Geopolitics and patriotic education | |
Shuplenkov O.V., Shuplenkov N.O. The role of the state in economic management at the present stage: solutions | 9 |
Biryukov S.V., Karpov D.S. Fair Russia: evolution of the role and transformation of the party’s mage | 18 |
Ternovaya L.O. Traditions of education and the formation of a sense of responsibility of Cossack youth: towards the creation of the Union of Cossack youth of Russia | 27 |
History and society |
Dikarev D.N., Shtepa A.V. The Cossack class in the regions of the Russian Empire during the XVIII-XIX centuries (on the example of Kozelsky district uyezd of Kaluga province: changes in status and number) | 37 |
Gavrilyuk N.P., Kuznetsov A.N. Traditional women’s suit as a reflection of social and age differentiation: regional aspect | 42 |
Aleksandrova I.N. The image of Russia in faces on the covers of TIME magazine: evolution of geopolitical perception and apperception | 50 |
Gagloeva B.B. Questionnaires of former red partisans as a source for socio-political history of the 1920s-1930s (based on materials from North and South Ossetia) | 59 |
Dandamaeva Z.E. To the question of ornamental traditions in the medieval art of Dagestan | 65 |
Abstracts | 75 |
Authors | 81 |
Shuplenkov O.V.
Shuplenkov N.O.
The role of the state in economic management at the present stage: solutions
In the article, the authors analyze the current state of the economy's transition from liberal to state capitalism. The article emphasizes the synergistic nature of events in various spheres of society. The mechanisms and conditions of the leading role of the state in the economy are highlighted.
Keywords: capitalism, institutions of state development, liberal values, private business, state policy.
Biryukov S.V.
Karpov D.S.
Fair Russia: evolution of the role and transformation of the party's image
The position of the Fair Russia Рarty in the political system of Russia, the evolution of its platform and position as one of the representatives of the socially-oriented agenda of the Russian society are important factors and indicators of the political process in the country, influencing the transformation of the Russian political system. The authors realized a study of the place and role of the Fair Russia in the political system of Russia, tracing the existing features of its positioning in different periods of its activity.
Keywords: Fair Russia, political system, elections, left-wing parties, systemic opposition.
Ternovaya L.O.
Traditions of education and the formation of a sense of responsibility of Cossack youth: towards the creation of the Union of Cossack youth of Russia
The article gives an excursion into the history of the youth movement, it is noted that the very birth of this form of political participation of representatives of the younger generation in the 19th century took place in the context of the awakening of all types of social activity, including ethno-national. After the First World War, the vector of such activity in Soviet Russia, and then the USSR, closed itself within the framework of the model of a single and unique youth union - the Komsomol. Already in the 1960s this format began to conflict with the need of young people for live, flexible and mobile forms of interaction, which became the mass movements. In post-Soviet Russia, this trend has become a distinctive feature of the domestic youth movement, including the movement of Cossack youth. However, the format of the organization also remained in demand, which is blasphemed by the creation in 2020 of the Union of Cossack Youth of Russia.
Keywords: history, traditions, education, socialization, patriotism, Cossacks, youth, organization.
Dikarev D.N.
Shtepa A.V.
The Cossack class in the regions of the Russian Empire during the XVIII-XIX centuries (on the example of Kozelsky district uyezd of Kaluga province: changes in status and number)
In the article, the authors, relying on archival documents and statistical sources, trace the change in the social status and number of the Cossack class in one of the provincial districts of the Russian province – Kozelsky. The authors conclude that the significant changes carried out by the state authorities in the XVIII and XIX centuries led to the fact that in Russia the regional urban Cossacks as a separate class practically disappeared, the fate of which was shared by the Cossacks who lived on the territory of the Kozelsky district of the Kaluga province.
Keywords: Kaluga region, Kozelsk district, city Cossacks, population, reform.
Gavrilyuk N.P.
Kuznetsov A.N.
Traditional women's suit as a reflection of social and age differentiation: regional aspect
The article is devoted to the analysis of the traditional female costume of the Kaluga province in the context of social and gender and age differentiation. The material obtained as a result of field research made it possible to identify, through a detailed analysis of the elements of traditional clothing, not only the special characteristics of clothing and the specifics of wearing it inherent to each age, but also transitional features denoting the borderline age periods of a peasant woman, with an emphasis on social and labor functions. The accumulated factual material also made it possible to identify distinctive features in traditional women's clothing in different settlements of the Kaluga province.
Keywords: social differentiation, age differentiation, field research, traditional clothing, Kaluga province, poneva, shirt, sundress, curtain, “kichka”, “magpie”.
Aleksandrova I.N.
The image of Russia in faces on the covers of TIME magazine: evolution of geopolitical perception and apperception
The article deals with the presentation of images of Russia (USSR) on the covers of the famous American magazine TIME, which since 1927 in its December issues has been publishing an image of the Man of the Year. A series of such images makes it possible to judge the picture of the world that is entrenched in the American mass consciousness. It also gives grounds to evaluate such editorial actions as one of the most effective tools for forming such a picture, which is distinguished by American-centricity. Since these images are associated not only with America, the analysis of the presentation of famous personalities from other countries, in particular the Soviet Union and Russia, makes it possible to single out both the plots of the Patriotic history of the XX and early XXI centuries that worried the Americans, and the attitude of the US establishment to the landmark events in Russia and the individuals directly involved in them.
Keywords: history of Russia, outstanding personalities, journalism, readership, picture of the world, visualization.
Gagloeva B.B.
Questionnaires of former red partisans as a source for socio-political history of the 1920s-1930s (based on materials from North and South Ossetia)
For the first time in regional historiography, the article raises issues of source analysis of a number of types of ego documents that have not been properly applied in research. The introduction into scientific circulation of such informative sources as questionnaires of former red partisans, materials of commissions that examined the personal files of former combatants, statements, complaints, and letters, allows us to reconstruct the picture of this category of Soviet citizens living in peaceful conditions of socio-economic and political life in Ossetia. This allows us to establish General patterns and specifics of regional processes. Ego documents are a reflection of the everyday life that researchers have not paid attention to for a long time, but which allows us to answer a number of questions that do not have answers in the previous methodological direction.
Understanding these events not only on the basis of the memories of their participants, but also on a large factual material, periodicals of those years, will allow you to detail the picture of the revolution, war and images of the heroes of those events, while expanding global ideas about wars and social changes. The joint work of a research team consisting of scientists from North and South Ossetia allows us to create a comprehensive picture of the common history of one, but tragically divided people of Ossetia.
A comprehensive analysis of the deposited material of various types and properties, often introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, made it possible to fill in the gaps existing in the regional historiography of Soviet history. A thorough analysis of the chosen problem was made possible by an interdisciplinary approach that incorporated not only historical methods, but also the method of content analysis, methods of social psychology, anthropology, Ethnology, political science, and so on. In addition, the author's method of biographical analysis was proposed, which expanded the possibilities of source work with questionnaires, memoirs,and other ego documents from the red partisans.
Keywords: partisans, civil war, social elevators, elite, strata.
Dandamaeva Z.E.
To the question of ornamental traditions in the medieval art of Dagestan
The article highlights some features of the ornamental art of Dagestan. The questions of genesis and mutual influence of ornamental motifs and plots in Dagestan medieval art are touched upon. Special attention is paid to the interaction with ancient Russian art and the characterization of plot-thematic parallels in the medieval art of Zirikhgeran (Kubachi) and Ancient Russia.
The analysis of the material allows us to conclude that Dagestan ornamental art developed in close cooperation with the art of neighboring countries and States, but at the same time, despite external influence, it is dominated by specific features and original features.
Keywords: artistic culture of Dagestan, ornamental art, ornamental motifs, cultural heritage, a synthesis of cultures.
Aleksandrova I.N., Associate Professor of the Department of History, Law and Social Disciplines. Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute.
Biryukov S.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Political Sciences and Technologies of the Siberian Institute of Management. The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Novosibirsk). Senior researcher of Center for Russian studies at East China Normal University (Shanghai, PRC). Professor of Department of Political Sciences of National Research Tomsk State University (Tomsk). Professor of Department of History of Kemerovo State Medical University (Kemerovo).
Dandamaeva Z.E., Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor of history and philosophy. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
Dikarev D.N., Graduate student of Tsiolkovsky Kaluga state University, master's program «Historical and regional studies».
Gagloeva B.B., Senior lecturer of the Department of General history of the Tibilov South Ossetian state University.
Gavrilyuk N.P., Candidate of historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of the Institute of History and Law, Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University.
Karpov D.S., Post-graduate Student of Department of Political Science and technologies, Siberian Institute of Management. The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Novosibirsk).
Kuznetsov A.N., 1st year student at the Institute of History and Law, Kaluga State University K.E. Tsiolkovsky master's program "Historical regional studies".
Shtepa A.V., Candidate of historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of history. Tsiolkovsky Kaluga state University.
Shuplenkov O.V., Associate Professor of the Department of history, law and social Sciences of the Stavropol state pedagogical Institute.
Shuplenkov N.O., Associate Professor of the Department of history, law and social Sciences of the Stavropol state pedagogical Institute.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).