
Shuplenkov O.V., Shuplenkov N.O. Ontological foundations of education in the formation of the essence of the human individual 13
Sinitsyn A.Yu. Moderation and multimedia in the course of studing foreign languages 22
Luo Yafang Comparative analysis of the performing arts of playing the European violin and the Chinese erhu 30
Belous N.N., Vakulina E.V., Savchenko E.S. Virtual excursions as a means of activating the cognitive activity of schoolchildren through familiarization with the surrounding world 38
Wang Dongqing Technology of developing functional literacy among Russian and Chinese students: comparative analysis 47
Vasilyeva A.S. Organization of an intercoordinational foresight platform for high school students: network interaction  of school, VET and University as a factor of professional guidance 53
Zueva I.V., Goncharenko E.S. Professional network communication stratagies in training English at technical university 61
Gurkin R.A. Crisis of the system of professional education of team staff 70
Krasilnikova E.V., Kuznezova S.N. On the formation of peasant values and technologies in modern agricultural education 77
Lyashenko V.S. Case method as an innovative pedagogical technology in teaching discrete mathematics to University students 84
Samoylenko A.V., Shalamova O.O., Lee N.B. Stages of interpreter skills development of future linguist-translators from Korean language 93
Sinkina A.V., Shalamova O.O., Shalamova D.A. Hybrid learning in the Russian higher education system 101
Sokolova Т.B., Migacheva G.N. In-house training of personnel in the field design of technological equipment for mechanical assembly production 106
Chen Hezhou, Shalamova O.O., Shalamova D.A. Modern teaching methods for translators in the context of the Russian higher education 116
Napso M.D., Agirbov T.R. Towards the phenomenon of «generation Z» 122
Luo Yafang Comparison of innovative technologies in the field of professional music education in Russia and China 128
Chapkin N.S. Modern pedagogical technologies and methods 137
Topical  issues  of  historical  sciences
Kirillova A.I. Northern regions of the Kamchatka Peninsula in the works of Russian researchers of the twentieth century. – beginning of the 21st century 146
Kalakhanova Z.M. Historical resonance folklore on the creative traditions and culture of the Turkic-speaking peoples of the Caucasus 159
Budanov B.V., Arefieva E.A. Current problems of mastering the managerial activities of an officer, cadets of educational institutions of universities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia 169
Dyakov S.I., Gorokhov V.V., Vanyagin V.E. Participation of personnel of the 1st Leningrad artillery school (1-lau) in the combat of the Great Patriotic War 179
Еlezov M.A., Martynenko Y.A. Organization and practice of perpetuating the memory of defenders of the fatherland who died during the first world war in Pervomaisky district of the Tomsk region 189
Zapata Ruiz T.A. Motivation in teaching students in the modern educational process 198
Kalakhanova Z.M. Karachay-Balkar folk tales as an object of analysis in the study of the mentality of the nation 204
Serenko M.N. Problems of reviving the education system in large cities in the south of the USSR in the second half of the Great Patriotic War 212
History  of  geopolitics,  international  relations  and  general  history
Teterkina O.A. Kurdish problem in Iraq in the ХХ-th century: solutions 220
Baskakova A.S., Isyakaeva A.R., Khromova A.A. The role of the Iberoamerican summits in humanitarian cooperation between Spain and Latin America 227
Bogdanova A.V., Liferova S.K. The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on italian social and spiritual institutions 235
Danilov I.L., Pirogova A.S., Rusiano М.R. Fighting terrorism in Uzbekistan: experiences and challenges of the Islamic movement of Uzbekistan 245
Egorov A.A., Egorova M.A. Disappearance of Flight MH370: 10-years historical review 255
Komyagina A.N., Zolotukhin S.V. The Clergy of the North in Emigration: the Life Path of fr. John Lelyukhin and fr. Nikolai Podosenov 266
Mardan Maryam, Mohammad Alem Mohammad Tamim Cooperation between Afghanistan and Tajikistan in the fight against terrorism 275
Mohammed Ussaid Yahia Bin Aissa Algerian national movement and the influence of the events of 1945 on it 280
Baskakova A.S., Isyakaeva A.R., Khromova A.A. The African continent as a priority area of Spanish foreign policy 288
Abstracts 309
Authors 323




Shuplenkov O.V.
Shuplenkov N.O.

Ontological foundations of education in the formation of the essence of the human individual

The article outlines the ontological principles of education in the system of Being and time. Man here is an extension of his individual product, having a connection with the fundamental constitution of being-in-the-world. Thus, the essence of the human individual has a preliminary understanding or mathematical understanding of the world and being. Based on this understanding of being in general and in particular, the essence of the human individual, as a power-being, can project its true existence. The project and the realization of existence are ultimately based on temporality as the essential basis of the human individual. The real education of the human individual as the development of his own power-being also lies in the awareness of his true existence and his own capabilities. This is done in the common world and in dialogue with others. The task and the teacher's participation in the educational process should be understood in this context.
Keywords: being, education, educational research, ontology, philosophy, human individual.


Sinitsyn A.Yu.

Moderation and multimedia in the course of studing foreign languages

The article gives the definition of moderation, its main objectives, functions, and stages during running groups of students studying a foreign language. Moderation is divided from facilitation and some specific examples of application of this method for ESP are provided. Emphases was put in using multimedia during moderation as means for the activation of group work and a motivation factor for learning in general.
Keywords: moderation, multimedia, facilitation, study motivation, methodology of teaching.


Luo Yafang

Comparative analysis of the performing arts of playing the European violin and the Chinese erhu

European culture is increasingly being introduced into the musical world of China, which leads to the need to adapt some classical works for performance on traditional national instruments. In the last century, the first musical instrument with which such an experiment was carried out was the erhu, similar in design to the European violin. Nowadays, both of these bowed string instruments are bright “stars” of the Chinese and Western European musical spheres, respectively. This article conducts a comparative study of the violin and erhu, based on documentary analysis, the history of the appearance and development of these musical instruments, their forms, basic techniques and ways of playing them. In the course of a comparative analysis, it is concluded that the erhu borrowed some playing techniques from the violin, but they are very limited due to its design. In terms of style, the instruments have many differences, despite the fact that both have a great degree of expressiveness. To a certain extent, this serves as the reason for their further mutual influence on each other.
Keywords: development of education, professional music education, comparison of the violin and erhu, Russia and China, folk instrument, design of a musical instrument, technique of playing a musical instrument.


Belous N.N.
Vakulina E.V.
Savchenko E.S.

Virtual excursions as a means of activating the cognitive activity of schoolchildren through familiarization with the surrounding world

The article is devoted to the problems of activating the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren through familiarization with the surrounding world. The article presents the results of an experimental study of the level of activation of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren. Based on the results of the study, recommendations are developed in the article.
Keywords: activation, younger schoolchildren, the world around them, cognitive activity, the process of familiarization.


Wang Dongqing

Technology of developing functional literacy among Russian and Chinese students: comparative analysis

China and Russia have different national conditions, so the situation of higher education is also different, the two countries that belong to the same period of educational transition are different in higher education, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The article provides a comparative analysis of technologies for developing functional literacy among Russian and Chinese students. The authors explore the specifics of approaches to teaching in the context of two countries, identifying similarities and differences in the methods used in teaching. The study analyzes the basic principles and strategies aimed at developing functional literacy among students. As a result, the article offers recommendations for increasing the efficiency of the educational process and improving the level of functional literacy among students in both countries.
Keywords: higher education, China, Russia, functional literacy.


Vasilyeva A.S.

Organization of an intercoordinational foresight platform for high school students: network interaction of school, VET and University as a factor of professional guidance

The article is devoted to the analysis of the practical implementation of an intercoordination foresight platform created on the basis of network interaction between schools, secondary vocational education and universities. The main goal of this site was to help high school students and vocational training students of the road transport faculty in determining their professional trajectory and understanding the demand for various professions in the modern labor market. As part of the work of the site, various foresight sessions, author events and interactive games were organized, including professional competitions and info-quests aimed at increasing professional awareness and motivation of participants. Particular attention is paid to events that promote deep familiarity with the road specialty and the transport industry as a whole. The results of the implementation of the foresight platform demonstrate the effectiveness of networking in the professional guidance of young people, contributing to a more informed choice of a future profession.
Keywords: foresight sites, high school students, students, road transport department, digitalization, new technologies.


Zueva I.V.
Goncharenko E.S.

Professional network communication stratagies in training English at technical university

In recent years, with the advent of information and communication technologies in the life of every person, the Internet has become a "storage" of data, being the link between the individual and the information it needs. This fact explains the huge and constantly growing research interest of various scientific areas in the study of this phenomenon. The attention of scientists is concentrated not only on the mechanisms for generating and processing the information received, but also on the study of communicative behavior in the Internet. Due to the fact that communication in virtual networks is a fundamentally new and poorly understood field of communication, virtual interaction in all spheres of life, be it personal or business communication, marked the transformation of existing communication rules. Network interaction requires a technical device, an Internet connection and users acting as creators and consumers of virtual reality. In this regard, in the process of teaching students the strategies of professional network communication in English, the development of all speech skills takes place comprehensively, implementing interdisciplinary integration. Thus, the process of forming the integrity and restoration of the unity of professional knowledge and skills in the information and educational environment takes place. And the process of training in professional network communication strategies in English acts as a means for the formation and development of professional knowledge and skills.
Keywords: professional network communication, information and communication technologies, professional skills, social services, Internet communication, speech strategies, communication services.


Gurkin R.A.

Crisis of the system of professional education of team staff

The evolution of pedagogical theories and the system of vocational education in the RSFSR and the USSR occurred through the introduction of innovative concepts concerning a radically restructured army and leadership, different from the pre-revolutionary principles of education. However, these theories, in the process of testing them in a series of continuous wars and military conflicts, were adjusted and selected, and Soviet military pedagogy itself fully ensured the continuity of the traditions of pre-revolutionary officer education and, at the same time, the development of productive innovative ideas. In particular, this progression can be traced in the pedagogical concepts of Soviet military leaders and military theorists regarding the professional training of officers. The fundamental principles of the professional education system of the Soviet officer are deeply rooted in rich experience and confirmed by victories, which, in contrast to Western ones, such a basis for professional training does not have, therefore, a holistic theory of the professional education of an officer abroad was never presented.
Keywords: system, personnel, Soviet, post-Soviet, period, upbringing, education, officers, continuity.


Krasilnikova E.V.
Kuznezova S.N.

On the formation of peasant values and technologies in modern agricultural education

The problem of the state of modern education, in particular agricultural education, which needs to return to the educational and educational process of the values of the peasant world, which are the basis of Russian identity, is stated. The concepts of "peasant world", "traditional spiritual values of the peasantry", "folk technologies of agriculture" are considered, which are necessary in the professional and personal education of future farmers, their theoretical and practical preparation for work in the agro-industrial complex. Attention is drawn to the need to rehabilitate the concept of peasant values and technologies in the minds of students of an agrarian university as an important mechanism for preserving the original ideological image of Russia in the conditions of modern world challenges. Pedagogical technologies are stated that allow reconstructing the values of the peasant world: research work, project activities, educational and postgraduate practice. The joint experience of teachers of the Department of Humanities and the Department of Crop Production is presented.
Keywords: agricultural education and upbringing, values of the peasant world, folk agricultural technologies.


Lyashenko V.S.

Case method as an innovative pedagogical technology in teaching discrete mathematics to University students

Nowadays, higher education is forced to regularly adapt not only to the needs of society, but also to new pedagogical trends that influence the educational process. Traditional methodological guidelines in the structure of educational disciplines are being revised under the influence of innovative teaching technologies, in particular, in the field of various branches of mathematical science. New didactic approaches influence the content of practical tasks, and also change the attitude of students and teachers to the process of their solutions. Thanks to innovative methods, students not only master program material, which is presented in the form of certain concepts and formulations, but also relate the acquired knowledge to future practical activities. The relevance of this article is due to the need to introduce the latest pedagogical methods in the process of teaching discrete mathematics to students of higher educational institutions. Object of study: Case method as an innovative pedagogical technology in the field of teaching discrete mathematics to university students. Research methods: analysis of methodological, pedagogical and scientific literature, which examines innovative technologies in the field of teaching, in particular case-study, as well as applied problems in discrete mathematics for university students. Scientific novelty: characteristics of innovative technologies in the field of teaching discrete mathematics, in particular the case method, are given; examples of cases that are applicable in the field of teaching students discrete mathematics are given.
Keywords: development of education, teaching discrete mathematics, case method, teaching students at a university, innovations in education.


Samoylenko A.V.
Shalamova O.O.
Lee N.B.

Stages of interpreter skills development of future linguist-translators from Korean language

At the present stage, interpreter (translator) as a profession is especially important for developing intercultural communication. The constantly growing demand for interpreters in the rapidly changing working conditions in terms of technological progress creates certain problems associated with the appropriate skills development of future linguists. Therefore, lecturers have to develop new methods and approaches for teaching interpretation. This article considers the main stages at which certain interpretation skills are developed by future linguists-translators from Korean language. The results of the study are of practical value, as they represent a short but concise guide for teaching students from the first to the fourth year of study. The article provides not only a general description of each stage, but also gives examples of skills need to be developed and relevant exercises to be done in this regard.
Keywords: interpretation, mnemonics, preparatory stage, main stage, methods of teaching interpretation, Korean language.


Sinkina A.V.
Shalamova O.O.
Shalamova D.A.

Hybrid learning in the Russian higher education system

The article deals with the problem of using the hybrid model of learning in higher education. The authors suggest one of the definitions of the term ‘hybrid learning’, and also give arguments in favor of differentiation of the term ‘blended learning’. The aim of the article is to determine advantages of hybrid learning, requirements that are to be followed when planning and giving classes in this format. The paper concentrates on the educational equipment that is designed for hybrid learning. The best practices of hybrid classrooms created on the basis of the leading Russian universities are provided. The findings are of direct practical relevance as they systematize the acquired knowledge about features of the hybrid learning model functioning, which in turn may become the basis for further research.
Keywords: hybrid learning, blended learning, video conferencing, synchronous learning, asynchronous learning.


Sokolova Т.B.
Migacheva G.N.

In-house training of personnel in the field design of technological equipment for mechanical assembly production

This article solves the problem of organizing personnel training within the framework of in-house training. The use of the proposed model and tools for its implementation will allow enterprises in the mechanical engineering industry to adapt technical service personnel to changing conditions and effectively use their resources, which determine their economic performance and competitiveness.
The reasons confirming the need for training within the company are: shortage of qualified personnel; increase in labor costs; competitive pressure to use labor effi-ciently; technical features and changes associated with scientific and technological progress and the introduction of information technologies; transfer to another position; growth in production volumes; the need to develop the potential of employees.
Keywords: organizational and pedagogical conditions, distance learning, educational platform, professional standard, in-house training, technological equipment for mechanical assembly production.


Chen Hezhou
Shalamova O.O.
Shalamova D.A.

Modern teaching methods for translators in the context of the Russian higher education

The purpose of the paper is to consider the issue of quality training of specialists in the area of translation. It analyzes modern methods of teaching students translators. The paper concentrates on the corpus approach and its advantages. Much attention is given to professional skills and principles that a translator should possess. The article describes the most common professional difficulties that a specialist could encounter. The authors express the opinion that the ability to overcome those difficulties indicates the competence of a specialist in using certain translation strategies. The authors also give examples of modern technologies that facilitate the work of translators and ensure that specialists are competitive in the job market. These technologies provide students with the necessary information, communication tools and an interactive learning environment. The findings are of direct practical value, as they can complement the educational process as a short but concise guide to the teaching of student translators.
Keywords: translation skills, translation competencies, translation strategies, student translator teaching, corpus approach.


Napso M.D.
Agirbov T.R.

Towards the phenomenon of "generation Z"

The article explores the problems associated with the phenomenon of the "digital generation" or "Generation Z". The peculiarities of digitalisation of education are investigated, the positive and negative sides of the transition to the digital format of education are revealed. The philosophical and pedagogical aspects of the topic under consideration are analysed. The contradictory nature of the impact of media resources on the consciousness and behaviour of students is traced. The concept of digital literacy is revealed, the demand for digital competences in the modern education system is shown, the necessity of rational application of traditional and digital educational methods in the educational process is emphasised.
Keywords: Generation Z, IT-technologies, digital migrants, digital natives, digital competence.


Luo Yafang

Comparison of innovative technologies in the field of professional music education in Russia and China

Intercultural exchange between two neighbors, Russia and China, has a long history; the study of accumulated experience allows us today to talk about the success and prospects of this format of relationship, contributing to the development of harmonious cooperation in various fields, including in the field of music education. Historically, music education began to take shape in China in the thirties of the nineteenth century according to Western canons. Having gone through a difficult path of development, having experienced the powerful influence of the Russian school at the beginning of the twentieth century, music education in modern China has come to realize the need to combine musical traditions, national heritage and innovation. Having chosen the Russian education system as a model, the Chinese partners are experiencing certain difficulties with its implementation, related to the preparedness of applicants, the shortage of teaching staff and the quality of their training, which does not imply the priority of a humanistic approach to learning, following the practice of increased attention exclusively to performing techniques. The high standards of music education inherent in the Russian music school are a guideline for Chinese colleagues and form the content of cultural exchange with the aim of educating a new generation of musicians of the highest level.
Keywords: development of pedagogy, professional music education, innovative technologies, Russia and China.


Chapkin N.S.

Modern pedagogical technologies and methods

The article discusses new technologies and methods used in the educational process. In modern society, education plays an important role in the formation and development of personality. The active development of innovative technologies and the transition to a digital society necessitate the search for new pedagogical technologies and methods that would help improve the learning process and create effective conditions for students. Therefore, the topic of using innovative pedagogical technologies and methods for the comprehensive development of the personality of modern young people using optimal and effective technologies and teaching methods is especially relevant today for the teaching community. The author analyzed the main trends in the modern educational process. One of the latest trends in the pedagogical field in 2023 is adaptive (personalized) learning. Also an important trend in the field of education today is the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process. The purpose of the work is to consider modern technologies and methods used in the education and upbringing of students.
Keywords: pedagogical learning technologies, personalized learning, virtual reality technologies, innovative education, personal development, pedagogical methods.


Kirillova A.I.

Northern regions of the Kamchatka Peninsula in the works of Russian researchers of the twentieth century. – beginning of the 21st century

The article discusses the history of studying the northern regions of the Kamchatka Territory. These territories themselves have a number of distinctive features related to their geographical location, population and their way of life, as well as administrative-territorial structure. It was in the twentieth century. The northern regions of Kamchatka have been actively studied by researchers, but at the same time, the historiography of these territories has not been systematized.
Keywords: Kamchatka, indigenous peoples of Kamchatka, historiography of Kamchatka, studies of Kamchatka, Kamchatka north.


Kalakhanova Z.M.

Historical resonance folklore on the creative traditions and culture of the Turkic-speaking peoples of the Caucasus

The article highlights the influence of folklore on the preservation of language, on the formation of self-awareness among the Turkic-speaking peoples of the North Caucasus, which had a strong influence on the culture of all neighbors. Linguistic, historical and ethnographic sources confirm the stated position. The author of the article draws attention to the originality of the national heroic epic of the Karachais and Balkars, which is one of the main versions of the pan-Caucasian Nartiada. Significant for the study are the translations made by the author of a couple of Nart songs about heroes, where the personal characters of the heroes, ideas about the world order, etc. are revealed. From the author’s point of view, folklore is a phenomenon of the aesthetic culture of society, and acts as an integral consolidating component. The article traces and analyzes heterogeneous ethnic processes, and also shows the degree of their stimulation for the interpenetration of languages, worldviews, traditions, architecture, creative ideas, etc. From the author’s point of view, folklore is a phenomenon of the aesthetic culture of society, and acts as an integral consolidating component. The article traces and analyzes heterogeneous ethnic processes, and also shows the degree of their stimulation for the interpenetration of languages, worldviews, traditions, architecture, creative ideas, etc.
Keywords: Nart epic, Nart songs and tales, Karachais, Balkars, heroes, emegens, Mingitau-Elbrus, Narsana, influence, North Caucasus, borrowing, ethnic groups, genres.


Budanov B.V.
Arefieva E.A.

Current problems of mastering the managerial activities of an officer, cadets of educational institutions of universities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

The studied theories of motivation made it possible to clarify and develop a model that explains what external situational factors and internal supra-situational personality factors constitute the motivational sphere of cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
When studying the problems of universities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, a serious issue related to the mastery of managerial activities by an officer and cadets of educational institutions was removed from consideration. At present, dynamic changes have occurred and continue to occur in the content of motivation for mastering the managerial activities of an officer, primarily related to the presence of pragmatism and independent assessment of the phenomena occurring in the education system of universities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
The awareness by cadets of their belonging to a special social group - “officers”, increases the importance of mastering management activities and allows cadets to perceive themselves as professional managers.
The object of the study will be the behavior of final year cadets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations University in Yekaterinburg.
The subject of this study is the motivation to master management activities, formed by various external and internal factors.
The purpose of the work is to create an idea of the motivation of final year cadets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations university in the unity of its subject-substantive, structural and functional characteristics.
Achieving this goal is associated with solving the following research tasks:
- on the basis of modern approaches and new social experience, explore the essence, content and structure of motivation for mastering management activities;
- identification of external and internal factors that have a direct impact on the formation of motivation for mastering management activities by university cadets.
- give certain proposals for improving the quality of training of managerial officers.
Keywords: management activities, professional activities, motivation.


Dyakov S.I.
Gorokhov V.V.
Vanyagin V.E.

Participation of personnel of the 1st Leningrad artillery school (1-lau) in the combat of the Great Patriotic War

The purpose of the study is to analyze the participation of 1-LAU personnel in the hostilities of the Great Patriotic War, both at the initial stage on the approaches to Leningrad and during its course. The relevance of the topic is determined by the need to study the events in which the school personnel participated, to clarify from archival sources the events that took place in June-August 1941 (participation of personnel in consolidated units, losses in personnel), as well as conducting internships for permanent officers in active units of the Leningrad, Baltic and 2nd Ukrainian fronts. As a result of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that in the initial period of the war 1-LAU made its unique contribution to the training of personnel who participated in the battles on the outskirts of Leningrad in the summer of 1941 on the Luga line of defense. Previously unpublished and little-studied sources are introduced into scientific circulation. By organizing the annual military-patriotic project “March of Artillerymen”, the command and teaching staff of the Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy actually acquaints the academy’s artillery cadets with the situation that developed in the summer of 1941 during the project, and holds rallies at each line of defense in the area of the populated area Bolshoy Sabsk, on the ground, the locations of firing positions, command and observation posts of the combined division are bypassed, thereby preserving the memory of the immortal feat of the personnel of 1-LAU.
Keywords: artillery, school, artillery officer, 1-LAU, Luga line of defense, military-patriotic project, artillery march.


Еlezov M.A.
Martynenko Y.A.

Organization and practice of perpetuating the memory of defenders of the fatherland who died during the first world war in Pervomaisky district of the Tomsk region

The article presents the work of search engines to perpetuate the memory of the participants of the First World War (1914-1918) in the Pervomaisky district of the Tomsk region. Much attention is paid to the project activities of schoolchildren in the search party "Countrymen" and work in the state archives of the Tomsk region.
Keywords: search movement, First World War, perpetuation of memory in the Tomsk region.


Zapata Ruiz T.A.

Motivation in teaching students in the modern educational process

The article raises the topic of the importance of obtaining higher professional education in the modern world, which is unthinkable without rapid scientific and technological development and progress in various fields of knowledge and places high demands on the qualifications and level of education of modern specialists.
Keywords: motivation in learning, psychological and pedagogical problems, educational process, higher education, COVID-19 pandemic.


Kalakhanova Z.M.

Karachay-Balkar folk tales as an object of analysis in the study of the mentality of the nation

The article examines the fairy tale in a little-studied aspect.
An attempt is made to comprehend the expression of the national patriarchal mentality in a folk tale. The features of the Karachay and Balkar mentality are highlighted.
The problem of genre originality of Karachay-Balkar folk tales is also raised. The purpose of this article is to conduct a brief analysis of the features of a number of previously unexplored texts of Karachay-Balkar folk tales, which are based on mythological content and narrative motifs. Annotation. The article examines the fairy tale in a little-studied aspect. An attempt is made to comprehend the expression of the national patriarchal mentality in a folk tale. The features of the Karachay and Balkar mentality are highlighted.
The problem of genre originality of Karachay-Balkar folk tales is also raised. The purpose of this article is to conduct a brief analysis of the features of a number of previously unexplored texts of Karachay-Balkar folk tales, which are based on mythological content and narrative motifs. In addition, the study provides a comparative analysis of a number of motifs from the Karachay-Balkar folk tale and works in the languages of Turkic, Indo-Iranian, Caucasian, Slavic and other peoples.
Keywords: fairy tale, myth, genre, mentality, plot, Elbrus, national identity, storytellers (taurukhchula), storytellers (khaparchila), folklore, national character.


Serenko M.N.

Problems of reviving the education system in large cities in the south of the USSR in the second half of the Great Patriotic War

The article deals with the problem of involving the population in the restoration of Stalingrad, using the example of the revival of the education system, the role and tasks of the government as an organizing and directing force. The main events of the initial period of the restoration of Stalingrad are highlighted and unique methods of managerial activity in difficult conditions are characterized.
Keywords: volunteerism, education, school, war, Stalingrad, management, trade unions, restoration.


Teterkina O.A.

Kurdish problem in Iraq in the ХХ-th century: solutions

The article analyzes the Kurdish problem in Iraq in the 20th century, sets out the chronology of events related to the Kurdish issue, and considers possible ways to solve this problem. The article also says that thanks to the acquisition of autonomy status by Iraqi Kurdistan, it became possible to strengthen a single form of language in the process of spreading its literary form through the education system, literature and the media; strengthening economic and economic ties and the development of civil and political institutions. Iraqi Kurdistan is the only region inhabited by Kurds that has achieved de facto independence, although it remains part of the Iraqi state.
Keywords: Iraq, Kurdistan, Kurds, Mustafa Barzani, self-determination, Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP).


Baskakova A.S.
Isyakaeva A.R.
Khromova A.A.

The role of the Iberoamerican summits in humanitarian cooperation between Spain and Latin America

The article is devoted to the analysis of areas of cooperation in the humanitarian sphere of Spain and Latin America; such areas as education, culture, sports, development of humanitarian assistance and support within the framework of the Ibero-American summits are considered, as well as positions and decisions that were developed within the framework of these summits by Spain and Latin America together.
Keywords: Iberoamerican summits, Spain, Latin America, humanitarian cooperation, humanitarian aid, COVID-19, food security, cultural and educational cooperation.


Bogdanova A.V.
Liferova S.K.

The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on italian social and spiritual institutions

The COVID-19 pandemic had a tangible impact on almost every nation in the world, changing the image of countries for a long time. Such crises are not without consequences, so the main purpose of this paper is to investigate the changes that occurred during the pandemic in the social and spiritual spheres of Italy, a country significantly affected by the disease, and to identify tendencies which could potentially have an impact on the political image of the country in the long term by means of description, analysis and synthesis, as well as by means of abstraction and forecasting methods. The information obtained as a result of this work can be a necessary basis for studying the development of the country in the future. In addition, the identified trends can illustrate the impact of crisis situations on the interaction between the center and the regions of Italy. In the framework of the work carried out, the main changes in the country during the pandemic were described: the increased probability of potential conflict between the state and regional authorities, the mainstreaming of healthcare system-related issues, reviewing the importance of the participation of Italian religious institutions in the life of citizens.
Keywords: COVID-19, pandemic, Italy, social institutions, spiritual institutions, Europe, Catholic Church, religion, education, health care.


Danilov I.L.
Pirogova A.S.
Rusiano М.R.

Fighting terrorism in Uzbekistan: experiences and challenges of the Islamic movement of Uzbekistan

This article examines the experiences and challenges faced by the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) in fighting terrorism in Uzbekistan. The IMU, a militant organization with roots in the country, has been involved in various terrorist acts and insurgencies in the region. This study examines the historical context of the IMU's emergence, its ideological foundations and its evolution over time. Drawing on a number of primary and secondary sources, including government reports, academic research and interviews, the paper analyzes the IMU's strategy and tactics employed in its quest to establish an Islamic state in Uzbekistan. The study also examines the complexities of fighting terrorism while maintaining human rights and public support. The findings of this study can help policymakers, security professionals and researchers in their efforts to develop effective measures to combat terrorism and promote regional stability.
Keywords: terrorism, Uzbekistan, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Central Asia, modern challenges and threats, counter-terrorism efforts, government strategies, regional stability.


Egorov A.A.
Egorova M.A.

Disappearance of Flight MH370: 10-years historical review

The opening of a sea route to India is briefly described. The geography and climate of the Indian Ocean are characterized. The main attention in the article is paid to the consideration of the hypotheses put forward by the authors to find a possible crash site of a passenger plane Boeing 777-200ER of Malaysia Airlines March 8, 2014. Currently, the search for the crash site has not yielded any results. We have reviewed the basic search data available in open sources. In addition, some features were analyzed in this region: Indian Ocean relief; climate; and ocean currents. Consideration of the available data allowed us to put forward four main hypotheses: 1) airliner crash into the west of the Andaman islands, to the East Indian ridge in the Bay of Bengal; 2) airliner crash into a eastern part of Indian ocean, to the south of Indonesia; 3) airliner crash into the Arabian-Indian ridge in 400–600 km to the east of the island La-Dig entering into Seychelles archipelago; 4) airliner crash into 900–1000 km to the west of Maldives Islands. The analysis of these hypotheses has allowed coming to conclusion about preference of the third hypothesis.
Keywords: history, geography, Indian Ocean, airplane, MH370, Arabian-Indian ridge, hypothesis.


Komyagina A.N.
Zolotukhin S.V.

The Clergy of the North in Emigration: the Life Path of fr. John Lelyukhin and fr. Nikolai Podosenov

The article examines the life paths of two archpriests who left the North of Russia with the remnants of the white army in 1920 and continued their religious ministry in Europe, tending Orthodox parishes and supporting the centers of Russian culture until the end of their lives.
Keywords: Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Russian North, Russian priests in Europe, white emigration.


Mardan Maryam
Mohammad Alem Mohammad Tamim

Cooperation between Afghanistan and Tajikistan in the fight against terrorism

The Republic of Tajikistan attaches great importance to cultural and historical identity and good-neighborliness with Afghanistan, as well as multilateral cooperation. Areas of cooperation between Tajikistan and Afghanistan include terrorism and drug trafficking, which are closely linked to transnational organized crime, illegal arms trafficking, political and religious extremism, as well as illegal immigration. The Government of Tajikistan attaches great importance to solving these problems not only in the region, but also in bilateral relations with Afghanistan. Today, there are strict rules and regulations that facilitate cooperation in this area. This makes it possible to take measures to solve problems that threaten regional and national security.
Keywords: cooperation, border, counter-terrorism operation, cross-border terrorism, information exchange, military cooperation, combating extremism, security, strengthening border control, regional stability.


Mohammed Ussaid Yahia Bin Aissa

Algerian national movement and the influence of the events of 1945 on it

The importance of the topic of research is due to the importance of the massacres that occurred on May 8, 1945, as one of the prominent events in the modern history of Algeria during the colonial period, and its connection with the development of the national movement. The aim of this research project is to analyze and study the general situation in Algeria before the massacres of May 8, 1945. It talked about the most heinous war crimes committed by France in the twentieth century against the Algerian people, whose death toll reached 45 thousand. Their only fault was that they participated in peaceful demonstrations expressing their joy at the end of the war. World War II and the victory of France, which promised them freedom and independence in return for participating in the war with them, and these peaceful demonstrations turned into massacres, especially in Setif, Guelma, and Kharrata, we discuss the repercussions of these massacres on the course of the national movement and the real motives for committing them.
Keywords: May 81945, national movement, France, Massacres, Peaceful demonstrations, Algeria, End of World War II.


Baskakova A.S.
Isyakaeva A.R.
Khromova A.A.

The African continent as a priority area of Spanish foreign policy

The article is devoted to the analysis of the main aspects of Spanish foreign policy towards the countries of the African continent, including promising and current areas of cooperation along the Spanish-African line in the field of economics, politics and security. Priority is given to the provisions and their implementation of the Spanish strategic document for Africa “Focus Africa 2023”.
Keywords: Spain, Africa, foreign policy, economy, education, migration, security.




Agirbov T.R., Student. North-Caucasus state academy.
Arefieva E.A., Cadet of the Faculty of Fire and Technosphere Safety, Ural Institute of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Yekaterinburg.
Baskakova A.S., Student, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Belous N.N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Bryansk State University named after I.G. Petrovsky.
Bogdanova A.V., Postgraduate student of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Budanov B.V., Associate Professor of the Department of Safety in Emergency Situations, Ural Institute of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Yekaterinburg.
Chapkin N.S., Senior Lecturer. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov". Basic Department of Digital Economy of the Institute for the Development of the Information Society.
Chen Hezhou, Graduate student (Master’s student). Pacific National University, Khabarovsk.
Danilov I.L., Master, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Dyakov S.I., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy.
Egorov A.A., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, freelance professor-consultant. Russian Peoples' Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumb.
Egorova M.A., Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor. Russian Peoples' Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumb.
Еlezov M.A., Postgraduate student. Tomsk State Pedagogical University.
Goncharenko E.S., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University.
Gorokhov V.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy.
Gurkin R.A., Lecturer at the Department of Tactics at NVVKU (Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School).
Isyakaeva A.R., Student, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Kalakhanova Z.M., PhD in History, Associate Professor. Stavropol Institute of Cooperation.
Khromova A.A., Student, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Krasilnikova E.V., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Head of the Department of Humanities, Tver State Agricultural Academy.
Kirillova A.I., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy, Kamchatka State University named after Vitus Bering.
Komyagina A.N., Master's degree student, Department of Russian History, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Kuznezova S.N., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Plant Growing and Flax Processing Technologies, Tver State Agricultural Academy.
Lee N.B., Senior lecturer. Pacific National University, Khabarovsk.
Liferova S.K., 3rd year undergraduate student at the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, Institute of Foreign Languages, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Luo Yafang, Postgraduate student, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.
Lyashenko V.S., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Data Analysis and Machine Learning, Faculty of Information Technologies and Data Analysis, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Mardan Maryam, PhD, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Martynenko Y.A., History Teacher. Municipal budgetary educational institution "Pervomaiskaya secondary school".
Migacheva G.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University.
Mohammad Alem Mohammad Tamim, PhD, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Mohammed Ussaid Yahia Bin Aissa, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Napso M.D., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, professor of department of philosophy and humanities sciences. North-Caucasus state academy.
Pirogova A.S., Master, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Rusiano М.R., Master, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Samoylenko A.V., Graduate student (Master’s student). Pacific National University, Khabarovsk.
Savchenko E.S., Bryansk State University named after I.G. Petrovsky.
Serenko M.N., Lecturer, Volgograd Branch of the Russian University of Economics. laureate of the prize of the city-hero of Volgograd in the field of education.
Shalamova D.A., Master, expert. Moscow City Investment Agency.
Shalamova O.O., PhD of Pedagogic Sciences, Assistant professor. Pacific National University, Khabarovsk.
Shuplenkov O.V., Associate Professor of the Department of history, law and social Sciences of the Stavropol state pedagogical Institute.
Shuplenkov N.O., Associate Professor of the Department of history, law and social Sciences of the Stavropol state pedagogical Institute.
Sinkina A.V., Graduate student (Master’s student). Pacific National University, Khabarovsk.
Sinitsyn A.Yu., Associate Professor of the Department of English, Candidate of Political Sciences, Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Sokolova Т.B., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University.
Teterkina O.A., Senior Lecturer. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Vakulina E.V., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Bryansk State University named after I.G. Petrovsky.
Vanyagin V.E., Candidate of Military Sciences. St. Petersburg Military Institute of the Order of Zhukov of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.
Vasilyeva A.S., Senior Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Science, North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova.
Wang Dongqing, Graduate student, State University of Education.
Zapata Ruiz T.A., Senior Lecturer. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Zolotukhin S.V., Master's degree student, Department of Russian History, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Zueva I.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University.