Geopolitics and patriotic education | |
Shchuplenkov O.V., Shchuplenkov N.O. The North Caucasus in the system of Russian national identity | 9 |
Biryukov S.V. August 19, 2021: the end of the “post-Soviet history” or the continuation of the development process? | 20 |
History and society |
Ryabova E.I., Ternovaya L.O. Double digits and the meaning of such numbers in life, politics and economics | 29 |
Djalil M.A. Modern Bangladesh in the foreign policy of India and China | 40 |
Borodin M.P., Gubanova O.A. Historical stages of emergency service in Russia | 51 |
Kirillova A.I. Early soviet reforms implementation in traditional ethnic societies of Kamchatka in 1920-s – 1930-s (based on materials of bystrinski evens and commander aleuts) | 56 |
Sorokin A.N. Terek Cossacks and their social attitudes in the revolutionary events of 1917-1920 | 68 |
Trofimova N.N. Moving to an industrial business model of a circular economy | 75 |
Shpakovskaya M.A., Thai Mi Loan Vietnam-China cooperation in the field of international security | 80 |
Khubulova E.V. Socio-psychological problems of the population of small towns in the second half of the twentieth century | 89 |
Press release | |
All-Russian conference «Regional features of the preservation and development of Cossack culture» | 77 |
Abstracts | 103 |
Authors | 107 |
Shchuplenkov O.V.
Shchuplenkov N.O.
The North Caucasus in the system of Russian national identity
The article deals with the problem of preserving the Russian identity in the context of globalization. The North Caucasus is a geopolitical node of the clash of different cultures. To the extent that the understanding of the need for mutual intercultural exchange becomes more meaningful, the establishment of integration ties between the Russian and Caucasian civilizations will be more realistic, and the future of this region and Russia as a whole depends on this understanding. Overcoming such destructive phenomena as ethnic nationalism, chauvinism, separatism or religious fundamentalism can be achieved only through further accelerated modernization of local societies, while preserving their socio-cultural identity in harmony with the all-Russian civil consolidation.
Keywords: geopolitics, identity, culture, nation, North Caucasus, civilization.
Biryukov S.V.
August 19, 2021: the end of the “post-Soviet history” or the continuation of the development process?
The process of development of post-Soviet societies and states proceeding in the mode of «cyclical alternation of states of stability and crises» has not brought unambiguous political and socio-economic results, which provides researchers with a wide space for scientifically based assessments and interpretations. The majority of post-Soviet states are still far from achieving qualitative and institutionally conditioned stability. The author of the article attempts to analyze the intermediate results of the political and socio-economic transit of post-Soviet societies and countries since their independence at the end of 1991. As a result, he comes to the conclusion that, despite the large-scale changes that have taken place, the end of the «post-Soviet history» is still far enough away, and there is no fundamental alternative to the strategy of reflexive modernization.
Keywords: post-Soviet space, post-Soviet transit, development crises, development resources, reflexive modernization.
Ryabova E.I.
Ternovaya L.O.
Double digits and the meaning of such numbers in life, politics and economics
The complexity of the world that a person constructs around himself can be understood through the ability to read a wide variety of symbols, which act as formalized images of the most common manifestations of reality. An analysis of the coincidences of these manifestations in time or in meaning led scientists to the conclusion that there is such a connection between them, which they characterized as synchronicity. Its actions are easiest to look at, relying on the data obtained using numbers, which have the property of repetition and are reflected in the dates of many, both positive and negative, but always fateful events.
Keywords: number, digit, history, economics, culture, politics, synchronicity, numerology.
Djalil M.A.
Modern Bangladesh in the foreign policy of India and China
The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of Bangladesh in the foreign policy strategies of India and China in South Asia. The object of the study is to analyze Bangladesh as a modern economically rapidly growing state with a high population density, as well as the interests of China and India in Bangladesh as a strategically important object in the Indian Ocean. The subject of the research is the economic, political, cultural and historical aspects of the interaction of China and India with Bangladesh.
The relevance of the study implies the growing role of the developing world and the consideration of the topic in a regional context. The analytical and systematic approaches were used as a methodological basis, the application of which allowed the most reasoned and objective analysis of the problems of the article.
The author concludes that Bangladesh, as a state at the beginning of the development from the poorest state in the world to a rising economic power, seeks to follow a pragmatic course of non-alignment, which manifests itself in friendly relations with both China and India.
Keywords: Bangladesh, India, China, South Asia, Indian Ocean, strategy, Maritime Silk Road in the 21st century, Gujral Doctrine, BIMTEC, BBIN.
Borodin M.P.
Gubanova O.A.
Historical stages of emergency service in Russia
The article presents brief historical stages of military service in Russia, from the reign of Peter I to the present. The historical aspects of the creation of recruitment kits for the Russian regular army are considered. The article discusses in sufficient detail the categories of officers in the imperial army of Russia.
The stages that took place in the periods of military service in Soviet times are very fully considered. Changes in pension provision for categories of military personnel and categories equated to them are described.
Keywords: recruitment of soldiers, regular army, conscript service, military conscription, gradual transition, the law on conscription, military pension, pension indexation, pension provision.
Kirillova A.I.
Early soviet reforms implementation in traditional ethnic societies of Kamchatka in 1920-s – 1930-s (based on materials of bystrinski evens and commander aleuts)
Article covers the problem of early soviet reforms in 1920-s – 1930-s in Kamchatka and their implementation in so-called “closed ethnic societies”. Aleuts of Commoner Isles and Evens of Bystrinski district have always been rather isolated before Soviet period. The first reforms were critical for them and produced immense transformation.
Keywords: Bystrinski Evens, Commander Aleuts, Kamchatka, soviet reforms, soviet modernization, transformation of traditional societies.
Sorokin A.N.
Terek Cossacks and their social attitudes in the revolutionary events of 1917-1920
The article attempts to study the situation of the Terek Cossacks using new archival materials and modern historiography, which underwent serious socio-political metamorphoses in the conditions of the revolution and civil war. The Cossacks, which for a long time was considered in Russian historiography as a counter-revolutionary force, turned out to be far from a homogeneous mass. At the first stage of the civil war, the Cossacks did not express their moods in any way, taking a fairly calm position. This continued until the new government began to carry out reforms. Many of them hurt Cossack independence and farms. This could not but cause a backlash, which resulted in the creation of armed anti-Bolshevik detachments. The involvement of new material made it possible to consider the public mood of the Terek Cossacks, the reasons for its late entry into the socio-political confrontation. It was found that the reasons for the change of public sentiment in his environment lay in the political preferences of the authorities at different stages of the political struggle for dominance. The mechanism of the entry of some social groups into civil confrontation, accompanied by fratricidal war, was investigated. Even a superficial analysis allowed us to identify problems that need to be studied using modern methodological approaches and principles.
Keywords: Cossacks, the revolution, the mindset, the political preferences of the opposition.
Trofimova N.N.
Moving to an industrial business model of a circular economy
The article highlights the benefits of transitions to a new type of economy - the circular model. The article analyzes the possibilities offered by a fundamentally new, innovative economic model of a closed or waste-free cycle, which is the introduction of a lean production system into a modern industrial business model of the economy. The key opportunities for the transition to such an innovative model of economic development are considered. The main problems arising during the transition to a circular economy are described.
Keywords: circular economy, circular economy, enterprise, lean manufacturing, business model, industrial business model of the economy.
Shpakovskaya M.A.
Thai Mi Loan (Vietnam)
Vietnam-China cooperation in the field of international security
Analyzing the interaction of Vietnam and China in the field of security, first of all, it should be noted that the interaction of states in this area is carried out on the basis of the concepts and approaches of states, as well as the so-called. "Strategic vision" of the analyzed relations between the two states, which was set out in the first chapter of this work. Much attention is paid to the issues of cooperation between states in the field of security, both at the official political, party, and at the public, expert level, given that this issue, due to the geographical location of states and the presence of a common border between them, as well as due to the presence of access to the South -China Sea, directly affects issues of a military nature, countering transnational crime, international terrorism, extremism, illegal drug trafficking, illegal migration, illegal transportation of weapons and affects both trade, economic, political, investment.
Keywords: China, Vietnam, politics, sociology, relationships, interaction, economy, sphere, security.
Khubulova E.V.
Socio-psychological problems of the population of small towns in the second half of the twentieth century
The article attempts to study the phenomenon of urban mentality in modern historiography. The materials introduced into scientific circulation allow us to study the main stages of the formation of the mentality of citizens of small towns of North Ossetia in the second half of the twentieth century. The study of the issue showed that traditional and urban forms of dormitories, cultures and mentalities coexisted in small towns, which represented a peculiarity in the development of the urban environment.
Keywords: city, mentality, group consciousness, psychology of a citizen.
Biryukov S.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Anthropology and Intercultural Communications of the Siberian Institute of Management - RANEPA (Novosibirsk), Senior Researcher at the Center for the Study of Russia of the East China Pedagogical University (Shanghai, China), Professor of the Department of Political Science of TSU (Tomsk), Professor of the Department of History of KemSMU (Kemerovo).
Borodin M.P., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Retraining and Advanced Training of the St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
Djalil M.A., Post-graduate student of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Gubanova O.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Retraining and Advanced Training of the St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
Khubulova E.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the V.I. Abayev North Ossetian Institute for Humanities and Social Studies, a branch of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Kirillova A.I., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy, Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University.
Ryabova E.I., 2nd Class Lawyer, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of theoretical and public law courses, Institute of Economics and Law (affiliate) educational institutions of higher education unions «Academy of Labor and Social Relations» in Sevastopol.
Shpakovskaya M.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Shchuplenkov O.V., Associate Professor of the Department of history, law and social Sciences of the Stavropol state pedagogical Institute.
Shchuplenkov N.O., Associate Professor of the Department of history, law and social Sciences of the Stavropol state pedagogical Institute.
Sorokin A.N., Post-graduate student of the Department of Russian history of the North Ossetian state University.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Thai Mi Loan (Vietnam), Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Trofimova N.N., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.