
Vrajnova M.N., Ternovaya L.O. Features of studying the basics of personnel security at the university 11
Napso M.D. Specificity of educational processes in a society of consumerism 19
Junhong Yang, Xiaoling Zhang On the Integrating management of International and Domestic Students in Chinese Universities 25
Topical  issues  of  historical  sciences
Muravlev P.S. Perception of the December Uprising of 1825 by the Russian nobility in the second quarter of the 19th century 37
Kimlaeva T.S., Nikitin A.Y., Nikitina N.N. The process of formation of the national museum fund items from former noble estates Kaluga, Tula and Moscow provinces in 1917 – 1922 43
Klimashin A.L. National-religious movement in Central Asia in the coverage of Russian journalism of the late nineteenth - early twentieth centuries 50
Vlasov A.E. Financial aspects of the functioning of the Kaluga detective Department in 1911-1913 61
Moiseeva T.A. Organization of military-sports training of the population in the interwar period (based on the materials of the Middle Volga region, 1921) 70
Olefir E.A. Charitable activities of the orthodox brotherhood of stanitsa Staronizhesteblievskaya 75
Khvastov A.N. Training of anti-fascist staff among German prisoners of war in Soviet camps 86
History  of  the  geopolitics,  international  relations  and  world history
Danilov A.V. The Greek direction of the US foreign policy after the end of the Greek Civil War (1952–1967) 92
Melkonyan L.A., Ponka T.I. United Nations organization in Japan’s foreign policy 101
Gatin M.I. Mariel boatlift and its impact on the domestic political situation in the USA 108
Shaheti Ayibota Mechanisms of influence of the People’s Republic of China in the Balkans 114
Martin B.M. Implementation and restoration of sustainable urban green spaces and parks: an analysis of strategies and case studies of urban green spaces in developing countries 120
Ezhov I.M. History of the creation of UNESCO 125
Zapata Ruis T.A. The peculiarities of the spanish language in Nicaragua 132
Li Jinyang Russian-Chinese consensus on cooperation with African countries in the 21st century 137
Muhammad Nahro Ismael Muhammad USA influence on Russian-Iraqi relations 144
Mikhaylov S.A. New World Order-2025 and the RF’ role in its formation 163
Abstracts 183
Authors 196




Vrajnova M.N.
Ternovaya L.O.

Features of studying the basics of personnel security at the university

The article discusses the arguments that determine the importance of including in the training programs of future specialists in personnel management and human resource management discipline related to personnel security issues. It is shown that the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students during the study of this discipline are necessary for a wide range of professionals, but even more importantly, they will help to master new professional areas, the outlines of which are only being outlined so far.
Keywords: higher education, personnel management, human resource management, personnel security, competencies.


Napso M.D.

Specificity of educational processes in a society of consumerism

In article specific features of functioning of an education system in a consumer society are analyzed. It is shown, how the ideology and experts consumerism transform educational process. The phenomenon of educational service is investigated, its demand is shown by realities of market relations and consumer society requirements, conditions of occurrence of consumer tendencies in formation are considered.
Keywords: consumer society, еducation, еducational trend, consumerism, еducational paradigm, business education, consumer marketing.


Junhong Yang
Xiaoling Zhang

On the Integrating management of International and Domestic Students in Chinese Universities

This paper discusses the background of the implementation of the domestic and international students integration management mode in Chinese universities and analyzes the obstacles from the perspective of teaching management practice. Due to the lack of corresponding academic support systems, international students with academic problems cannot get timely and effective help. The researchers suggest that we should reform the structure of Chinese language curriculum for international students who pursue their degrees in Chinese universities, and build an effective academic support system to implement "whole-process" academic support for international students in Chinese universities. At the same time, we should initiate more projects to encourage Chinese and international students work together to promote the "two-way integration" of domestic and international students.
Keywords: Integration Management Model, International Students, Academic Chinese Learning.


Muravlev P.S.

Perception of the December Uprising of 1825 by the Russian nobility in the second quarter of the 19th century

The article analyzes the perception of the Decembrists and their uprising by different layers of the Russian nobility. The nobility showed an ambivalent attitude towards the Decembrists - on the one hand, the uprising was perceived as an act of atrocity, but on the other hand, this act aroused pity for the rebels, since they were still members of the noble corporation. Of particular interest to the provincial nobility, for which the example of the Decembrists was inspiring.
Keywords: Russian nobility, provincial nobility, Decembrists, Decembrist uprising, secret societies, history of mentalities, ethics of the nobility.


Kimlaeva T.S.
Nikitin A.Y.
Nikitina N.N.

The process of formation of the national museum fund items from former noble estates Kaluga, Tula and Moscow provinces in 1917 – 1922

Modern Russian museums play an important role in preserving the country's cultural heritage. In the 20th century, museum collections were significantly replenished with items from the collections of noble estates after the revolutionary events of 1917. In this regard, it is an urgent task for researchers to study the transformations that took place with the estate collections in this period.
A large number of items from the manor collections were deposited in existing and newly created museums.
The article discusses the process of replenishing museum collections with items from the collections of Russian noble estates located on the territory of the Kaluga, Moscow and Tula provinces.
The study of the events that took place on the material of individual estates makes it possible to identify the regional features of the process under study.
Keywords: noble culture, estate collections, historical memory, museum funds, museum object, Kaluga province, Tula province, Moscow province.


Klimashin A.L.

National-religious movement in Central Asia in the coverage of Russian journalism of the late nineteenth - early twentieth centuries

The article examines the attitude of Russian public opinion, reflected in a number of periodicals, to the national-religious uprisings in Turkestan, which often took on an anti-government and anti-Russian character. The views of publicists representing various ideological currents of Russian society on the Muslim movement in Central Asia are identified, systematized and analyzed.
Particular attention is paid to their perception and assessment of the reaction of the imperial authorities to the protest actions of the local population. It is emphasized that in the press the concept of "Muslim" was most often used to refer to religious movements in Russian Turkestan.
The analysis carried out makes it possible to establish the views of publicists on the relationship between the center and the annexed Central Asian territories, their understanding of the national question and the characteristics of the protest movements in Turkestan, the causes and nature of the uprisings in the region.
At the same time, differences in approaches serve as one of the criteria for determining the essence and characteristics of the ideological and political directions of the country.
The conservative camp of social and political thought in Russia was represented by the magazines "Military Collection", "Issues of Colonization", "Historical Bulletin", "Russian Review", "Turkestan Diocesan Vedomosti". The journals Vestnik Evropy and Russkaya Mysl were the spokesmen for liberal thought. The Niva magazine was a weekly newspaper that did not have a clear ideological coloring and was oriented towards the democratic strata of society.
Keywords: periodicals, journalism, pan-Islamism, pan-Turkism, Vestnik Evropy, Russian Thought, Historical Bulletin, Niva, Central Asia, liberalism, conservatism.


Vlasov A.E.

Financial aspects of the functioning of the Kaluga detective Department in 1911-1913

Expenses on official matters of the Kaluga detective department were kept in the account book of the head of the Kaluga detective department, V.V. Danishevsky, and were distributed into 4 categories: 1) payment for the services of agents; 2) expenses for registration cards of criminals; 3) operational expenses; 4) expenses for auxiliary needs. The author calculated how much money was spent for each category of expenses. The article summarizes the extent to which the funds spent contributed to the disclosure of the crimes committed.
Keywords: Kaluga detective department, police supervisor, city detective department, expenses.


Moiseeva T.A.

Organization of military-sports training of the population in the interwar period (based on the materials of the Middle Volga region, 1921)

The article discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of the system of pre-conscription training of Soviet citizens for military service in the interwar period. The main attention is paid to the peculiarities of the organization of mass sports work with the population on the example of the Simbirsk province. In the conditions of general devastation, food shortages, and the incompleteness of the war in the Far East, the Soviet government laid the foundation for the construction of a network of mass defense organizations, which further contributed to solving the following tasks: increasing the level of physical and ideological readiness of citizens to stand up for the Fatherland. This experience has an enduring historical significance in the creation of a strategic mobilization reserve to strengthen the country's defense capability.
Keywords: sports-centers, General education, certification of the population, pre-conscripts.


Olefir E.A.

Charitable activities of the orthodox brotherhood of stanitsa Staronizhesteblievskaya

This article discusses aspects of the charitable activities of the Orthodox Brotherhood of Stanitsa Staronizhesteblievskaya. The purpose of the work is to characterize the scale of the ascetic activity of the Orthodox Brotherhood from the designated settlement of Temryuk district of the Kuban region based on the analysis of surviving documents and research materials. Based on the data obtained, the author reveals the nature of the assistance from the members of the Brotherhood to the Orthodox world, it is proved that their charitable activities go far beyond the Kuban.
Keywords: Orthodox brotherhood, village of Staronizhesteblievskaya, Orthodox Church, charitable activity, icon.


Khvastov A.N.

Training of anti-fascist staff among German prisoners of war in Soviet camps

This article examines a unique aspect of the military history of the Second World War. The author examines the methods and processes used by the Soviet authorities to transform German prisoners of war into anti-fascist cadres. The article is based on the analysis of archival documents and testimonies of former prisoners of war, which provide a unique understanding of this process. The author explores the programs and activities carried out in Soviet camps for the reorientation of German prisoners of war from Nazi ideology to anti-Fascist beliefs. The article analyzes the methods of propaganda, education and upbringing used by Soviet instructors to form new political views among German prisoners of war. Special attention is paid to the influence of national history, literature and art on changing the political beliefs of German prisoners of war. The article also examines the role of the Soviet authorities in creating conditions for the successful rehabilitation of German prisoners of war and their subsequent mobilization in the anti-Fascist struggle. She stresses the importance of cooperation between German prisoners of war and Soviet communist activists in achieving this goal.
Keywords: agitation, anti-fascist movement, World War II, the Great Patriotic War, prisoners of war, educational work, nazism, propaganda, fascism.


Danilov A.V.

The Greek direction of the US foreign policy after the end of the Greek Civil War (1952–1967)

In the article, the author covers the period of the expansion of the influence of the United States of America in Greece after the victory of pro-Western forces in the civil war thanks to the US support.
According to the author the political course of the United States after the end of the Second World War was aimed at active involvement in inter-bloc confrontation and the establishment of the capitalist order in various regions and countries. The Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean were key regions for the post-war expansion of the US influence. This is confirmed by the active participation of the United States in supporting the capitalist forces in Greece in the civil war of 1946-1949 years which finalized with the signing of the American-Greek agreement on the military bases establishment in Greece, as well as the inclusion of Greece and Turkey in the NATO bloc in 1952. The main reasons for including Greece in the American zone of influence were the control over the straits of Bosporus and Dardanelles, the aquatories of the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, as well as the possibility of strengthening US control in the regions of the Middle East and the Balkans.
The key interest for the United States was in the military-political presence in Greece. To this end, the most important task after the end of the civil war was the assertion of American influence in the country, the maintenance of a military presence in Greece, as well as the establishment of a capitalist pro-Western regime in order to keep the country in the orbit of American influence.
Keywords: USA, Greece, foreign policy, Greek direction of US foreign policy, international relations.


Melkonyan L.A.
Ponka T.I.

United Nations organization in Japan's foreign policy

In the post-war period, Japan paid special attention to enhancing its international role by expanding the areas of foreign policy activity. In this context, the study of the role and place of the United Nations in Japan's foreign policy is of particular importance. Japan recognizes the importance of political, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties formed within the framework of the UN and its specialized agencies involved in solving a number of global problems (international cooperation in the field of development, security, protection of human rights, etc.). The article considers the main directions of Japan's activities within the framework of the UN and the place of the Organization in the country's foreign policy.
Keywords: Japan, UN, foreign policy.


Gatin M.I.

Mariel boatlift and its impact on the domestic political situation in the USA

The article is dedicated to circumstances and chronological order of so called Mariel boatlift which led to unprecedented numbers of Cuban emigrants coming into the United States which in its turn had a substantial impact on domestic political processes in the USA. Within the framework of this article the author analyzed the following key aspects of the respective historical event: the US immigration policy towards Cubans in the period preceding 1980; actions of the Cuban government aimed at deporting «antisocial elements» from the country; federal and regional elections of 1980 in the USA; actions taken by the Carter administration in order to accept and resettle Cuban refugees in the USA. Special attention is paid to the impact of the 1980 events on the Ronald Reagan administration’s policy towards Cuba.
Keywords: Mariel, Cuba, USA, Jimmy Carter, Fidel Castro, Ronald Reagan, emigration, Cuban American National Foundation.


Shaheti Ayibota

Mechanisms of influence of the People’s Republic of China in the Balkans

The study of this article focuses on the influence of the People’s Republic of China on the Balkan States. The study focuses on the mechanisms used by the People’s Republic of China to influence the Balkan States. This study is based on the theory of political realism, which implies the constant rivalry of states, the main actors in the international arena, among themselves, with the aim of protecting their national interests. In the context of political realism, the state of peace between States is regarded as a temporary phenomenon, replaced by hostilities.
The main conclusions of the study are the establishment of the economic and political influence of the People’s Republic of China on the states of the Balkan peninsula as a mechanism of pressure on the states of the region.
Keywords: China, Russia, the Balkans, Belt and Road, NATO, Taiwan, Kosovo, Serbia, WP, Economy.


Martin B.M.

Implementation and restoration of sustainable urban green spaces and parks: an analysis of strategies and case studies of urban green spaces in developing countries

Urban green spaces are a vital component of modern cities around the world. They serve as an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. They provide recreational opportunities, and offer ecological benefits. However, green spaces are often scarce in developing countries, where urbanization and economic growth have led to the rapid expansion of cities without much planning. In this article, I will explore the importance of urban green spaces in developing countries and examine some examples of successful green initiatives to create and preserve these spaces.
Keywords: Sustainability, environmentalism, green technology, metropolitan, Urban, UGS (Urban Green spaces), sustainable development.


Ezhov I.M.

History of the creation of UNESCO

The article discusses the main stages in the formation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Charter of which was adopted a few months after the end of hostilities of the Second World War during the London Conference on November 1-16, 1945. The influence of some reasons for creation of the organization of the Joint Conference of Ministers of Education (CMOS) was found out. Attention is paid to the diplomatic struggle between the “American” and “French” projects in discussions about the future status of the organization.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the key stages in the history of the creation of UNESCO in the context of the diplomacy of the countries participating in numerous conferences that preceded the formation of the organization. The methodological basis of the study includes a set of general and special research methods. The system method made it possible to consider the alignment of forces in the international arena before and during World War II as a multi-level system, which led to an understanding of the need to look for the cause of wars and security threats in non-material aspects. The statistical method formed the basis of an objective study and made it possible to consider the degree of interest of the actors in the creation of a new organization and their future influence within UNESCO.
The results of the study demonstrate the success of the diplomacy of member countries of the London Conference, which stressed on the place of science in international cooperation and determining the relationship of the new organization to the UN system in discussions about the future status of UNESCO. As a result, such cooperation made reasons to create a structure whose goal for almost eight decades continues to be the preservation of peace through the dissemination of cultural, scientific and educational links between countries.
Keywords: UNESCO, Joint Conference of Ministers of Education, science, education, cooperation, London Conference.


Zapata Ruis T.A.

The peculiarities of the spanish language in Nicaragua

The article discusses some features of the Nicaraguan national variant of the Spanish languages. In this context the author examine the historical background of the formation of the national languages of Nicaragua, the influence of native American languages on Spanish and provide specific examples of the Nicaraguan languages differences from other variants of Spanish.
Keywords: Latin America, Central America, national variant of languages, Nicaraguan Spanish.


Li Jinyang

Russian-Chinese consensus on cooperation with African countries in the 21st century

This article examines the issue of China-Russia cooperation on the African continent in the twenty-first century. The aim of the study is to identify the importance of the African continent in the diplomatic strategies of China and Russia in the context of the growing importance of Africa in the global political and economic system in the 21st century, as well as the possible directions of future Sino-Russian cooperation with African states. The author uses such research methods as inductive method, which allows to obtain objective conclusions on the current state of Sino-Russian cooperation in Africa through the analysis of empirical data; comparative method, which is necessary for comparing the strategies of Russia and China in the development of cooperation with African states; critical analysis of documents used to analyze the two countries' approaches to developing relations with the African continent; case-study method, in particular analysis of interaction between the two countries on the issue of Sudan. The study concludes that the strategic relationship between Russia and China is strong in the 21st century, there are no fundamental disagreements between the two sides on issues related to Africa, and there are broad prospects for cooperation between the two countries in ensuring peace and stability in Africa, developing African resources, developing an effective healthcare system in Africa and promoting the global One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative in Africa.
Keywords: China, Russia, Africa, cooperation, competition, consensus.


Muhammad Nahro Ismael Muhammad

USA influence on Russian-Iraqi relations

This article is devoted to the study of the issue of political and economic relations between Russia and Iraq, which is the object. The subject of the study is the United States influence on Russian-Iraqi relations. the author would like to emphasize the complexity of interaction between states, as well as the role of internal and external factors influencing the settlement of the situation in Iraq. On the basis of a UN Security Council resolution, the United States attacked the territory of Iraq, which led to the complication of interaction between Baghdad and Moscow. Russian diplomacy had to adapt to the changing situation in the country. Relations between countries have deteriorated, but the participation of the Russian Federation in the fight against terrorism against ISIS, provided an opportunity to establish a dialogue between states. Despite the fact that at the moment, The Russian Federation suffered from sanctions imposed by the United States against Russian citizens and companies, Iraq and Russia were able to come to an understanding and cooperation.
Keywords: Russia, Iraq, United States, Bilateral and Multilateral relations.


Mikhaylov S.A.

New World Order-2025 and the RF’ role in its formation

This article attempts to analyze the current world geopolitical situation in the light of the New World Order (NWO) and a truly multipolar world’s formation. This process began quite a long time ago but the most powerful impetus was given by the RF’ Special Military Operation (SMO) in the Ukraine. Accordingly, the author emphasizes Russia’s special role in this difficult and (possibly) rather long transition which is fraught with a Global nuclear war that almost impossible to imagine back in 2019 (before COVID–19 pandemic start). Moscow and specifically the country's president Vladimir Putin are doing their best to avoid this catastrophic scenario, and all the blame for a possible nuclear escalation lies on the collective West whose elites have lost their common sense and perception of the danger of mutually assured destruction.
In addition, in his empirical analysis of historical cycles the author comes to the conclusion that the events of February 2022 were practically predetermined, since it is at that time they change (it took place, f. e., in 1914). In this paradigm, in 2025 should become time of the «mental» (not the formal) onset of the 21st century. The previous history of mankind clearly demonstrates these eras cannot avoid the global upheavals and World Wars. Now (before our very eyes) is being decided whether irreconcilable geopolitical adversaries (supporters of a multipolar and unipolar World order) be able to avoid such extreme features. The author expresses the hope that a sober calculation and an elementary instinct for self–preservation will play here a decisive role, and the natural course of history will end with the victory of Good over Evil.
Keywords: New World Order (NWO), Global Nuclear War, Special Military Operation (SMO), «World government» and Globalism of the West, Tellurocracy and Thalassocracy, «Mental chronology».




Danilov A.V., Post-graduate student of the Peoples frienship university of Russia.
Ezhov I.M., PhD student of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Gatin M.I., Postgraduate of History department of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Junhong Yang, Associate Professor of the school of languages and cultures, Shanghai University of Political Science and law.
Khvastov A.N., Adjunct of the Military University named after Prince Alexander Nevsky of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Kimlaeva T.S., Graduate Student of the Institute of History and Law of Kaluga State University.
Klimashin A.L., Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Li Jinyang, Postgraduate student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Martin B.M., Graduate student of Contemporary Landscape Architecture and Urban Design. Faculty of Agrarian and Technological Institute, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Melkonyan L.A., Teaching Assistant of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Mikhaylov S.A., Teaching assistant of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Moiseeva T.A., Candidate of Historical Sciences, lecturer, branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy", Syzran.
Muhammad Nahro Ismael Muhammad, Graduate student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Muravlev P.S., Postgraduate student of the Department of Russian History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Napso M.D., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of department of philosophy and humanities sciences North-Caucasus state academy.
Nikitin A.Y., Senior teacher of the department Informatics and Information Technologies of Kaluga State University.
Nikitina N.N., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Kaluga State University.
Olefir E.A., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, full member of the Russian Geographical Society.
Ponka T.I., PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Shaheti Ayibota, Postgraduate Student, Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Russian People’s Friendship University.
Vlasov A.E., 3-st year postgraduate student of the Department of History of the Institute of the History and Law, Kaluga State University.
Vrajnova M.N., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor MADI (Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Xiaoling Zhang, Associate Professor of the school of languages and cultures, Shanghai University of Political Science and law.
Zapata Ruis T.A., Senior Lecturer, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.