
Li Haoran The impact of sports dance on physical and psychological well-being 11
Mrachenko E.A., Melnikov T.N. Transformation of ideas about the picture of the world in the humanities and natural sciences 18
Agirbova D.M., Chomaeva Z.M. Development of an individual style of activity of a student in modern conditions 27
Wang Lixia The main trends in the modernization of vocational education systems in China and Russia 32
Kubanova A.K. The process of forming a person’s personality in the pedagogical process 39
Topical  issues  of  historical  sciences
Melnikova V.K. Ryazan women. The role of Soviet women in the preservation of cultural heritage monuments in Ryazan and the Ryazan region 45
Tekeeva X.E., Tekeev I.M. Reflection and accounting of capital in the organization’s financial statements 56
Vostrikov K.V., Wei Yilin The concept of a “community with a common destiny for mankind” in the decisions of the 19th CPC Congress 60
Fidarova K.K., Darmilova E.N., Martynov O.V. Public thought in Russia in the second half of the 19th Century 67
Bolurova A.N., Jazaeva I.A.-A., Tedeeva U.S. Historical features of the relationship between government and society in Russia 72
History  of  geopolitics,  international  relations  and  general  history
Zhang Mengyu Contemporary Russian-Chinese cooperation in the field of dramatic theater 77
Zhang Yuyang Development of culture in China during the Qing dynasty 82
Svid A.S., Shumanskaya D.V. Latin American approaches to the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone 89
Gavrikov D.A. Richard Cobden: basic ideas and factors determining the creation «League for the abolition of the corn laws» 96
Dinh Nguyen Manh Quang Vietnamese-Chinese cooperation within the framework of China’s «One Belt, One Road» initiative 105
Plekhanov A.E. Russia and England: the path to the Entente and the 1907 agreement 113
Chemurziev U.T. Tower complexes of Ingushetia - prospects for preservation 121
Pason A.D. Cooperation between China and ASEAN countries: problems and development prospects 131
Dyakov S.I. The system of training artillery officers at the Ryazan Artillery School before the start of the Great Patriotic War 141
Abstracts 163
Authors 174




Li Haoran

The impact of sports dance on physical and psychological well-being

The purpose of the article is to consider the impact of sports dance on physical and psychological well–being. The methods used in the article are comparative analysis, generalization. Results. In the article, the author conducted a detailed historical analysis of the origin and development of dance and its variety – sports dance; the influence of sports dance on various aspects of human life was considered; the main points of the influence of sports dance on physical and psychological well-being were highlighted. Conclusions. Sports dance has many positive effects on physical and psychological well-being, making it an attractive form of physical activity for people of all ages. Here are some of them: physical health, psychological well-being, social activity.
Keywords: dance, sports dance, well-being, art, music, dancer, artist, social phenomenon, sport, federations, championship.


Mrachenko E.A.
Melnikov T.N.

Transformation of ideas about the picture of the world in the humanities and natural sciences

The formation of cultural competences in social science class is an academically streamlined process based on a permanent blend of scientific and artistic picture of the world. Mastering cultural and historical values which contribute to the holistic perception of the world and develop worldview, based on the scientific picture of the world, becomes a valid factor in the formation of social competences. The relevance of the research of the picture of the world in modern scientific knowledge lies in the fact that it gives an image not only of the picture that depicts the world, but the world itself, which is perceived as the picture. The gradual formation of the picture of the world is influenced by both humanitarian and social sciences. The present article investigates into the transformation of the images of the picture of the world in humanitarian and social knowledge. The author points out that at present the concept “picture of the world” takes the central position in such field as culture which has originated as a result of socialization of the human personality. As a consequence, cultural traditions predetermine the way of evaluation of different events and concepts which will later predetermine the picture of the world of the mankind.
Keywords: the picture of the world, worldview, humanitarian sciences, social sciences.


Agirbova D.M.
Chomaeva Z.M.

Development of an individual style of activity of a student in modern conditions

The problem of successful educational activity of the subjects of the educational process is the most relevant in the modern education system and can be disclosed through the prism of the development of the style of educational activity, its compliance with the individual characteristics of students and the conditions, requirements of their activities. Individual style of activity is one of the important characteristics of the process of individualization of personality.
Keywords: style of educational activity, individual characteristics, cognitive activity.


Wang Lixia

The main trends in the modernization of vocational education systems in China and Russia

The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the main trends in the modernization of vocational education systems in Russia and China. The methods used in the article are comparative analysis, generalization, classification. Results. The modernization of vocational education in Russia and China has been going on for a long time in similar ways, has similar moments in its formation and improvement. Conclusions. The similarity between the modernization trends in education in China and Russia lies primarily in the attention paid to innovations in education systems, as well as in the development of training programs aimed at the labor market. Another important aspect is the use of technology to improve the educational process. The differences that can be distinguished are the specifics of approaches to reforms in each country, as well as in particular the interaction of educational institutions with the labor market.
Keywords: education, modernization, vocational education, training programs, technical school, college.


Kubanova A.K.

The process of forming a person’s personality in the pedagogical process

A personality is a person who develops in society and enters into relationships with other individuals through communication, has awareness and self-control, understands the complexity of the situation and the consequences. As the study of theoretical sources shows, personality is one of the most complex psychological formations in terms of definition, structure, genesis and functioning.
Keywords: process, person, formation, personality, development.


Melnikova V.K.

Ryazan women. The role of Soviet women in the preservation of cultural heritage monuments in Ryazan and the Ryazan region

This article examines the issue of studying and protecting various monuments of architecture, culture, and folk life on the territory of the city of Ryazan and the Ryazan region. It tells about how security activities were carried out in the region in the first years of the establishment of Soviet power and in various periods of the USSR. The article describes the history of the professional activities of outstanding women, their main goals and objectives, a significant contribution to the preservation of history and culture, to the development of the region. A significant part of the article is devoted to outstanding women: archaeologists, local historians, ethnographers, party leaders and social activists.
Keywords: monument, cultural heritage, architecture, folk life, preservation, research, woman, emancipation, society, culture.


Tekeeva X.E.
Tekeev I.M.

Reflection and accounting of capital in the organization’s financial statements

The article substantiates the accounting and analysis of the capital and liabilities of the organization, their reflection in the accounting statements. Capital is rightfully considered an integral part of accounting. It is this indicator of the balance sheet that gives an idea of the scale of the company, the success of its development, and in comparison with other indicators, its financial position. Currently, in the conditions of the existence of various forms of ownership, the study of the formation, functioning and reproduction of entrepreneurial capital is becoming especially relevant. The possibilities of establishing entrepreneurial activity and its further development can be realized only if the owner reasonably manages the capital invested in the enterprise.
Keywords: accounting statements of the organization, balance sheet of the organization’s obligations, obligations, organization and obligation.


Vostrikov K.V.
Wei Yilin

The concept of a “community with a common destiny for mankind” in the decisions of the 19th CPC Congress

This article analyzes the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of China from the point of view of the formation of sustainable approaches to resolving issues of international relations. The emphasis is on the characteristics of the report of CM Jinping, which is devoted, among other things, to the introduction of the concept of a “community of a common destiny for mankind” into the party’s program documents as a result of long-term comprehension and development of the views of ancient Katai thinkers and the legacy of Marxism-Leninism, which still plays a key role in the ideological space of the Chinese state and society. An analysis of domestic scientists is given on the role and significance of the concept of a “community with a common destiny for mankind” in the renewal of China and increasing its influence in the international arena.
Keywords: Communist Party of China, 19th Congress, Xi Jinping, concept of “community with a common destiny for mankind”, international relations, party decisions.


Fidarova K.K.
Darmilova E.N.
Martynov O.V.

Public thought in Russia in the second half of the 19th Century

In the first half of the 19th century, the concepts of "national" and "Russian" developed under the influence of romantic and educational traditions, in the process of cultural dialogue between Russia and Europe, and the relationship between intellectuals and government. For the second half of the 19th century in Russia, a variety of ideological approaches were presented among the intelligent stratum, which can be classified in a certain way. The ideological beliefs, ethical and civic positions of the leading scientists of the Russian school of universal history are considered in the perspective of the development of historical thought.
Keywords: conservative modernization, Russian liberal ideology, radicalism, socialism.


Bolurova A.N.
Jazaeva I.A.-A.
Tedeeva U.S.

Historical features of the relationship between government and society in Russia

The interaction of society and government is an important aspect of the functioning of any modern state. The State must act in accordance with the law and guarantee respect for the rights and freedoms of citizens, and society, in turn, plays an important role in monitoring compliance with laws and protecting the rights of citizens.
Keywords: state, government, society, civil society.


Zhang Mengyu

Contemporary Russian-Chinese cooperation in the field of dramatic theater

The article is devoted to the development of one of the modern directions of Russian-Chinese cooperation – relations in the field of dramatic theater art. Having touched upon the history of the formation of the Chinese national theater and analyzed the reasons for the increased interest in the Russian dramatic theater and its system, the author of the article considers two aspects of interaction between Russian and Chinese theatrical art: 1) cooperation within the framework of cultural exchange of theatrical groups and joint work of the Chinese and Russian theater on a dramaturgical work; 2) cooperation within the framework of theatrical pedagogy. The first direction in the article is represented by the description of the staging of Russian dramaturgical works on the Chinese stage, joint theatrical works, the performance of theater groups on tour and at theater festivals. The second direction is the interaction between Chinese and Russian theatrical universities and the training of Chinese students in acting in Russian theatrical institutions under the "double diploma" program. The article argues that such interaction is promising, because today as never before there are points of contact between Russia and China in one more important area - in the field of theater art.
Keywords: theater art, dramaturgy, dramatic theater, Russian-Chinese cooperation, theater pedagogy.


Zhang Yuyang

Development of culture in China during the Qing dynasty

The Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) was the last Chinese dynasty and the longest dynasty ruled by the Manchus from Manchuria, northeast of the Great Wall of China, who were descendants of the Jurchens - people living around the areas now known as the Chinese provinces Jilin and Heilongjiang." This naturally influenced the multi-cultural nature of life in China during this period. It is also known that in the list of the 10 largest empires in history, the Qing Dynasty was one of the few that were listed as the last in the ranks of the great empires around the world. The Qing Dynasty was considered the fifth largest empire in human history, with conquered lands covering 14.7 million kilometers worldwide. During the Qin period, emperors proclaimed themselves patrons of fine arts and literature. Many artists appeared in noble circles who created their works in order to consolidate their social status. In painting of the 17th – 19th centuries. Copying the best works of the past occupies a significant place. Decorative panels are created, painted on silk fabric. Another direction in painting of the late 17th and early 18th centuries is represented by the works of authors familiar with European engraving and linear perspective. The genre of narrative painting continues to exist. During the Qing period, quite prominent masters appeared in classical prose and poetry. In the field of narrative literature, the short story genre stands out. In 1701–1754. the foundations of a satirical epic are laid. In the XVIII – XIX centuries. The sayings of the Chinese zazuan writers continued to enjoy great popularity. Despite the fact that poetry was popular among learned men, the authors of most works in this genre, oddly enough, were women. Decorative and applied arts continued to occupy a special place in the culture of China during the Qing period. Chinese ceramists are achieving new successes in the production of artistic porcelain, and more saturated red enamels are appearing. Following the example of European ceramics, Chinese begins to be divided into two conditional “families” based on the use of background colors: the “green” family and the “pink” family. Chinese folk craftsmen created a wide variety of applied art products. Master carvers created works from jade, rose quartz, rock crystal, and ivory. Theater art underwent significant changes during the Qing period. In the second half of the 17th century, the new Manchu dynasty made kunqu a court theater. The development of the Kunqu theatrical genre brought many changes to vocal technique.
Keywords: court painting, Qing era, realism, chinoiserie, literature, ceramics.


Svid A.S.
Shumanskaya D.V.

Latin American approaches to the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone

This article provides an overview of the approaches of Latin American countries to the creation of a nuclear-weapon-free zone. The purpose of the study is to analyze and systematize information about the position and actions of Latin American countries regarding nuclear disarmament. Various methods were used in the course of the study, including the analysis of official documents, scientific publications and expert opinions. The results of the study confirm that Latin American countries have demonstrated an adequate and responsible approach to the problem of nuclear disarmament. They have been actively involved in the creation and support of multilateral agreements such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Antarctic Non-Proliferation Treaty. Most Latin American countries have also become members of the Latin American and Caribbean Trade Agreement (MERCOSUR), which includes provisions on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Keywords: initiative, treaty of tlatelolco, renunciation of nuclear weapons, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, security of the region.


Gavrikov D.A.

Richard Cobden: basic ideas and factors determining the creation «League for the abolition of the corn laws»

In the 20–40s. XIX century Great Britain is faced with a very explosive social phenomenon, generated by the adoption in 1815 by the British Parliament of the so-called. Corn Laws - laws on duties on imported grain, which were a trade barrier that, on the one hand, protected English farmers and landowners from competition with cheap foreign grain, but on the other hand led to high prices for bread. In this article, the author examines the main factors in the creation of the «League for the Abolition of the Corn Laws» through the prism of the ideas of the leader of the Manchester school, the famous English political figure and leader of the free traders, Richard Cobden. Special attention is paid to the key aspects of Cobden’s biography, which influenced the formation of his personality and socio-political views, which were reflected in the activities of the aforementioned League.
Keywords: Great Britain, Anti-Corn Law League, Manchester School, Richard Cobden, free trade, Corn Laws, free traders, economics.


Dinh Nguyen Manh Quang

Vietnamese-Chinese cooperation within the framework of China's "One Belt, One Road" initiative

The article examines the specifics of Vietnam's approach to cooperation with China within the framework of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative. The purpose of the study is to comprehensively and objectively assess the Vietnamese–Chinese cooperation within the framework of the "One Belt– One Road" initiative, clarify achievements, limitations and propose reasonable solutions for Vietnam. The article applies the basic principles and methods of international relations research, such as historicism, scholarship and reliability; a comparative method necessary to compare the strategies of the SRV and the PRC in the field of cooperation development; a critical analysis of documents used to analyze the approaches of the two countries to the development of bilateral relations within the framework of this initiative. Practical significance of the article: development of recommendations for Vietnam in planning and implementing a policy to promote mutually beneficial cooperation with China within the framework of the "One Belt– One Road" initiative.
Keywords: Vietnam, China, national interest, “One Belt One Road” initiative, “Two Corridors, One Belt”.


Plekhanov A.E.

Russia and England: the path to the Entente and the 1907 agreement

The article analyzes Russian-British relations at the time of the conclusion of the 1907 treaty. The powers managed to agree on the division of spheres of interest in Afghanistan, Iran and Tibet. It is emphasized that the need for compromise was caused by the growing foreign policy rivalry between the two countries and Germany. Both Russia and England managed to overcome their contradictions for a while and make political concessions to each other. However, subsequently, the distrust of the two countries towards each other made itself felt.
Keywords: Russia, England, rivalry, negotiations, interests, agreement, ally.


Chemurziev U.T.

Tower complexes of Ingushetia - prospects for preservation

The article is devoted to issues related to the problems of studying and preserving unique cultural heritage in the form of tower-castle complexes, funerary and religious buildings located on the territory of the modern Republic of Ingushetia. On the territory of the Jeyrakhsky district and the southern part of the Sunzhensky district of the Republic of Ingushetia, architectural monuments dating back to the period from II thousand BC. e. up to the first half of the XX century. At the moment, 129 tower settlements are located on the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia, and the total number of medieval cultural heritage sites registered for 2022 is 2665 and their number is constantly growing. And if some of them are still in satisfactory condition, then the process of destroying others is in full swing. In the absence of strict control and funding from state bodies, the risk of losing the historical appearance of monuments during restoration work increases, which should be carried out only in exceptional cases. These works should be based on legal acts and state standards, as well as taking into account the recommendations adopted on December 11, 1962 at the 12th session of the UNESCO General Conference.
Keywords: Ingushetia, material culture, cultural heritage, stone architecture, tower complexes.


Pason A.D.

Cooperation between China and ASEAN countries: problems and development prospects

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is an important economic partner for many countries, including China. China is also included for its close cooperation with the countries of Southeast Asia (SEA). The article deals with the main issues of China's interaction with ASEAN. The author draws attention to the fact that at the present stage one of the most priority vectors of China's foreign policy is the development of integration interaction. China has consistently adhered to its goal of increasing the country's economic growth rate by penetrating into world markets, and, above all, by developing cooperation with ASEAN.
Keywords: China, ASEAN, cooperation, economic integration, free trade zone, investment relations.


Dyakov S.I.

The system of training artillery officers at the Ryazan Artillery School before the start of the Great Patriotic War

Purpose of the study. Conduct a historical and chronological analysis of the training system for artillery officers at the Ryazan Artillery School (RAU) before the start of the Great Patriotic War. The relevance of the topic is due to the coverage of historical events in the development and expansion of the network of military educational institutions of the armed forces in the pre-war period, as well as in improving the educational process aimed at improving the quality of training of graduates. Research methods: analytical, scientific, cause-and-effect, historical-systemic. Key conclusions: based on the material presented, we conclude that the entire system of training artillery officers of the RAU in the pre-war period (1936-1941) was aimed at increasing the number of staff at the school and areas of training. Great importance was attached to the training not only of firemen and topographers, but also of new areas of training (sound meters, photogrammetrists). The quality of training of graduates increased every year, which is confirmed by the acts of graduation commissions.
Keywords: system, training, artillery, school, Ryazan Artillery School (RAS), specialties, leadership, awards.




Agirbova D.M., PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities. North Caucasus State Academy.
Bolurova A.N., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Russia. Karachay-Cherkess State University named after U.D. Aliev.
Chemurziev U.T., Ingush State University, Magas.
Chomaeva Z.M., PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration and Political Science. Karachay-Cherkess State University named after U.D. Aliyev.
Darmilova E.N., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities. North Caucasus State Academy.
Dinh Nguyen Manh Quang, Master’s student of the Department of Theory and History of international relations, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Dyakov S.I., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy.
Fidarova K.K., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health, Public Health and Socio-Economic Sciences. North Ossetian State Medical Academy.
Gavrikov D.A., Postgraduate student, Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin, Ryazan.
Jazaeva I.A.-A., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities. North Caucasus State Academy.
Kubanova A.K., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines. North Caucasian State Academy.
Li Haoran, Graduate student. Department of Handball Theory and Methods, Russian University of Sports (SCOLIPE).
Martynov O.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences. Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute (branch in Zheleznovodsk).
Melnikov T.N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy. Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education, Moscow City Pedagogical University.
Melnikova V.K., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Advertising and Socio-Cultural Communications, Institute of History, Philosophy and Political Sciences, Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin.
Mrachenko E.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Pedagogy, Institute of Foreign Languages. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Pason A.D., Graduate Student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Plekhanov A.E., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Ryazan State University.
Shumanskaya D.V., Master of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Svid A.S., Master of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Tedeeva U.S., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, Health and Socio-Economic Sciences. North Ossetian State Medical Academy.
Tekeev I.M., Studying 5 courses, FSBOU VO North Caucasus State Academy (FSBOU VO SKGA), Cherkessk.
Tekeeva X.E., PhD, Associate Professor, FSBOU VO North Caucasus State Academy (FSBOU VO SKGA), Cherkessk.
Vostrikov K.V., Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration. Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev.
Wang Lixia, Master. Faculty of Teacher Education - Educational Management. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Wei Yilin, Graduate student. Tomsk State University.
Zhang Mengyu, Graduate student. State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov.
Zhang Yuyang, Master's student at the Faculty of Arts, Moscow State University.