Geopolitics and patriotic education | |
Shuplenkov O.V., Shuplenkov N.O. Formation of humanitarian knowledge in modern Russian higher education | 9 |
Beloglazova S.B. Reform of military schools of the Amur cossack army (late XIX – early XX centuries) | 20 |
Barov S.A., Egorova M.A., Huang Dengxue The evolution of US policy towards the PRC after the end of the Cold War | 30 |
Kalabekova S.V., Kolesnikova O.Y., Arutyunyan V.V. Cosmopolitism as a sociopolitical trend of globalization | 48 |
Rogina M.D. The Role and place of the Black Sea region in contemporary world politics | 55 |
Tatlioglu Erman Main directions of Turkey’s policy in the Eastern Mediterranean | 68 |
Shpakovskaya M.A., Rulina A.V. Some aspects of contemporary italian cultural diplomacy in the Balkan direction | 73 |
History of science and technology | |
Titov A.A. Unique technical solutions of Soviet engineers in the process of designing missile systems for operational-tactical and tactical purposes (1960s) | 80 |
Cultural history | |
Batchaeva A.M. The healthcare system in the mountainous districts of the Upper Kuban during the First World War and the Civil War (1914-1920) | 94 |
Nagornov M.I., Nikashina N.V. The concept “Nature” in Penelope Lively’s the house in Norham Gardens | 103 |
Nesmashniy M.S., Tonkonog I.S., Chibinev N.N. The history of the creation of a free firefighter society in the capital | 113 |
Abstracts | 122 |
Authors | 127 |
Shuplenkov O.V.
Shuplenkov N.O.
Formation of humanitarian knowledge in modern Russian higher education
The subject of this article is the substantiation of the institution-forming role of humanitarian knowledge and practical implementation through extracurricular activities of the university education system. Improving the technological base of the higher education system in the Russian Federation, new personal and communicative competencies come to the fore, which can be implemented through the formation and justification of the need to implement humanitarian education. In the modern conditions of the restoration of Russian humanitarian knowledge, it is necessary to highlight the historical and philosophical significance of the implementation of humanitarization in modern Russian higher education.
Keywords: education, humanitarization, information, integration, personality, Russia, technological Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Beloglazova S.B.
Reform of military schools of the Amur cossack army (late XIX – early XX centuries)
The article is devoted to an aspect of the history of education that has not been studied in Russian historiography – school reform in the Cossack troops of the Russian Empire in the late XIX – early XX centuries. The reform of Cossack schools was an integral part of the modernization processes in the national education system that took place in the conditions of the rise of the public pedagogical movement for the introduction of universal primary education in Russia. The appeal to the historical experience of reforming the education system is determined by the active rethinking of the results of the school reform carried out in modern Russia that is taking place in our society. The urgency of the problem posed is also due to its lack of study in Russian historiography, including in the regional context. The article was prepared in order to fill the information vacuum in regional historiography on this issue. The objectives of the research are focused on the analysis of the main problems of the reform, showing the specifics of its implementation, the introduction of new materials into scientific circulation. The territorial scope of the study covers the districts of the Amur Cossack Army. Based on the analysis of published and unpublished sources, a comprehensive study and generalization of the history of the regional vector of reform was carried out. On the example of primary schools of the Amur Cossack army, the dynamics of the school network, personnel potential and the number of students in Cossack schools, the state of their material base are studied. The "bottlenecks" of the reform that have manifested themselves in the process of its implementation are shown. The decisive role of the solidarity actions of Cossack societies, the military board and the teaching community in the implementation of the reform was emphasized, despite disagreements with the central departments that called its further implementation into question. The conclusion is made about the incomplete nature of the reform within the framework of the legislation that existed at that time and due to the lack of material and financial resources within the army necessary to carry out a full-fledged modernization of the departmental education system on their own.
Keywords: education, reform, modernization, Cossack schools, Amur Cossack army.
Barov S.A.
Egorova M.A.
Huang Dengxue
The evolution of US policy towards the PRC after the end of the Cold War
The article is devoted to the topical problem of US-China relations in the past 30 years and its change after the election of the member of the liberal political elite J. Biden as US president. After the end of the Cold War and up to the presidency of D. Trump, the policy of “soft power” prevailed in American foreign policy towards the PRC, and the US-China relations were a complex combination of competition and cooperation. However, after D. Trump came to power, the idea of restoring the all-encompassing influence of the United States became dominant in American foreign policy, and the “force factor” was the main guiding principle of American diplomacy, China ceased to be a “partner” for the United States, but became a “main competitor” and even an “enemy”. At the present stage, US-China relations are in the worst state since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in the late 1970s. The authors of the article suggest that the new US President J. Biden will continue D. Trump's political line on isolating China, but at the same time he will act taking into account the interests of large countries that secretly belong to the “pro-American bloc”, strategic competition and ideological hostility will become the “leitmotif” of the future US-China relations.
Keywords: USA, China, US-China relations, foreign policy, strategic competition.
Kalabekova S.V.
Kolesnikova O.Y.
Arutyunyan V.V.
Cosmopolitism as a sociopolitical trend of globalization
Оbject of consideration of present article is the cosmopolitism phenomenon. The attention to debatable character of a problem of cosmopolitism is paid, the urgency of studying of the given phenomenon is underlined, character of the consequences caused by a policy and practice of cosmopolitism is investigated. The inconsistent interrelation and interconditionality of global and local trends is shown. Influence of cosmopolitan outlook as is global-universal form of consciousness on individual and collective life is considered. Risks of сosmopolitisation process for development ethnic общностей reveal.
Keywords: сosmopolitism, сosmopolitisation, globalisation, universality, locality, identity, originality, tradition, multiculturalism, hybridity.
Rogina M.D.
The Role and place of the Black Sea region in contemporary world politics
A difficult diplomatic and military situation has developed in the Black Sea region, since this zone is located at the intersection with Europe, Eurasia and the Middle East. Since the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union and NATO, Western powers have had a formal right to participate in the region’s internal affairs. The article considers the role and place of the Black Sea region in today’s geopolitical map of the world. The methodological basis of the article is the study of Russian and Western materials, in particular dossiers of the European Parliament, the United Nations, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and publications of leading mass media. The article is aimed at studying of the causes and methods of the struggle for leadership in the Black Sea region of Western state. In pursuit of the goal of considering the designated topic in detail, it was necessary to study the strategic positions of Western states in relation to the Black Sea region in the context of tense relations between Russia and Ukraine, the main ways of implementing US foreign policy in the Black Sea through NATO, as well as the role of the military alliance in the course of implementing provocative actions of Ukraine directed against Russia.
Keywords: Black Sea region, security, military presence, Russia, EU, NATO, USA.
Tatlioglu Erman
Main directions of Turkey's policy in the Eastern Mediterranean
This article examines the key priorities of Turkey’s foreign policy in the Eastern Mediterranean. In particular, the author examines in detail the relationship between Turkey, on the one hand, and Greece and the Republic of Cyprus, on the other hand, in the context of the territorial and legal status of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The author also considers the interaction between Turkey and Libya in the delimitation of the continental shelf and the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The conclusions are made about the prospects of development and the main tools of achieving the foreign policy goals of the Republic of Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean region.
Keywords: Mediterranean, Turkey, Greece, Republic of Cyprus, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, foreign policy, continental shelf, energy resources.
Shpakovskaya M.A.
Rulina A.V.
Some aspects of contemporary Italian cultural diplomacy in the Balkan direction
The article analyzes the cultural policy of Italy, which is one of the main tools of "soft power" of the country along with the Italian language, education and scientific activities. Italy's cultural diplomacy is one of the effective political tools of modern Italy in the formation of the country's national image.
This activity is carried out and coordinated by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Council for the development of the national system "Sistema Paese", the Italian National Council for the dissemination of culture abroad, the Italian National Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE), the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism of Italy, various non-profit organizations and other institutions of the country.
An important step in this direction was the new concept "Sistema Italia", which emerged in 2011 as a result of the reform of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the essence of which is the transition from the traditional system of interaction between the foreign service departments of the country on the territorial basis to cooperation based on thematic areas - cultural economic, scientific, technological, industrial and others. The main efforts in this area are aimed at such areas as: internationalization of Italian companies; development of cooperation with developing countries in various fields, dissemination of the Italian language as well as Italian culture in different countries.
Keywords: Italy, soft power, cultural diplomacy, national image.
Titov A.A.
Unique technical solutions of Soviet engineers in the process of designing missile systems for operational-tactical and tactical purposes (1960s)
The article reveals the issues of designing and adopting for service the 8K14 guided ballistic missile and the 9M21 “Luna - M ” unguided ballistic missile (1960s), developed by the General Rocket and Artillery Directorate for the Ground Forces. It is based on unique archives of the Central Archive of the Department of Defense of the Russian Federation and personal sources, the authors of which were participants of the events.
The article shows main reasons for research and development of new types of missile systems in the USSR.
The author analyzes design features distinguishing these new liquid-propellant guided ballistic missiles and solid-propellant unguided ballistic missiles from previous models.
This analysis reveals unique technical solutions in the field of rocket science, implemented by Soviet scientists, designers and engineers who were developing advanced missile systems.
The author gives qualification assessment of these solutions.
The research, for the first time, shows domestic scientific, research-and-production and industrial enterprises designing these missile systems within the monitoring period, as well as the information about their heads and chief designers.
Keywords: history of missile development, liquid-propellant rocket engine, solid-propellant rocket engine, development and design office, guided and unguided ballistic missiles of the Ground Forces.
Batchaeva A.M.
The healthcare system in the mountainous districts of the Upper Kuban during the First World War and the Civil War (1914-1920)
The events of recent years (2020-2022), as you know, have shown that, despite all the achievements of medicine, humanity in the XXI century is not always able to adequately and timely respond to new epidemiological threats.
And in this regard, the appeal to historical experience, the study of the main problems faced by the authorities and the health care system more than a century ago, in emergency conditions, seems relevant and timely.
The purpose of the preparation of the presented article was to analyze the problems of preserving the health of the mountain population of modern Karachay-Cherkessia (geographical area of the Upper Kuban) during the First World War and the Civil War (1914-1920). In the article, based on the basic principles of research work (the principle of historicism and scientific objectivity), the author traces the main stages of the functioning of the regional health system in wartime conditions. An idea is given about the leading areas of activity in this area of the authorities of the imperial, Soviet and White Guard regimes. In the process of work, an integrated approach was applied to the study of documents and materials, literature on a given topic. Using the methods of comparative-historical and problem-chronological analysis, the author attempts to identify the causes of the growth of crisis phenomena in the industry, their results and consequences.
It is noted that the personnel shortage, acute shortage of medicines, lack of proper support from the authorities - all this caused a massive increase in morbidity, especially infectious diseases. Having assumed an epidemic character, they claimed the lives of thousands of mountaineers, causing irreparable damage to their demographic potential, and, in many ways, causing economic decline. The paper emphasizes that the problems of protecting the health of the mountain population were not resolved during the entire period, which led to an increase in protest moods.
Keywords: Karachai and Cherkessia, Upper Kuban, healthcare, urban population, World War I, civil war, medicine, epidemics.
Nagornov M.I.
Nikashina N.V.
The concept "Nature" in Penelope Lively’s the house in Norham Gardens
The article reflects the results of the study, the purpose of which was to study and describe the concept "Nature" and its structure in Penelope Lively's novel The House in Norham Gardens. L. G. Babenko’s algorithm was taken as a basis. This algorithm made it possible to analyze the specific concept "Nature" in a literary text, forming its certain components - conceptual features and semantic plans. The conclusion is made about the artistic and educational function of this concept.
Keywords: concept "Nature", presupposition, concept periphery, expressive means, concept core.
Nesmashniy M.S.
Tonkonog I.S.
Chibinev N.N.
The history of the creation of a free firefighter society in the capital
The history of the formation of a free firefighter society in the capital of the Don Army has been recreated, for those who stood at the origins of the volunteer firefighter society in the Cossack capital.
Keywords: Russian Empire, Ministry of Internal Affairs, newspaper "Priazovsky region", free firefighting society, membership fees, Cossacks, fire brigade, fire train, firemaster, ARVFO.
Arutyunyan V.V., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy Humanitarian Institute Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «North Caucasus Federal University».
Barov S.A., Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Batchaeva A.M., Postgraduate Student of the Department of History of Russia, Karachay-Cherkess State University named after U.D. Aliyev.
Beloglazova S.B., Senior researcher, Candidate of Historical Science, Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of Peoples of the Far East, FEB RAS (Vladivostok).
Chibinev N.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and industrial safety, South Russian state Polytechnic University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute) named after M.I. Platov.
Egorova M.A., Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN).
Huang Dengxue, Shandong University.
Kalabekova S.V., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of the North Caucasus State Academy (SKGA).
Kolesnikova O.Y., Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Branch in Pyatigorsk.
Nagornov M.I., Master of Economics, Russian Foreign Trade Academy.
Nesmashniy M.S., Student, South Russian state Polytechnic University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute) named after M.I. Platov.
Nikashina N.V., Candidate of philological sciences (PhD in Philology), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages in Theory and Practice, the Institute of Foreign Languages, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Rogina M.D., Graduate student of the faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Rulina A.V., Undergraduate student of the Department of Theory of the History of International Relations. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Shpakovskaya M.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Shuplenkov O.V., Associate Professor of the Department of history, law and social Sciences of the Stavropol state pedagogical Institute.
Shuplenkov N.O., Associate Professor of the Department of history, law and social Sciences of the Stavropol state pedagogical Institute.
Tatlioglu Erman, PhD student, Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Titov A.A., Deputy Head of the Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy.
Tonkonog I.S., Candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and industrial safety, South Russian state Polytechnic University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute) named after M.I. Platov.