Geopolitics and patriotic education | |
Ternovaya L.O. The geopolitical significance of the Cossacks hikes to places of military glory | 2 |
Pusko V.S. Some aspects of the formation of a national ideology of Russia |
12 |
Shuplenkov O.V. The problem of revival of the Cossacks in the political conditions of modern Russia | 21 |
Konurov A.I. National identity as factor of territorial integrity of state | 29 |
History | |
Ryabova E.L., Ternovaya L.O. The visual image of the Cossacks in folklore and works of art | 36 |
Erokhin I.U. The history of relations with the eastern Cossacks and mountain peoples | 45 |
Culture of the Cossacks and the national language | |
Bibaeva L.I. To penetrate your soul, but to create | 51 |
Review | |
Vodolackiy V.P. The Basics of Cossack's Culture | 52 |
Abstracts | 54 |
Authors | 56 |
Ternovaya L.O.
The geopolitical significance of the Cossacks hikes to places of military glory
The Politics of Memory has many manifestations. One of the most effective instruments for its implementation includes the trips to places of military glory. From military tourism horse riding of Cossacks have a much higher patriotic spirit, saturation of educational programs and focus on communication of different territories and states.
Keywords: the politics of memory, military tourism, Cossacks, horse riding.
Pusko V.S.
Some aspects of the formation of a national ideology of Russia
The article examins the real process of forming national ideology in Russian Federation, the most common problems of its shaping, views on brief analysis widespread ideologies in our country, reflects the national aims on establishment of powerful Russian state.
Keywords: State, idea, ideology, national, ideology, values, interests, religion, consciousness, people.
Shuplenkov O.V.
The problem of revival of the Cossacks in the political conditions of modern Russia
Modern political practice and theoretical concepts revival of the Cossacks confirm that the role of the Cossacks in the management of territorial and ethnic education in general, and in the decision-making process of political and economic nature, in particular, it is an integral and indispensable element of the democratization of the political system in Russia, articulation and aggregation needs and interests of the Cossacks in the evolution of political relations. The participation of the Cossacks in the political life of Russian society largely promote establishment of adequate constantly changing conditions and effectively in tasks and the mechanism of interaction of the administrative management staff at various levels and initiate transformation processes questions revival of the Cossacks. Such initiation is largely determined by the degree of development of the political integration of the Cossack subethnos the general system of government.
Keywords: cossacks, depoliticization, subethnos, politicization, policy.
Konurov A.I.
National identity as factor of territorial integrity of state
The end of the Cold War led to liberalization of social and economic policy in Western countries and gradual dismantling of the welfare state. Transfer of production capacities to developing countries as well as inflow of immigrants from there contribute to reduction of jobs available for local populations. These factors are conducive to erosion of consistent national identity and revival of particular identities, trend that substantially undermines sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state. Intense stress caused by the downfall of familiar way of life raises hopes that at least some elements of that way might be preserved through regional isolation.
Keywords: national identity, neoliberalism, state sovereignty, territorial integrity, welfare state.
Ryabova E.L.
Ternovaya L.O.
The visual image of the Cossacks in folklore and works of art
The concept of «image» includes primarily visual characteristics that are equally important when analyzing the image of the state, company, person or ethnic group. The brighter expressed such features, the clearer you can identify the specifics of the object. The visual image of the specificity of the Cossacks began to form in the XVIII century. Since then found the desire and the Cossacks themselves, and even the Russian Empire to the preservation of the distinctive features of everyday and festive costumes, uniforms, as well as those events, during which they were used. It is defined by a unique image of the Cossacks.
Keywords: Cossacks, geopolitical image, Cossack uniform, folk dances, caricature of Don, the Cossacks in the movie.
Erokhin I.U.
The history of relations with the eastern Cossacks and mountain peoples
The history of the studies dealing with the relations between the Cossacks and the eastern and highland nations has gone a difficult way from describing the centuries-old military rivalry and confrontation between the nations, a way of determining the elements of existence of non-confrontational practices, up to the present period when science is moving away from the simplified understanding of the interethnic relations and getting closer and closer to a logical recognition of the complicacy and diversity of those practices. This article represents an attempt to determine the key vectors and trends in the relations between the two complicated elements of the world, the eastern world and the Cossacks.
Keywords: the Cossacks, Russia, the East, state, law, history, ethnos, culture, traditions, class, war, territories.
Bibaeva L.I., Methodist of MKUK (Municipal State Cultural Institution) Levokumsky District Library.
Erokhin I.U., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Croydon College, London, Great Britain.
Konurov A.I., Candidate of Philosophy, Lecturer of the Department of Political Science of the Military University.
Pusko V.S., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of political sciences, Professor, Chief Editor of “Etnosotsium” international publishing house.
Shuplenkov O.V., Associate Professor of history, law and social sciences, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Vodolackiy V.P., Doctor of Social Sciences, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Supreme Ataman of the Union of Cossacks of Russia and abroad Warriors, Cossack General.