
Vrazhnova M.N., Ternovaya L.O. Personnel education: inferiority of half-educated people 11
Chapkin N.S. Innovations in teaching activities 23
Kalabekova S.V., Filyushkina D.V. Transformation of human capital in educational activities during the period of sanctions and counter-sanctions 33
Liang Yupeng A study of building hostel culture in Chinese colleges and universities on the background of “Internet+” 42
Medvedeva O.A. The expediency of using information and communication technologies in education 51
Mezentseva Y.S. Application of innovative methods and technologies in the study of mathematics 58
Mirzabekova A.A., Abramtseva E.G. The using of artificial intelligence in teaching a foreign language in higher education 66
Baishev I.I. Fundamentals of physical education and health activities of a physical education teacher in a modern University 74
Chernyshev V.P., Petina N.L., Chernysheva L.G., Belkina N.V. Structuring the theoretical section when implementing the requirements of the standard (Federal State Educational Standard 3++) for physical culture and sports at the university 83
Zhao Qixin Introduction to the problems facing the way of forming residence culture in Chinese colleges and Universities and measures to solution them 89
Rybakov S.V. Prerequisites for the creation, goals and objectives of the course “Fundamentals of Russian Statehood” 98
Topical  issues  of  historical  sciences
Sinitzyn O.V. What should a modern history textbook be? 109
Feklistova I.V., Bogdanov S.V. Collaborationism in the territory of the Kursk Region occupied by the German troops: declassified pages of regional history 117
Khrolenok E.V. Military service of the Starodub Cossacks during the reforms of the second half of the 18th century 124
Krestovnikov V.A. The Viking age in Russian and foreign historiography 130
Korolev V.B. The ancient Russian education system development in the X-XIII centuries 137
Gorbatov L.V. To the three hundredth anniversary of the discovery of the statue of Ulug-Khurtuyakh-tas 144
Velikotskaya (Mozgunova) N.G. The attitude of the Greek clergy to the process of rehabilitation of Patriarch Nikon 152
Buzanova N.A., Shcherbinina Yu.V., Shestakov M.V. Foreign trade relations of Rus’ in the XIV – XVI centuries 158
History  of  geopolitics,  international  relations  and  general  history
Egorova M.A., Egorov A.A. Identification of the hieroglyphs in the ancient inscriptions 170
Akhmedov K.T. The Uzbekistan’s contribution to regional security in central Asia 177
Andrienko E.S., Kisiev D.O. Globalization and Russian foreign policy: The role of military-technical cooperation in strengthening international status 186
Koichuman kyzy O. Dynamics of ethnic confessions in Kyrgyzstan in the first quarter XXI century 195
Mardan Maryam, Mohammad Alem Mohammad Tamim New challenges and threats to regional security in Central Asia 203
Ngoye S.T. Russia and Africa: cooperation with a perspective 207
Singuwa Chimuka, Sano Shema Rene Analysis of Colgate toothpaste brand competitiveness in the Sacu market 214
Sudorgin A.E. Economic and investment cooperation between the EU and African countries 226
Zhu Wenqing Model of global governance in the context of globalization 233
Chergui Zakaria, Sobolev Egor Prospects for the development of Russian-Spanish humanitarian cooperation 241
Potevsky N.A. Polish participation in promoting American interests in the European Union 251
Abstracts 270
Authors 285




Vrazhnova M.N.
Ternovaya L.O.

Personnel education: inferiority of half-educated people

The article is devoted to the problem of the impact of a decrease in the level of education, which is manifested in the fact that more and more graduates of not only secondary, but also higher schools complete their studies with mediocre grades, but also in the fact that many of them occupy leading positions in business and public administration . On the one hand, this can be seen as the result of the activation of the expertocracy and the weakening of the positions of representatives of the meritocracy and the aristocracy. But, on the other hand, it is impossible not to notice a much more destructive process for society, when the need to increase personal efficiency and the desire to establish individual competitiveness falls. This process is corrected by introducing into the training programs those new pedagogical ideas and tools that meet the demand of the future.
Keywords: education, efficiency, school grades, losers, universities, curricula, campus culture, archetypes.


Chapkin N.S.

Innovations in teaching activities

The article discusses innovative technologies used in teaching activities. The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that in the modern world the value of education, broad outlook, motivation and will is constantly increasing. The educational process includes active interaction between the teacher and students, as well as assessment and monitoring of progress. The learning process is very important because it has a direct impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of education. Innovative technologies in teaching are a tool for creating quality education and increasing the effectiveness of learning. The innovative activity of a teacher in a modern educational organization is one of the most important elements of the educational process. Teachers in modern educational organizations must monitor and use new pedagogical technologies and methods in their work. In conclusion, it was concluded that the success of using innovations in education is directly dependent on the professionalism of the teacher and his preparedness to use innovations in teaching and working with students. The purpose of the work is to consider modern innovative technologies and methods in teaching activities and their impact on the formation of the level of education of students.
Keywords: pedagogical activity, educational process, innovative education, educational effectiveness, innovative technologies.


Kalabekova S.V.
Filyushkina D.V.

Transformation of human capital in educational activities during the period of sanctions and counter-sanctions

Sanctions are an instrument of international policy used to put pressure on a country to change its behavior. These economic, political, or trade restrictions can have profound consequences for the economy, education, and society as a whole. In this article, the focus will be on how sanctions affect the transformation of human capital, which is a key element of socio-economic development. Let's look at how sanctions affect human capital, and how society can rethink this resource to achieve sustainable development.
Keywords: sanctions, counter-sanctions, human capital, educational activity, transformation, limitation, resource.


Liang Yupeng

A study of building hostel culture in Chinese colleges and universities on the background of "Internet+"

In the modern world, information technologies are increasingly influencing various aspects of life, including education and social communications. Social and cultural practices are undergoing significant changes, creating a unique combination of traditional values and the latest technological advances. The transformation of hostel culture, driven by the introduction of digital technologies, opens up new perspectives for studying the interaction between established social structures and modern digital innovations. The dormitory culture at universities and colleges in China creates a social and cultural space in which students interact, learn and develop. The integration of digital technologies and the Internet+ concept into the culture of hostels ensures the formation of a healthy, positive and mutually supportive environment, which in turn has a positive effect on the overall quality of the educational process and student life. The subject of this study is the dormitory culture in Chinese colleges and universities. The purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate the impact of digital technologies and the Internet+ concept on the dormitory culture in Chinese universities and colleges. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature and publications on the research topic, generalization, systematization, deduction. Scientific novelty: The study provides an analysis of current trends in the use of Internet+ and digital technologies to improve social interactions and shape culture in student dormitories in China. In addition, it reveals practical directions for integrating digital tools into the daily life of hostels, which may be relevant to other countries and cultures.
Keywords: development of education, social communications of students, building a hostel culture, Chinese colleges, Chinese universities, Internet +.


Medvedeva O.A.

The expediency of using information and communication technologies in education

The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the field of education makes it possible to effectively implement a number of didactic principles: visibility, accessibility, consistency, scientific, systematic, conscientiousness, activity, individual approach to students, connections between the acquisition of knowledge, skills, skills by students, the formation of an emotionally holistic attitude to each other, to the assimilated educational material, combining theory with practice , etc . With the help of information technology, the process of providing information to trainees is made more understandable, communication skills in learning are increased, and the availability of a large number of information resources increases. The expediency of using ICT significantly increases not only the effectiveness of teaching, but also contributes to the improvement of various forms and methods of teaching, increases interest in in-depth study of teaching material, optimizes control over the educational process, analyzes the assimilation of material by students and their personal achievements.
Keywords: information and communication technologies, digitalization, educational process, education system, learning tools.


Mezentseva Y.S.

Application of innovative methods and technologies in the study of mathematics

This article presents various innovative methods such as the reverse classroom, visualization and modeling, the use of technology, an individualized approach to learning, and an activity-based approach to learning. The article emphasizes the importance of using new methods and technologies to improve the effectiveness of teaching mathematics, taking into account the need for active participation and motivation on the part of both teachers and students. The purpose of the study is to improve the assimilation of material in mathematics in schoolchildren using innovative methods and technologies.
The research methodology is based on a comparative analysis of existing methods of teaching mathematics. The results of the study can be applied in educational institutions at all levels of education, including schools, universities, out-of-school educational centers and independent study of mathematics. The conclusions of the study emphasize that the use of innovative methods and technologies in the study of mathematics significantly improves the assimilation of the material, the motivation of students and their interest in the subject. The developed methods and technologies are effective tools for overcoming traditional difficulties in the study of mathematics and contribute to a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.
Keywords: innovative methods, technologies for teaching mathematics, reverse classroom, visualization, modeling, individual approach, learning effectiveness, student motivation, interest in mathematics.


Mirzabekova A.A.
Abramtseva E.G.

The using of artificial intelligence in teaching a foreign language in higher education

This work actualizes the importance of the use of digital technologies in the educational process of higher education in the context of learning a foreign language.
The article reveals the features of the use of artificial intelligence in teaching this discipline, considering a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication. At the same time, the authors focus on the formation of linguistic and communicative competencies. In the study, artificial intelligence is characterized as the most important tool of modern educational technology, which allows you to organize work with students both offline and online.
The use of artificial intelligence in teaching a foreign language, as the authors emphasize, helps to organize an educational space in which the maximum activity of students is manifested, and the opportunity for the manifestation of various knowledge and skills is provided. In addition, taking into account the importance of the formation of linguistic competencies in the context of modern Federal State Educational Standards, the work actualizes the problems of the competence approach and the use of artificial intelligence in its context.
Based on this, the purpose of this work is to study the specifics of the use of artificial intelligence in teaching a foreign language in higher education. The object of the study is teaching a foreign language in higher education, the subject is the use of artificial intelligence.
As a result of the work, the authors offer some recommendations that make it possible to optimally include the use of artificial intelligence in the educational process.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, foreign language, interactive methods, linguistic competence, digital resources, learning efficiency, software, communication skills, competence approach.


Baishev I.I.

Fundamentals of physical education and health activities of a physical education teacher in a modern University

In this work, we analyzed the effectiveness and necessity of physical education and health technologies within the framework of the work of physical education teachers in universities. After studying the use of physical education and health technologies in the learning process of university students, a number of results were obtained, which are based on the definition, theoretical justification, as well as experimental testing of organizational and pedagogical conditions during physical education classes. We have discussed in some detail the problems of introducing physical education and health technologies into the physical education of university students, and also suggested directions for the development of the field that will allow obtaining good results by increasing the activity of students in physical education classes and their interest in playing sports. Moreover, the results of students will be directly dependent on their gender, age, level of physical fitness, motivation, etc. According to the conclusions made, we can talk about solving a number of problems, including educational, educational, educational and training.
Keywords: development of education, basics of physical education and health activities, the role of physical education, health activities at the university.


Chernyshev V.P.
Petina N.L.
Chernysheva L.G.
Belkina N.V.

Structuring the theoretical section when implementing the requirements of the standard (Federal State Educational Standard 3++) for physical culture and sports at the university

The article presents an experimental approach to implementing the requirements of the content of the standard (Federal State Educational Standard 3++) for “Physical Culture and Sports” at a university. It is noted that standardization of the content of education in higher education in modern conditions is a mandatory requirement of mass education. The evolution of the content of standards occurs permanently, reacting and trying to stay ahead of the challenges of the time. It is emphasized that despite the strict regulation of the main parameters of the standard, there is always room within it for creative search and author’s interpretation. The generation of modern students who find themselves at the epicenter of the digital transformation of education is aggravated by the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, which they experienced at high school age, having received a specific charge for constructing a worldview. The proposed approach to implementing the content of the standard requirements is based on the use in practical work of texts that are monuments of human culture and are capable, through their multi-layered nature, of reformatting the perception of a subject without distorting its essence. The proposed methodological approach allows students to concentrate their attention on such details of the discipline that, with the traditional approach, escape the field of attention. The significant communicative significance of this approach for building a dialogue between all participants in the educational process is also noted. The proposed approach can be used in the practice of working at a university with various author's variations.
Keywords: standard (Federal State Educational Standard 3++) for physical education, Homer, Illiad, educational process, innovative approach.


Zhao Qixin

Introduction to the problems facing the way of forming residence culture in Chinese colleges and Universities and measures to solution them

Dorm culture, as part of the broader campus culture, has a significant impact on the academic success and personal development of students. It develops important skills in communication, teamwork and emotional intelligence. However, Chinese colleges and universities note significant challenges in creating and maintaining this culture. In modern China, where higher education is experiencing a period of significant change and innovation, issues related to hostel culture are becoming the subject of active discussions at different levels. On the one hand, rapidly growing student numbers and expanding university campuses are creating new opportunities for social interaction and cultural exchange. On the other hand, these changes place new demands on the management of life in dormitories, taking into account the diversity and diversity of the student population. The object of the study is the elements of dormitory culture in Chinese colleges and universities. The purpose of the study is to analyze the problems and challenges facing the formation of a dormitory culture in Chinese colleges and universities, as well as to formulate proposals for solving them. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature and publications on the research topic, generalization, systematization, deduction. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the analysis of sociocultural norms, behavioral patterns and organizational structures that shape everyday life and culture in student dormitories in China. Particular attention is paid to the interaction between students, their adaptation to the hostel, and the role of the hostel in shaping the overall campus culture.
Keywords: development of education, dormitory culture, Chinese colleges, Chinese universities, problems of dormitories in the PRC, solving problems of dormitories in the PRC.


Rybakov S.V.

Prerequisites for the creation, goals and objectives of the course "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood"

The article is devoted to the “Fundamentals of Russian Statehood” - a new educational course introduced into lecture and seminar programs of domestic universities from September 1, 20023. The prerequisites for creating the course are noted, related to the need to eliminate the gap between education and upbringing, as well as the need to restore youth’s access to deep Russian traditions and patriotic values. The circumstances in which the initiative to promote a new academic subject was implemented are shown. The content structure of the course, its goals and objectives are revealed.
Keywords: education, pedagogy, patriotism, students, training course, "Fundamentals of Russian statehood".


Sinitzyn O.V.

What should a modern history textbook be?

The article describes the requirements that are imposed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and the Historical and Cultural Standard for didactic and methodological instructions and the content of a modern history textbook for secondary schools. The abundance of textbooks on the history of the federal and regional levels put forward the need for their state expertise, since they are a factor in the country's national security. This is one of the primary goals of the creation on October 26, 2022, under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, of the Expert Council for the Development of History Education. It is intended to become a platform for improving the quality of historical education, countering falsifications of the historical past, reviewing history textbooks and popularizing historical knowledge on the territory of the Russian Federation. In this regard, it is important to determine the necessary qualities of a modern history textbook.
Keywords: textbook, history, historical and cultural standard, didactics, methodology, concept, expertise.


Feklistova I.V.
Bogdanov S.V.

Collaborationism in the territory of the Kursk Region occupied by the German troops: declassified pages of regional history

The article deals with such a phenomenon as the voluntary cooperation of a part of Soviet citizens with the German occupation authorities and their allies in the temporarily occupied territory of the USSR (collaborationism). The territory of the Kursk region was occupied by German troops from the beginning of November 1941. An extensive system of German occupation authorities was created here. Significant assistance in establishing the new “German order” was provided to the German invaders by local collaborators. Throughout the entire post-war period, there was either no information about this phenomenon on the territory of the Kursk region, or it was extremely scarce. At the same time, from 1943 until 1988, the territorial bodies of state security carried out the search and trial of persons who collaborated with the German occupiers during the Great Patriotic War. The article presents the materials of individual declassified archival and investigative files of the FSB of Russia in the Kursk region.
Keywords: collaborationism, German occupation, UNKVD, Kursk region.


Khrolenok E.V.

Military service of the Starodub Cossacks during the reforms of the second half of the 18th century

The article makes an attempt to consider the changes in the military service of the Starodub Cossacks during the period of transformations carried out in the Malorussian Government General in the second half of the 18th century. Applying the practices of new local history using a wide range of regional sources, the author finds out the degree of involvement of the Starodub Cossacks in military conflicts of this period. This allows us to assess the correctness of the government’s decisions on their further involvement in military service as part of militias and during the settlement of the Black Sea region in the 19th century.
Keywords: left bank Cossacks, Starodub regiment, Russian-Turkish wars, reforms of Malorussia, local history.


Krestovnikov V.A.

The Viking age in Russian and foreign historiography

The article analyzes modern historiography of the Viking Age, published in the period from the second half of the 20th century to the present. The main attention is paid to Russian-language and foreign works translated into Russian by Western medieval historians (usually English-speaking), which discuss the Viking campaigns. Based on the difference in approaches to the study of the Norman campaigns, “complex” and “narrow-themed” scientific literature is distinguished. Next, current domestic and translated foreign publications on the problem under study are noted and briefly characterized, and the specific features of Russian and Soviet works are determined. Significant narrowly focused works that examine certain aspects of the Viking expansion are highlighted separately. As a conclusion, the current state of the study of the Norman campaigns is analyzed, key problem areas are highlighted, and current directions for further research are given.
Keywords: Vikings, Normans, Viking Age, historiography, early Middle Ages, Scandinavian studies.


Korolev V.B.

The ancient Russian education system development in the X-XIII centuries

The author of the article focuses on the process of education and upbringing in Ancient Russia in the X-XIII centuries. It is important to carefully study the pedagogical heritage of Russia since ancient times to implement its best examples and methods in the modern didactic system. In this article, the analysis of the education system of Ancient Russia is carried out using the problem-chronological method. The choice is explained by the goal set by the author of the article - to present the Ancient Russian educational process of the specified period as an integral system consisting of the following components: subjects of education, objects of education and means of education.
Keywords: education system, education and upbringing, Ancient Russia, subject of education, object of education, means of education, school.


Gorbatov L.V.

To the three hundredth anniversary of the discovery of the statue of Ulug-Khurtuyakh-tas

Three hundred years ago in the Sagai steppe of Khakassia, an unforgettable meeting of the German scientist Daniel Gottlieb Messerschmidt with the ancient humanoid statue of Hurtuyah-tas took place. Popularizers of science, journalists, writers and poets, also did not stand aside, outlining their view of unusual monuments of the past, focusing more on the statue of Khurtuyakh-tas, which for modern Khakassia became a symbol of the feminine principle, the goddess of fertility and the patroness of women. The features of this unusual phenomenon for our time will be discussed in this article.
Keywords: Khakassia, stone statues of the Yenisei, Ulug Khurtuyakh tas, cult monuments of Khakassia, stone women.


Velikotskaya (Mozgunova) N.G.

The attitude of the Greek clergy to the process of rehabilitation of Patriarch Nikon

The article is devoted to the study of the influence of the Greek clergy on the process of rehabilitation of Nikon - the restoration of the honor and rank of the disgraced patriarch.
The use of a complex of archival documents from the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (RGADA) and published sources makes it possible to clarify a number of issues concerning the activities of representatives of the Eastern Church in the “case” of Patriarch Nikon.
Keywords: Greek clergy, court case of Patriarch Nikon, letters of permission and farewell, Orthodox East.


Buzanova N.A.
Shcherbinina Yu.V.
Shestakov M.V.

Foreign trade relations of Rus' in the XIV – XVI centuries

Foreign trade relations occupy one of the leading roles in the life of the state. Foreign trade is not only an integral part of the economy, but also an influence on the social and political life of the country. This article examines foreign trade in the period from the XIV to the XVI centuries. This period was not chosen by chance, it is the time of restoration of the borders of the state after the Mongol-Tatar invasion. The main purpose of the work is to consider how Russia, which «rose from the ashes», after strife and constant threats from outside, managed to survive and build diplomatic and trade relations with many countries.
Keywords: Foreign trade, economy, diplomacy, artisans, fair, merchants, trade and monetary relations.


Egorova M.A.
Egorov A.A.

Identification of the hieroglyphs in the ancient inscriptions

A perspective method for studying of hieroglyphic inscriptions is presented. The major attention is paid to the development of the correct identification of the hieroglyphs in the ancient inscriptions according to typical digitized data. Developed technique for finding standard characteristics and parameters of the oldest hieroglyphic inscriptions allows to identifying the same type of hieroglyphs. Obviously these results are promising and may be very important in the field of history, archeology, and linguistics.
Keywords: history of Chinese language, hieroglyphic inscription, ancient writing, Jiaguwen, Jinwen, Chinese writing, linguistics, image processing.


Akhmedov K.T.

The Uzbekistan's contribution to regional security in central Asia

In recent years, regional security issues have come into focus not only in Central Asia, but throughout the world. As the geopolitical role of the region grows, the post-Soviet countries increasingly enter the space of complex political, diplomatic, financial and economic processes, which in turn require timely, effective solutions and flexible strategies. The post-pandemic crisis and military conflicts in the neighboring states significantly complicate the maintenance of peace and stability in the area.
Despite the existing problems, Uzbekistan together with the neighboring countries is making every effort to minimize regional conflicts. The country's leadership is initiating ways to resolve the Afghan crisis, water issues, combating drug trafficking, terrorism and extremism on a regional scale.
Keywords: Central Asia, Uzbekistan, regional security, conflict.


Andrienko E.S.
Kisiev D.O.

Globalization and Russian foreign policy: The role of military-technical cooperation in strengthening international status

Within the framework of this article, the basic concepts of globalization processes that have a significant impact on the foreign and domestic policies of any state will be considered, but the main objective of the study is to review the degree of involvement of such an aspect as military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign states in foreign policy and its development with the aim of strengthening the international authority of the Russian Federation in the global arena of interstate relations. The process of globalization has affected the political, economic and technical life of almost every state and marked a new era in international interaction.
Each integration aspect that has arisen within the framework of the development of globalization processes plays a certain role, but this article will consider exclusively military-technical examples, which contribute to the development of relations between states in the field of strengthening military interaction and strengthening international authority in a multipolar world, where military power occupies far from the last place in foreign policy.
Keywords: military-technical cooperation, globalization, international authority, integration processes, multipolar world, foreign policy, world markets.


Koichuman kyzy O.

Dynamics of ethnic confessions in Kyrgyzstan in the first quarter XXI century

The article examines how the ethnic composition in Kyrgyzstan is changing and the relationship of this process with the confessional preferences of citizens in the country. Kyrgyzstan, as a multinational state, is characterized by a diversity of ethnic groups, each of which makes a significant contribution to the socio-cultural dynamics of the country. In the first quarter of the XXI century, there were changes in the ethnic composition of the population, because of migration processes, the influence of global politics and economic factors. The impact of ethnic diversity on political and social processes in the country will also be considered. This study is also aimed at identifying topical issues related to ethnic and religious aspects in modern Kyrgyz society to give a clear and informative assessment of the current situation.
Keywords: ethnicity, religion, denomination, population, multinational.


Mardan Maryam
Mohammad Alem Mohammad Tamim

New challenges and threats to regional security in Central Asia

The article analyzes new threats and challenges of the 21st century in the Central Asian region, requiring an effective regional security strategy from the Central Asian states. The main mechanisms for ensuring regional security in the Central Asian region are considered within the framework of the activities of such institutions as the CSTO, SCO and the CIS. The need for organized, trusting and cohesive activities of the member states of the CSTO, SCO and the CIS is emphasized in order to effectively resolve problems that undermine the foundations of security and stability in the Central Asian region.
Keywords: Central Asia, regional security, terrorism, drug trafficking, transnational crime.


Ngoye S.T.

Russia and Africa: cooperation with a perspective

The article considers modern aspects of cooperation between Russia and Africa. It reveals the relevance of Russia's cooperation with Africa, associated with the prospects of development in the trade and economic, investment space, the development of Africa as a key actor in international geopolitics and geo- economics; diversification of foreign economic, political, military and technical relations. In turn, Africa sees in Russia the potential for innovation, scientific and technological development of African markets, as well as expanding political cooperation for the transition to multipolarity of world economic relations. The article notes the special role of Africa as an international partner of Russia in all spheres of cooperation; it defines the prospects for further cooperation of African states with the Russian Federation.
Keywords: Africa, Russia, Russian-African cooperation, political cooperation, trade and economic cooperation, prospects.


Singuwa Chimuka
Sano Shema Rene

Analysis of Colgate toothpaste brand competitiveness in the Sacu market

In the past decades, there has been a significant shift in the Southern African population's food consumption patterns, with a progressive increase in confectionery and junk food consumption in urban and rural areas. As a result, the population's oral health is harmed, and people seek highly-quality toothpaste to combat dental disorders and protect oral health. Colgate has been one of Africa's most trusted toothpaste brands for decades, particularly in Southern Africa. It is not only the older generation that grew up with Colgate; it is the first brand even for the young generation regarding oral care. The increased concern about oral health among Southern Africa's elderly and youth are fueling the growth of the Colgate toothpaste business in the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) region. However, Colgate has faced bursts of competition occasionally and has fought back effectively to regain its share in the SACU market. Therefore, a thorough analysis of Colgate toothpaste brand competitiveness in the SACU market should be conducted. In this research study, the author employed a qualitative approach using secondary data sources to analyze Colgate toothpaste brand competitiveness. The author concludes that Colgate uses a positioning approach based on its competitors. As a result, the Colgate brand has been positioned so customers are bound to buy the product in the SACU Market.
Keywords: Colgate, SACU, Southern Africa, market, trade, competition.


Sudorgin A.E.

Economic and investment cooperation between the EU and African countries

Currently, the development potential of the African region is quite high, it is of interest to foreign partners and investors. The article examines the key aspects of trade and economic relations between the European Union and African countries. The study is based on the information provided in the Trade Map database, and the analysis of trade dynamics for 2011-2022 is carried out. The main focus is on fluctuations in export and import volumes, as well as individual leading countries in terms of growth rates. The issues of changing the balance of trade and the role of FDI (foreign direct investment) in the development of economic relations between the countries of the European Union and African countries are considered separately. The article also raises the issue of modern challenges and prospects related to investment cooperation between regions. The main result of the study is an understanding of the role of Africa as a potentially attractive region in terms of geopolitics, international relations and universal history. Today, a new round of economic and investment cooperation has been launched between the European Union and Africa. The article shows that FDI has a positive impact on the development of Africa.
Keywords: economic cooperation, foreign direct investment (FDI), European Union, Africa, influence, inflows.


Zhu Wenqing

Model of global governance in the context of globalization

This article characterizes the process of globalization from the perspective of the organization of management of the world community. Globalization is a new quality of interconnection and interdependence of mankind, creation of supranational and extra-national organizations, institutions and new formations. In the context of globalization processes, an important issue is the transition from a unipolar world to a multipolar world, because the sole power of hegemonic states hinders social development and harms the political system of the world. In this regard, the concept of global governance comes to the agenda of globalization, which helps to solve pressing global problems that have not yet been eliminated due to the lack of an integrated global system and effective international institutions. This article reviews the history of the term “governance”, defines its meaning and describes the principles of its implementation. The article proves that since modern states and the existing chaotic international system demonstrate their inability to unite efforts to combat real threats to the survival of human civilization, global governance is the only option for today to ensure serious control of global problems of modernity by states and the international community of nations. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that nowadays the topic of global governance is relevant as never before, because the activity of this global corporation influences not only the fate of states in the political arena of the world, but also affects directly the life, near and distant future of each inhabitant of the planet Earth.
Keywords: globalization, global governance, world order, hegemony, multipolar world.


Chergui Zakaria
Sobolev Egor

Prospects for the development of Russian-Spanish humanitarian cooperation

Throughout the development of nations, significant importance has always been attached to advancing international cooperation in various strategic areas to ensure national interests. This contributes to building trust between countries and enhancing domestic potential. Many states specifically focus on developing socio-cultural interaction with foreign partners, aiming to form international relations to boost the country's image on the global stage. For decades, both Russian and Spanish states have favored the expansion of humanitarian cooperation, driven by the interest in strengthening cultural traditions. The escalation of the geopolitical situation in February 2022 led to a deterioration in Russian-Spanish interaction due to the negative stance of the West towards the initiation of a special military operation. Spain found itself under pressure from European countries and the United States to reduce cooperation with Russia. This circumstance is evaluated ambivalently by many researchers, as despite numerous negative factors, positive trends in the renewal of humanitarian cooperation between the countries can be observed. The objective of this study is to conduct a situational analysis to identify prospects for the resumption of Russian-Spanish humanitarian cooperation. Tasks were set for a retrospective analysis of state interactions through the examination of the experience of socio-cultural collaboration, the current state of international contacts, and the determination of positions of involved parties. The solution to these tasks and the achievement of the research goal were realized using inductive-deductive and retrospective research methods, as well as analysis, synthesis, and processing methods to specify information. As a result, scenarios for the development of events regarding further humanitarian cooperation between Russia and Spain were identified, with the continuation of the suspension of socio-cultural interaction being a prioritized scenario.
Keywords: humanitarian cooperation, Russia-Spain cooperation, Russian-Spanish collaboration, Spanish culture, Spanish language, Spanish universities, scientific research cooperation.


Potevsky N.A.

Polish participation in promoting American interests in the European Union

The article highlights Poland-USA and Poland-EU relations, the advantages that the both parties do have, as well as the problems that emerge from the conflict of interests of both parties and from the extreme determination in solving some issues. For the USA it is highly worthwhile to have such an ally as Poland is. This player with Atlantic stances is capable to undermine the unity of Europe and to destroy the plan of creation of the new “power pole” represented by EU, that confronts the USA hegemony.
Keywords: European Union, USA, Poland, NATO, integration, Eastern policy, Central and Eastern Europe.




Abramtseva E.G., Senior lecturer of the Foreign Languages Chair No. 2. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
Akhmedov K.T., Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Andrienko E.S., Master of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Baishev I.I., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Institute of Physical Culture and Sports.
Belkina N.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Physical Culture and Life Safety, Pacific State University, Khabarovsk.
Bogdanov S.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Gubkin branch NUST "Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys".
Buzanova N.A., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Tambov State University.
Chapkin N.S., Senior Lecturer. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov", Basic Department of Digital Economics of the Institute for the Development of the Information Society.
Chergui Zakaria, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Chernyshev V.P., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Leading researcher at the Higher School of Physical Culture and Life Safety, Pacific State University, Khabarovsk.
Chernysheva L.G., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Biomedical Disciplines, Armavir State Pedagogical University, Armavir.
Egorov A.A., Dr.Sc., Visiting Professor-consultant. Рeoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Egorova M.A., PhD of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Рeoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Feklistova I.V., Candidate of the Department of Russian History and Documentation of the National Research University of Belarus.
Filyushkina D.V., Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, professor of the department of philosophy. Humanitarian Institute Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education North Caucasus Federal University.
Gorbatov L.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Researcher of Museum-nature reserve "Khurtuyah Tas».
Kalabekova S.V., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the North Caucasus State Academy.
Khrolenok E.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Doctoral student of the Belarusian State University.
Kisiev D.O., Master of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Krestovnikov V.A., Graduate Student. Moscow City Pedagogical University.
Koichuman kyzy O., Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Korolev V.B., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of History. Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Kaluga.
Liang Yupeng, Master. Qiqihar University, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, China.
Mardan Maryam, Postgraduate student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Medvedeva O.A., PhD, Associate Professor. North Caucasus State Academy.
Mezentseva Y.S., Student, Tyumen State University, Tyumen.
Mirzabekova A.A., Senior lecturer of the Foreign Languages Chair No. 2. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
Mohammad Alem Mohammad Tamim, Graduate student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba.
Ngoye S.T., Postgraduate Student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Petina N.L., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor. And about. head Department of Physical Culture and Biomedical Disciplines, Armavir State Pedagogical University, Armavir.
Potevsky N.A., Master of Management, Postgraduate Student. Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
Rybakov S.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Creative Management and Humanities, Ural State University of Economics.
Sano Shema Rene, 2-year master`s degree student, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Shcherbinina Yu.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Tambov State University.
Shestakov M.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, lecturer at the Chair of General Education Disciplines TOGOAU DPO «Institute for the Advanced Training of Educational Workers».
Singuwa Chimuka, 2-year master`s degree student, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Sinitzyn O.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan.
Sobolev Egor, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Sudorgin A.E., Postgraduate student, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.
Velikotskaya (Mozgunova) N.G., Postgraduate student, Moscow Pedagogical University.
Vrazhnova M.N., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Management, Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.
Zhao Qixin, Teacher, Master's degree. Qiqihar University, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, China.
Zhu Wenqing, Master, Lomonosov Moscow State University.