
Geopolitics and patriotic education
Rybakov S.V. Between freedom and service: from the early history of the Cossacks 9
Ananchenkova P.I. Training tourism and its development prospects 20
Xie Iping Chinese Interests and role in international financial institutions 29
Barannik M.A., Petrovich-Belkin O.K., Rahimov K.Kh. Activities of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly and its role in deepening Eurasian integration 36
Kurylev K.P., Smolik N.G., Khimich G.A. Problems and prospects of promoting the Russian language in the states of Central Asia in the context of the development of cultural and humanitarian cooperation between Russia and the countries of the region 44
Shchuplenkov O.V., Shchuplenkov N.O. Directions for liberalizing the Russian party system and prerequisites for legitimizing election results 53
Ternovaya L.O. Traditions of education and the formation of a sense of responsibility of Cossack youth: towards the creation of the Union of Cossack youth of Russia 66
History and society
Boldyreva L.M., Zolotseva L.V. Cossack women and their clothes: new approaches to designing modern women’s clothing Cossacks 76
Butovskiy A.Yu. Political propaganda and agitation of Bolsheviks in the Crimea in 1917 80
Domashova E.V., Gonokhova T.A., Blagovskaya E.V. Socio-psychological approach to research of volunteership as the basis for forming youth activity in a university 87
Pavlov D.S. (Dmitry), Pavlov D.S. (Denis) The article is estimated to structure of Petrograd government and its industrial policies in NEP period of 1921-1927 92
Dolgenko A.N., Murashko S.F., Rudakova S.V. On the Language of Law in Juridical Linguistics 102
Turanina N.A., Murashko O.Yu., Kulapina G.A. Johann Guttenberg, Francis Skorina, Ivan Fedorov: historical crossroads of printing in Western and Eastern Europe 108
Information technology: systems and processes
Avdeev V.S. Data processing methods for determining the key indicators of the organization 119
Abstracts 133
Authors 140




Rybakov S.V.

Between freedom and service: from the early history of the Cossacks

The article is devoted to the early history of the Russian Cossacks. The author makes the thesis that the process of forming Cossack communities was of a dual nature, since they were formed in the conditions of a collision of two mental dominants – loyalty to the Russian Orthodox state and the desire for a free way of life.
Keywords: Russian statehood, Orthodoxy, Cossacks, military service, Cossack freedom, historical lessons.


Ananchenkova P.I.

Training tourism and its development prospects

The term "educational tourism" means "educational tourism" - a direction that is a kind of combined system of interaction between education and tourism, where the first and second aspects are inextricably linked with each other, allowing not only to travel, but also to actively participate in learning the language, mastering the mentality, learning the culture and traditions of the country.
In 2004 The world tourism organization has declared the development of the educational tourism industry as one of the most promising areas of the tourism industry that have a synergistic effect by combining educational, cultural, educational and recreational goals.
Every year, the range of tourist services is expanding, and the tourist market itself is changing significantly under the influence of global and local trends. Despite the fact that in Russia, as in the rest of the world, there is currently a certain stagnation of the tourism business due to the epidemiological situation caused by the spread of coronavirus infection, trips for educational purposes demonstrate a steady demand.
Keyword: tourism, education, educational tourism, integrated marketing communications, tourism business, market, competition, tourism market, demand, prospects, restrictions.


Xie Iping

Chinese Interests and role in international financial institutions

The institutional foundation of the global financial system as we know it now began to take shape after World War II. Such key institutions in international monetary and financial relations as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund were created. Through these institutions, for the first time in world history, it was possible to implement in practice a model of global macroeconomics. This made it possible to streamline economic relations between countries, expand financial cooperation, and stabilize international flows of goods and capital. However, the crisis of the Bretton Woods system, the oil crises of the 70s, the world financial crisis of 2008-2009. showed the imperfection of the management model of the global financial system and the need for its reform. First of all, the modern world is moving in a new and rapidly changing direction of multipolarity. The global financial crisis has made it clear that developing countries are playing an increasingly important role in global economic recovery and growth. International financial institutions should respond to the current position of developing countries by empowering them in the proper amount. At the moment, their role, including China's, in the largest financial institutions is not so significant.
Keywords: China, MFF, World Bank, G-20, BRICS, NDB, AIIB, USA, yuan, dollar.


Barannik M.A.
Petrovich-Belkin O.K.
Rahimov K.Kh.

Activities of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly and its role in deepening Eurasian integration

This article reviews the history of the establishment and main directions of activity of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly, which is one of the most important institutions of the Commonwealth. The authors analyze the regulatory and conceptual framework of the organization, as well as a quantitative analysis of "model" bills and recommendations adopted by the Assembly in the period 1992-2020. On the basis of the obtained data, the conclusion is made that there are four main directions of activity of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly, which include harmonization and unification of the national legislation of the CIS member states; activation of trade and economic cooperation; intensification of political interaction and cooperation in the sphere of regional security; and, finally, expansion of cultural and humanitarian cooperation between the respective states. The conclusion is drawn on the degree of significance and role of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly in intensifying and deepening integration in the post-Soviet (Eurasian) space.
Keywords: CIS Interparliamentary Assembly, Commonwealth of Independent States, Eurasian integration, post-Soviet space, Eurasian Economic Union (EAEC).


Kurylev K.P.
Smolik N.G.
Khimich G.A.

Problems and prospects of promoting the Russian language in the states of Central Asia in the context of the development of cultural and humanitarian cooperation between Russia and the countries of the region

This article examines Russia's policy to promote the Russian language in Central Asia. The authors show that over the decades of practical work to promote the Russian language, Russia has achieved certain successes, but at the same time, many problems arose. On the basis of generalizing the experience of activities in this area, the authors formulate forecasts for the future prospects of Russian policy in promoting the Russian language in the Central Asian region.
Keywords: Russia, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Russian language, soft power, Rosso-trudnichestvo, Russkiy Mir Foundation, MAPRYAL.


Shchuplenkov O.V.
Shchuplenkov N.O.

Directions for liberalizing the Russian party system and prerequisites for legitimizing election results

The authors of this article focuses on the importance of the legitimizing factor in the system of party building, the role and significance of political parties in the electoral process of the Russian Federation. The Russian political system includes a variety of actors, among which an important place is occupied by the activities and technologies of political parties that seek to gain credibility and respect among voters. The analysis of the mechanisms and technologies of the system-forming parties of the Russian Federation aimed at creating maximum openness of the election campaign in order to attract a significant part of the electorate to the elections is carried out.
The author's research emphasizes the need to preserve the openness of the electoral system and respect for democratic norms. It is the parties that are able to demonstrate to the population the democratic nature of the electoral process, to control the elections, and to observe all legal forms of conducting electoral activities.
Keywords: civil society, electoral system, legitimacy, party system, political actor, political parties.


Ternovaya L.O.

Traditions of education and the formation of a sense of responsibility of Cossack youth: towards the creation of the Union of Cossack youth of Russia

The article gives an excursion into the history of the youth movement, it is noted that the very birth of this form of political participation of representatives of the younger generation in the 19th century took place in the context of the awakening of all types of social activity, including ethno-national. After the First World War, the vector of such activity in Soviet Russia, and then the USSR, closed itself within the framework of the model of a single and unique youth union - the Komsomol. Already in the 1960s this format began to conflict with the need of young people for live, flexible and mobile forms of interaction, which became the mass movements. In post-Soviet Russia, this trend has become a distinctive feature of the domestic youth movement, including the movement of Cossack youth. However, the format of the organization also remained in demand, which is blasphemed by the creation in 2020 of the Union of Cossack Youth of Russia.
Keywords: history, traditions, education, socialization, patriotism, Cossacks, youth, organization.


Boldyreva L.M.
Zolotseva L.V.

Cossack women and their clothes: new approaches to designing modern women's clothing Cossacks

The article presents the methodology for designing modern ethnic clothing, and also defines a set of new approaches to the design of modern women's costumes using ethnic Cossack motives.
Keywords: national clothes, Cossack women, new approaches, design.


Butovskiy A.Yu.

Political propaganda and agitation of Bolsheviks in the Crimea in 1917

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of applying the experience of political propaganda and agitation accumulated by the Bolsheviks on the territory of the Crimea in 1917. Based on a thorough analysis of the sources, the author comes to the conclusion that the Bolsheviks' agitation and propaganda efforts, based on slogans that were completely understandable and attractive to the people, played a negative role in the mass terror that began at the end of 1917 on the peninsula, directed against various segments of the population. According to the scholar, the ideas of class struggle and the destruction of their enemies by any means could not go unnoticed in the country torn by ethnic, political and social contradictions. It is possible to say that, thanks to the Bolsheviks' propaganda, people turned out to be mentally prepared for these first Crimean tragic episodes of the outbreak of the Civil War.
Keyword: Russia, Crimea, Revolution, Civil war, Bolsheviks, agitation, propaganda.


Domashova E.V.
Gonokhova T.A.
Blagovskaya E.V.

Socio-psychological approach to research of volunteership as the basis for forming youth activity in a university

The article reveals the importance of the formation of a social state and civil society, in which a significant role can be played by young people who have all the personal qualities for this purpose. It is noted that for the development of social activity of young people, it is necessary to create conditions, which can significantly contribute to the involvement of young people in volunteer activities in higher education. The educational space of the University has a powerful potential in the development of the student's personality, in creating conditions for self-affirmation and self-expression of students. Participation in the University's volunteer activities allows you to take the initiative in socially significant activities, forms a participatory attitude to solving the most significant social problems, reveals the best qualities in providing support and assistance to the social environment, expands the boundaries of professional self-realization of students, which in turn contributes to the formation of social activity. It is noted that volunteer activities can help a first-year student not only adapt to new conditions, but also learn to work in a team, make new acquaintances and pass such a difficult life stage.
Keywords: volunteers, volunteers, volunteer activity, social activity.


Pavlov D.S. (Dmitry)
Pavlov D.S. (Denis)

The article is estimated to structure of Petrograd government and its industrial policies in NEP period of 1921-1927

Analysis and consideration of the structures of the specified period of time.
Keywords: NEP, Government structure, New Economic Policy, Petrograd.


Dolgenko A.N.
Murashko S.F.
Rudakova S.V.

On the Language of Law in Juridical Linguistics

The article is devoted to the teachers and students of Juridical Linguistics and reveals the dynamics and specifics of the interaction of such phenomena as language and law, also considers the meaning of language and the linguistic structure of the legal act, and the specifics of the legal language. In the article, the authors describe terms and terminology and their use in the legal language.
Keywords: legal language, terminology, juridical technique, legal definitions, normative definitions, lawmaking process, legislative style.


Turanina N.A.
Murashko O.Yu.
Kulapina G.A.

Johann Guttenberg, Francis Skorina, Ivan Fedorov: historical crossroads of printing in Western and Eastern Europe

Names of Johann Gutenberg, Francis Skorina and Ivan Fedorov went down in the history of the spiritual development of the peoples of Western and Eastern Europe. There is still debate about the degree of their participation in the process of inventing and distributing first-print books, religion, data on origin and possible associates are disputed.
An author's vision of the general and private in biographies and the activities of first printers is offered. The talent and devotion to the cause of life unites the first printers, in addition, their fates were formed according to fairly close dramatic scenarios, which was predetermined by the contradictions of the XIV-XV centurieР. Despite the fact that chronologically the editions of the Guttenberg Bible in Mainz, the «Bible» of Skorina in the Slavic language in Prague and the «Apostle» of Ivan Fedorov in Moscow are quite distant from each other - these events are related to the spirit of enlightenment and a deep sense of patriotism to the native land of the founders of the book work. In addition, Gutenberg's invention largely caused such a socio-political phenomenon as the Reformation, which had a huge impact on the fate of the entire Western Europe and indirectly Eastern European countrie.
A number of historical sources indicate the possible influence of Western European book masters, on the appearance and development of printing in Muscovy, which does not in any way detract from the role of Ivan Fedorov and the masters of his printing house, but emphasizes the existing mutual influence in the field of distribution of printing.
At the same time, a number of researchers compare the translation of the Bible into the East Slavic language, carried out by Francis Skorina, with the Reformation aimed at distributing church books among the people, Ivan Fedorov is rightly considered not only the first official publisher of Russia, but also Ukraine.
It is concluded that the invention and development of printing is one of the vivid examples of multiple spiritual, cultural ties between the peoples of Western and Eastern Europe. Gutenberg, Skorina and Fedorov predetermined the development of the Enlightenment in Europe, each making a progressive contribution to the development of progress in all areas of human life not only of the early Renaissance, but also of their descendants.
Keywords: first printer, Renaissance, enlightenment, Gutenberg, Skorina, Fedorov, Bible, Apostle, book publishing, incunabula, enlightenment.


Avdeev V.S.

Data processing methods for determining the key indicators of the organization

This article analyzes existing types and methods of data processing to facilitate understanding in the organization of data collection and determine the key indicators of the company.
Keywords: data, methods, analysis, key indicators.




Ananchenkova P.I., PhD (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Professor. Academy of Labor and Social Relations.

Avdeev V.S., Expert, Regional public organization to support social city programmes “The city in the XXI century”. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Barannik M.A., Postgraduate student of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, RUDN University.

Blagovskaya E.V., Сandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work, FSBEI HE “GAGU” (Gorno-Altaysk).

Boldyreva L.M., Senior lecturer, Armavir State Pedagogical University, Krasnodar Territory, Armavir.

Butovskiy A.Yu., PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor. Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University, (Tula).

Dolgenko A.N., Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages. Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee.

Domashova E.V., Senior lecturer of the Department of pedagogy, psychology and social work FGBOU VO "Gaga" (Gorno-Altaysk).

Gonokhova T.A., Сandidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work, FSBEI HE "GAGU" (Gorno-Altaysk).

Khimich G.A., PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Kulapina G.A., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Belgorod state Institute of arts and culture, Department of library and information activities.

Kurylev K.P., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Murashko O.Yu., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Belgorod state Institute of arts and culture, Department of library and information activities.

Murashko S.F., PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Department of “Methodology of Law and Legal Communication”. Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee.

Pavlov D.S. (Denis), Chief specialist of Gazpromneft-ITO.

Pavlov D.S. (Dmitry), Post-graduate student of the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Petrovich-Belkin O.K., PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Rahimov K.Kh., Postgraduate student of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Post-graduate student of the Department of International Law of the Law Institute of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), expert of the Center for Research of Post-Soviet Countries (CIPS).

Rudakova S.V., PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages. Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee.

Rybakov S.V., Doctor of historical sciences, Professor of the Department of Russian history. Ural Federal University.

Shchuplenkov N.O., Associate Professor of history, law and social sciences, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute.

Shchuplenkov O.V., Associate Professor of history, law and social sciences, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute.

Smolik N.G., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).

Turanina N.A., Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor. Belgorod state Institute of arts and culture, Department of library and information activities.

Xie Iping, Applicant for the Department of Theory and History of International Relations. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Zolotseva L.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Kosygin Russian State University.