.

The change in the socio-political structure of our country has led to the fact that there are issues that need to be regulated – the status of sports organizations, the financial activities of sports societies, sponsorship of the business community and a number of others. All these issues had to be reflected in the Russian sports legislation. Since 1994, Russia has consistently had three laws on physical culture and sports - 1994, 1999 and 2008.

The sports legislation outlined the framework for the functioning of all sports in Russia, including Boxing. At the same time, the rules of Boxing and the rules of awarding categories were improved separately.
Key words: sports in Bashkortostan, sports associations, legislative base.


Moraru N.F.
Calpacci N.D.
Dolgova M.A.

The problem of statelessness in the context of European migration crisis

Currently, the problem of uncontrolled migration remains highly relevant, especially to Europe. Henceforth, governments are developing the necessary measures to reduce and stop migration flows to European Union Member States. Statelessness is equally important and relevant to the European Union’s agenda on migration. The lack of a clear definition of the concept of "statelessness", the lack of state protection, and as a result, a serious deprivation of socio-economic, civil and political rights, makes statelessness a thorny problem both at the international and regional levels. What does it mean to be legally invisible, what are the implications and solutions to statelessness?

The first section of this paper provides a brief overview of statelessness drivers of our time. The second section traces the salient features of this phenomenon caused by forced migration in the European Union combining a nexus of theoretical deliberation with empirical research. The third section analyses the recent developments in European statelessness policies and the measures carried on by three countries with the biggest number of stateless people to address this challenge so far. The analysis highlighted that there is lack of data with regards to statelessness in Germany, Poland, and Sweden which makes the statelessness issue difficult to tackle in the nearby future.
Key words: statelessness, stateless people, forced migration, Palestinian, EU, displacement, refugees, Germany, Poland, Sweden.


Solopova A.V.
Bitsadze N.
Chan Wang Bin

US Security Sector Support Assessment in Africa

The article discusses the US use of security sector resources to support African countries. The authors reveal the essence of the security sector and its role in US policy. Provide statistics on the distribution of the budget by country and the purpose of these investments, examples of recipient countries and the assimilation of grants. Identified violations in the use of the budget, abuse, as well as support for regimes that violate human rights. The main concern remains overseeing the proper use of US security sector support in recipient countries.
Key words: USA, Africa, support, SSA, cooperation, security.


Golubeva E.M.
Ermolaeva A.K.
Teterina L.V.

Migration processes in Mexican-Central American relations

The article is devoted to the migration problem between Mexico and Central American states as well as to the historical factors determining these migration processes. Particular attention is paid to the programs adopted by Mexican government to control migrant flows and improve their quality of life in Mexico. Furthermore, the article covers the issue of Mexican migrants in the United States and the US domestic policy in this area. The authors come to conclusion that the migrant situation in the region will not change until the internal problems of Central America, in particular the Northern Triangle countries, are resolved and until countries start act together over this problem.
Key words: migration, Mexico Central America, deterrence, USA, labor mobility, refugees.


Klinkov A.
Mardanli R.
Karamalak S.
Khotivrishvili A.

European Migration Crisis as a Factor of Disintegration in the EU

The article considers disintegration movements in the EU and analyzes the degree of influence of the European migration crisis on the emergence and intensification of these movements. The regions and countries where disintegration moods are developing faster and wider are shown, such as: Benelux countries, Central and Eastern Europe. The connection between the migration crisis in the EU and Brexit is revealed, where the influence of migration on the decision-making process on the UK's exit from the EU is established. The influence of the migration crisis on the growth of Euro-skeptic sentiments, which are at their peak of popularity, has been established. Based on the study, the authors note a general increase in disintegration and Eurosceptic sentiments after the migration crisis in the EU in 2016, but they conclude that no new Brexit-type disintegration movements are expected in the short term.
Key words: European Union, EU, crisis, influence, migration, prospects, disintegration.


Rupich M.V.

The activities of the Soviet military counterintelligence agencies during the Japanese occupation of Manchuria

The article discusses the work of the Special Departments in the Red Army of the Far East during the Japanese occupation of Manchuria in 1932. On the basis of a special note from the Special Department of the OGPU, negative manifestations in OKDVA units are highlighted in the face of the increased danger of war against the USSR.

The goal is to show the role of the Soviet military counterintelligence bodies in ensuring the security of the OKDVA units and formations in the period under review.

This study is based on the dialectical method of cognition, which allowed us to consider the facts and phenomena of concrete historical reality in its integrity, inconsistency and development. The article applied the fundamental principles of historical science - objectivity and historicism. The principle of objectivity is necessary to overcome subjective ideas about the history of military counterintelligence agencies and the political engagement of Soviet historians. The principle of historicism will allow us to analyze the activities of the military counterintelligence agencies in the context of specific historical events in the country and in the region, to consider the facts in their development and relationship.

Of the special methods used were: comparative-historical, historical-genetic, systems approach and quantitative methods. The study also applies such general scientific methods as analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction.

The study allows us to conclude that the Soviet military counterintelligence agencies play a significant role in ensuring the security of units and formations of the Red Army of the Far East under the Japanese occupation of Manchuria.
Key words: Japanese occupation, Manzhou-Guo, Red Army, Special Departments.


Voznesenckiy I.S.

Family time management: confessional, psychological and organizational components

The article reveals the unity of the confessional, psychological and organizational components of family time management, which, based on the availability of these components, can be considered one of the first areas of personal organization of time. This is due to the fact that the person acquired the first skills of rational distribution of time in the past precisely in the family, where the upbringing of the sense of time was based largely on religious traditions. In modern time management, the confessional component is not specifically expressed, but it helps families practicing time management to be not only more organized, but also healthy, successful and happy.
Key words: family, time management, education, family, organizational culture, personal effectiveness.


Tarasenko V.N.
Orishev A.B.
Grachev A.B.

Denmark 1940-194: mild occupation and velvet resistance

This article briefly addresses the situation of the Danish Kingdom between 1940 and 1943 and the policy of the Danish authorities under the German invasion and occupation.

Of all the states directly affected by the World War II fire, perhaps only Denmark found itself in such an ambiguous position that it was only thanks to England 's principled position that the country was not on the list of allied states of fascist Germany after the defeat of the Axis countries. Nor can it be said, however, that Denmark did not resist the German occupation regime at all, or unequivocally supported the policy of the Third Reich. Rather, it can be argued that the ruling circles of the Danish Kingdom have tried to take advantage of all available opportunities, including exploiting the economic, ethnic and cultural proximity of their country to Germany, to minimize economic and human losses from German occupation. At the same time, the historical debate over whether the Danish authorities managed not to cross the line separating the protection of the interests of their subjects from the outright complicity of Hitler Germany remains relevant.
Key words: Denmark, World War II, soft occupation, resistance.




Bormotova T.N., All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Bitsadze N., 2nd year graduate student.
Calpacci N.D., Second year Master’s Student at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Chan Wang Bin, 2nd year graduate student.
Dolgova M.A., Second year Master’s Student at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Ermolaeva A.K., Master of the faculty of Humanitarian and Social sciences, department Theory and History of International Relations, People`s Friendship University of Russia.
Golubeva E.M., Master of the faculty of Humanitarian and Social sciences, department Theory and History of International Relations, People`s Friendship University of Russia.
Grachev A.B., Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor of history. Russian state agrarian University, K.A. Timiryazev Moscow agricultural Academy.
Hodzic M., All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Kadymov А.А., Teacher of the department of special training. Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa.
Kalabekova S.V., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Humanities of the North Caucasus State Academy. Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Cherkessk.
Karamalak S., Master student of the department of TIMO PFURU in the field of international relations (People`s Friendship University of Russia).
Khotivrishvili A., Postgraduate student, Assistant of the Department of TIMO PFURU University in International Relations (People`s Friendship University of Russia).
Klinkov A., Master student of the department of TIMO PFURU in the field of international relations (People`s Friendship University of Russia).
Moraru N.F., Second year Master’s Student at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Orishev A.B., Doctor of Historical Sciences, associate Professor, head of the Department of history Russian state agrarian University, K.A. Timiryazev Moscow agricultural Academy.
Mardanli R., Master student of the department of TIMO PFURU in the field of international relations (People`s Friendship University of Russia).
Rupich M.V., Graduate student of the Pacific State University of Khabarovsk, in the direction of Historical Sciences and Archeology.
Tarasenko V.N., Candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor of history. Russian state agrarian University, K.A. Timiryazev Moscow agricultural Academy.
Teterina L.V., Master of the faculty of Humanitarian and Social sciences, department Theory and History of International Relations, People`s Friendship University of Russia.
Solopova A.V., 2nd year graduate student.
Voznesenckiy I.S., Senior Lecturer, MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Zkukov P., All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.