Geopolitics and patriotic education | |
Ushmaeva K.A., Goncharov A.S. Kuban region Cossacks historical representations about Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 (based on archival materials of the SAKT) | 9 |
Barov S.A. Theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of regional integration | 14 |
History of science and technology | |
Borodin M.P. The main aspects of firefighting of the imperial metropolitan professional fire brigade | 20 |
Borodin M.P. Historical prerequisites for the creation and development of firefighting tactics | 27 |
Historically sciences | |
Kurkov V.V. The Indian campaign of the Don Cossacks: the failed catastrophe of 1801 | 34 |
Ryabova E.L., Ternovaya L.O. Chumaks and Cossacks: the experience of a comparative study | 42 |
Kubanova A.K. Psychology of youth and formation of self-consciousness | 51 |
Abera C.G. British war against Ethiopia 1867-68 | 55 |
Yakunin V.N. Interaction of the samara diocese with the Cossacks in 1993-2019 | 63 |
Management | |
Trofimova N.N. A study of the problems of modern business that organizations face in an effort to gain competitive advantages | 73 |
Trofimova N.N. The importance of the knowledge economy for economic growth in modern conditions | 81 |
Abstracts | 94 |
Authors | 99 |
Kurkov V.V.
The Indian campaign of the Don Cossacks: the failed catastrophe of 1801
The article discusses various aspects of the military training of the Indian campaign of the Don Cossacks, led by the military ataman, General V.P. Orlov, which was unexpectedly launched in 1801 by order of Emperor Paul I. The main attention of the author is drawn to the study of a set of fatal miscalculations made in the course of planning and organizing this campaign, which could lead to the death of the Cossack corps, if this expedition did not stop the palace coup and accession of Alexander I. The article analyzes such problems in the preparation of the Indian campaign as the natural-geographical factor, the vastness of the distances, the hostility and militancy of the population of those countries through which the route of the campaign ran, the lack of forces and means, and even the necessary information, the inconsistency of the strategic goals declared by Paul I.
Keywords: Don Cossacks, Napoleon Bonaparte, Paul I, military ataman V.P. Orlov, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Indian campaign, Great Game.
Ryabova E.L.
Ternovaya L.O.
Chumaks and Cossacks: the experience of a comparative study
Particular interest in the history of the Chumaks, as in that socio-professional group that largely determined not only the socio-economic, but also the poetic face of the Azov region and the Northern Black Sea region, is dictated by the dramatic events caused by the national policy of the Bolsheviks, as well as the subsequent development of these territories within Ukraine. To understand the essence of the ethno-cultural history of these places, one should turn to the facts of the previous period, when their life was determined not by the political and ideological conjuncture, but by the socio-economic needs of the population. It was to them that the Chumaks sought to answer.
Keywords: history, socio-economic face of the region, development of trade, road network, social community, Chumaks, Cossacks.
Kubanova A.K.
Psychology of youth and formation of self-consciousness
The stage of formation of self-awareness and one's own worldview, life position, making responsible decisions that determine the choice of a profession and one's place in life, determining its meaning occurs in adolescence, which is characterized by personal-age introversion, increased attention to one's inner personal-individual world. The connection between the emergence and formation of self-consciousness with entry into human culture, communication and activities of people serves as a starting point for the development of specific ideas about self-consciousness, when a person of adolescence becomes a full-fledged representative of the human community, mastering values, norms, standards and ways of acting, communicating, evaluating and self-assessment.
Keywords: adolescence, self-awareness, personality, own worldview, needs, interests.
Abera C.G.
British war against Ethiopia 1867-68
Emperor Tewodros of Ethiopia (reigned 1855-1868) was a ruler who wanted to modernize his state with the help of the Western powers. Tewodros sought to gain access to European military and technical assistance to counter Egyptian and Ottoman threats from Ethiopia's northern borders and to unify and strengthen his young empire. He wanted Western countries to treat him as an equal. However, he did not achieve his goals, coming into conflict with Queen Victoria and defeat in the end, Tewodros lost the battle for his image and his life. The reasons for his defeat and fall were, among other things, his personal qualities and his lack of understanding of British diplomatic and colonial traditions.
Keywords: Makdela, invasion, British, Tewodros, Zamana Masafent, modernization, diplomacy, relations.
Yakunin V.N.
Interaction of the Samara diocese with the Cossacks in 1993-2019
The synodal department of the Moscow Patriarchate for interaction with the Cossacks was created in 2010. Since that time, similar departments have been instructed to create in all dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church. In the Samara diocese, systematic work with the Cossacks began in 1996, and it continues to this day. The article analyzes the directions of this work and its main results in 1993-2019. The interaction of the Samara diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church with the Cossacks in the spiritual and moral education of the Cossacks, including Cossack youth, is considered, which manifested itself in the purposeful activity of creating Cossack cadet corps, schools and Cossack cadet classes, in the participation of Cossacks in church and parish life, in the participation of the clergy in Cossack activities.
Keywords: Cossacks, Volga Military Cossack Society, Samara District Cossack Society, Samara Diocese, Diocesan Department for Cooperation with the Cossacks, Samara Cossack Cadet Corps.
Trofimova N.N.
A study of the problems of modern business that organizations face in an effort to gain competitive advantages
Any organization strives for long-term development and expansion, which is impossible without creating and maintaining competitive advantages. At the same time, organizations that want to be competitive must follow modern business methods. Competitive advantage is gained by those companies that are ready for radical changes and that apply methods and concepts of continuous improvement. A sustainable competitive advantage is achieved by organizations that are able to improve their performance compared to competitors by applying innovative methods, developing new, in-demand products and offering services in order to create a strong brand and a positive image using targeted advertising.
Keywords: management, modern management, business, competitive advantage.
Trofimova N.N.
The importance of the knowledge economy for economic growth in modern conditions
At the moment, the knowledge economy is the highest stage of development of the post-industrial economy. It is characterized by a high share in the GDP of the service sector, significant expenditures in education and research, as well as the development of human capital and the educational sphere. As a result, the main role in the development of the economy is shifting towards the human factor, not technology, since it is he who creates new knowledge that allows innovation in production. The transition to this type of economy means that the country has a high level of development and focuses on improving the quality of human capital, living standards, knowledge production, the introduction of high technologies, innovations and the provision of high-quality services.
Keywords: knowledge economy, economic growth, human capital, industrialization, innovative economy.
Abera C.G., Graduate student of Institute of History and International Relations, Southern Federal University.
Barov S.A., Associate Professor, Candidate of Political Sciences, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication, Faculty of International Economic Relations.
Borodin M.P., Candidate of Historical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department of Retraining and Advanced Training of Specialists. St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
Goncharov A.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor of the Department of Administrative law and administrative activities, Stavropol branch of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Kubanova A.K., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines. North Caucasian State Academy.
Kurkov V.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Kaluga State University.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Trofimova N.N., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Editor-in-Chief. International Publishing Center "Ethnosocium".
Ushmaeva K.A., Postgraduate student, employee of the Research department of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute».
Yakunin V.N., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines of the Moscow Art and Industrial Institute (Moscow Institute of Art and Industry).