
Vrazhnova M.N., Ternovaya L.O. National project “Personnel” and new tasks of the course “Fundamentals of Personnel Security” 13
Li Yiding Approaches to basketball coach training in China 23
Aliyeva A.M., Adzhieva Z.I., Adzhiev A.M. Socio-psychological determinants of cyberaddiction in preschool age: identification and prevention of risks 30
Barsukova N.V. Modern trends in the field of higher professional education: their pros and cons 36
Belyakova A.E. Innovative approaches to forming creative thinking of schoolchildren in the system of additional education 41
Botsieva B.S., Kasumova B.S.-A., Okazova Z.P. Assessment of the role of natural scientific disciplines in the development of intellectual abilities of an person 53
Li Yiding Requirements for professional training and personal qualities of a basketball coach 60
Gairabekova R.Kh., Kasumova B.S.-A., Okazova Z.P. Project method in the educational process of future teachers 70
Nabat Beydulla kyzy Jafarova About inclusive education 77
Dmitriev S.B., Mukminova G.R., Vasilkovskaya Yu.A., Malygina L.V. Additional physical training classes based on kobudo for students of cadet classes as a means of strengthening health and improving physical fitness 88
Zharinova E.N., Slobodchikov I.M. Productive activity of subjects of education in educational psychology and acmeology of fundamental education 96
Ivanov N.A., Tumasyan Yu.A., Volkov A.V., Maksimenko V.G. Sport as a tool for forming positive behavioral habits in youth 105
Li Yiding Structure of the activity of a basketball coach in student teams 113
Mayorova M.A. Analysis of existing pedagogical methods and technologies for application of artificial intelligence in additional professional education 121
Markov A.V. Modern aspects of using the case method in professional training of foreign language teachers (secondary school) 129
Nasipova S.B. Professional responsibility of civil servants as a basis for social and group identification 138
Petrova I.V., Khrapchenkov V.G. Features of applying technology for developing critical thinking in primary school 144
Salmenkova M.V., Zhidyaeva E.S. He authority of the teacher in a modern school 152
Totoeva O.N., Kasumova L.A., Okazova Z.P. Promotion of healthy lifestyle as one of the components of the educational process 163
Tian Haoran Features and methods for forming professional competence of a violist during the process of studying at a University 168
Khozieva T.Kh., Kalmanova T.A., Okazova Z.P., Gairabekova R.Kh. Folk pedagogy in forming a culture of safe behavior in students 173
Zhen Gdongni Music education in Russia: history and modernity 179
Chen Zhuyu Exploring contemporary psychological principles and their application to performance teaching 184
Yang Chiyu Application of task-based teaching model in college drama performance major 194
Chen Zhuyu Practical research of the development and training of students’ imagination when teaching performance skills 200
Topical  issues  of  historical  sciences
Ivantsov I.G., Romanyuk S.N. From the history of inspections of communists for activities and occupation in the occupied areas of Kuban. Based on the materials of investigations by the VKP (B) bodies 210
Paphov A.M. The secondary education system of Karachay-Cherkessia in the 1990s 217
Pronin A.A. Cognitive possibilities of bibliometric analysis of historiographical narrative on the example of dissertations on the history of Russian emigration 225
History  of  geopolitics,  international  relations  and  general  history
Wangraoua W. Vanessa Estelle, Adu Y.N. The roots and fight against terrorism in Burkina Faso 239
Yahia Bin Aissa Mohammed Ussaid French occupation of Algeria reasons and motives 1827/1830 247
Abstracts 269
Authors 283




Vrazhnova M.N.
Ternovaya L.O.

National project “Personnel” and new tasks of the course “Fundamentals of Personnel Security”

Since 2025, a new national project “Personnel” will start in the Russian Federation. The essence of this project is to strengthen the connection between educational institutions and production. From the perspective of this approach, the fine-tuning of highly qualified personnel to the needs of a constantly changing economy, which is increasingly becoming innovative, becomes especially important. At the same time, new risks arise, including personnel security risks. The educational discipline “Fundamentals of Personnel Security” involves not only familiarizing students with the basic problems of personnel safety and personnel management, but also the formation of such knowledge and skills that will help them overcome such challenges in their professional life.
Keywords: national security, public administration, national projects, human resources, personnel, higher education.


Li Yiding

Approaches to basketball coach training in China

In this article, the author attempts to study the training system for basketball coaches from Russia and China and propose ways to improve it. Such aspects of the educational process as the creation of a flexible educational program, increasing the role of mentoring and learning based on practice are considered. As a result, it was found that trainers are in favor of decentralized and local programs that have a practical focus. This reflects the need for a holistic approach to training programs, as well as a flexible construction of the educational process.
Keywords: China, Russia, basketball, coach, training, system, pedagogy.


Aliyeva A.M.
Adzhieva Z.I.
Adzhiev A.M.

Socio-psychological determinants of cyberaddiction in preschool age: identification and prevention of risks

With the development of information technology and the spread of the Internet in modern society, preschoolers are increasingly faced with cyberspace. However, this brings not only benefits, but also potential risks, such as cyberaddiction. This article examines the socio-psychological factors influencing the emergence and development of cyberaddiction in preschool age, and also suggests measures to prevent and combat this phenomenon.
Keywords: cyberaddiction, preschool age, risks, prevention, social psychology of addiction, interpersonal.


Barsukova N.V.

Modern trends in the field of higher professional education: their pros and cons

The article discusses current trends in higher professional education, their variability, interconnection and mutual influence, as well as their positive and negative aspects, which must be taken into account when organizing the educational process. The role of technology integration, social-emotional learning, and competency-based education is highlighted. Attention is paid to the development of practical skills, namely the ability to search for information.
Keywords: trends in modern education, technologies, tools, training, students.


Belyakova A.E.

Innovative approaches to forming creative thinking of schoolchildren in the system of additional education

This article analyzes the impact of innovative educational methods on stimulating creative thinking in students in the framework of supplementary education. The study examines the use of computer programs and graphic technologies in the learning process, as well as the benefits and risks of digital tools for developing students' creative thinking. The importance of balancing the use of digital tools and maintaining high quality learning with the potential for developing pupils' creativity is emphasized. It is noted that supplementary education provides a freer and more comfortable environment, which contributes to the development of artistic taste, the ability to compare and express one's own point of view. The article emphasizes the importance of acquaintance with cultural values, which not only enrich the educational experience, but also shape the moral qualities of students. Special attention is paid to the role of the educator in this process, emphasizing that in order to engage students, the educator must be a creative individual. The article points out the possible negative consequences of intensive use of digital tools without proper control, especially in the context of the development of intellectual abilities of students, and discusses in detail the comparison of interactive teaching methods with traditional approaches. It concludes by emphasizing the importance of harmonizing digital technologies with traditional methods in education. The article highlights the potential risks of intensive use of digital tools without the necessary controls, emphasizing the need to find an optimal balance to ensure effective and balanced development of students' creative thinking within the system of additional education. Through the analysis, it can be noted that innovative methods make it possible to identify new connections and integrate the latest scientific achievements and technological innovations into the learning process, thus enriching the content of education.
Keywords: innovations, educational technologies, creative thinking, schoolchildren, additional education, digital tools, computer programs, development of thought processes.


Botsieva B.S.
Kasumova B.S.-A.
Okazova Z.P.

Assessment of the role of natural scientific disciplines in the development of intellectual abilities of an person

At the present stage, against the background of the rapid complication and increase in the speed of social processes occurring in society, the requirements for human abilities are increasing. The problem of personality development comes to the fore, which is due to the high level of dynamism in the development of emotional intelligence and society as a whole. For successful personal socialization, primary schoolchildren need to have sufficient competence in the field of emotional intelligence. The development of emotional intelligence in modern society is necessary for the ability to understand oneself and other people and manage emotions. Purpose of the study: to study the role of natural science disciplines in the development of an individual’s intellectual abilities. The expediency of in-depth study of natural science disciplines in increasing the level of intellectual abilities has been established. In-depth study of this block of disciplines has a positive impact on the cognitive abilities of students. This is done through developing and improving skills such as observation, analysis, logical thinking and problem solving.
Keywords: intellectual abilities, educational process, abilities and skills, natural science disciplines, cognitive abilities.


Li Yiding

Requirements for professional training and personal qualities of a basketball coach

This article defines the requirements for professional preparedness and personal qualities of a basketball coach. The basis of the article is a survey, on the basis of which the factors contributing to the development of coaching skills within the framework of basketball in China were identified. The author also cites statements of respondents pointing to aspects of personal qualities that trainers should pay special attention to in the process of professional training. The paper notes the requirements necessary for coaches not only in the framework of national basketball competitions, but also international ones.
Keywords: China, basketball, coach, personal qualities, professional readiness.


Gairabekova R.Kh.
Kasumova B.S.-A.
Okazova Z.P.

Project method in the educational process of future teachers

The requirements that society puts forward for the quality of higher education determine the search for ways to optimize the process of training future teachers. An analysis of the experience of teacher training revealed the popularity of this form of educational interaction between teacher and student as projects. The project method is actively used in the practice of training specialists in various specialties, as an organization of training, when students acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and performing practical tasks. The project method is considered in the aspect of training in the process of training specialists in higher educational institutions. The purpose of the study is to reveal the didactic potential of project activities in the process of training future teachers. The result of participation in the project should be the student’s awareness of the choice of methods for organizing students’ activities, the ability to effectively demonstrate ways and techniques for performing certain educational tasks. Involving future teachers in the implementation of projects in the educational process allows students to consciously apply their acquired experience, involve them in real charitable activities, and contributes to the professional development of future teachers. This confirms the didactic potential of the project method as a means of achieving certain learning outcomes.
Keywords: project activities, educational process, training of specialists, didactic potential, practical tasks, skills.


Nabat Beydulla kyzy Jafarova

About inclusive education

“İnclusion” and “joining” translated from English mean “inclusion” and “joining”. Inclusion increases the self-confidence of students with disabilities and encourages them to learn at school with other children. Inclusion applies not only to children with special needs, but to every child with different languages, cultures, lifestyles and religions. Such educated, equal people actively participate in the life and development of society and the state. The education system provides for the spiritual and educational needs of indigenous children. In inclusive education, the educational direction of students with disabilities in school is established in an environment suitable for their abilities and their educational needs are supported at an appropriate level.
By researching school experiences, organizing observations of students with special needs, and conducting informal interviews, researchers collect data that allows them to study and explain in which direction the organization of education will be most important for them, which is used to develop inclusive education.
Keywords: inclusive education, 21st century, science and technology, inclusive classes, organizations.


Dmitriev S.B.
Mukminova G.R.
Vasilkovskaya Yu.A.
Malygina L.V.

Additional physical training classes based on kobudo for students of cadet classes as a means of strengthening health and improving physical fitness

In this scientific work, the author analyzes the real practical significance of organizing and conducting additional physical training classes based on kobudo for students in cadet classes in terms of strengthening their health and improving physical fitness. The object of this study is additional physical training classes based on kobudo for cadet classes. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive, consistent analysis of each additional physical training class based on kobudo for students in cadet classes in the context of using them as a means of promoting health and improving the physical fitness of such students. Research methods: normative legal analysis, comparative legal analysis, formal legal method, generalization, systematization, deduction, other methods of the theoretical level of scientific knowledge. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the designation of the real practical significance of the designated type of additional classes, as well as the promotion of the author’s recommendations for a wider, widespread introduction of such practices into the educational process of cadet classes and other specialized educational organizations. This scientific article will be useful to theorists, practitioners, students and teaching staff, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the features of the organization and functioning of physical training classes for cadets, as well as students of specialized educational organizations.
Keywords: physical culture, physical training, kobudo, cadet classes, physical fitness, cadet school, physical education.


Zharinova E.N.
Slobodchikov I.M.

Productive activity of subjects of education in educational psychology and acmeology of fundamental education

The article examines psychological, pedagogical and acmeological concepts associated with the productive activities of educational subjects of representatives of various domestic scientific schools. It has been revealed that the productive activity of subjects of education in pedagogical psychology and acmeology of fundamental education includes the definition of the concepts of self-development, self-movement to the heights of professionalism and the productivity of creative activity by means of education.
Keywords: productive activity, educational psychology, acmeology of fundamental education, patterns, research, potential.


Ivanov N.A.
Tumasyan Yu.A.
Volkov A.V.
Maksimenko V.G.

Sport as a tool for forming positive behavioral habits in youth

This scientific article highlights the importance of sport as a means of developing positive behavioral habits among young people, as well as the impact on social adaptation and personal development. The various aspects of the impact of sport on young people are examined, including physical and psychological well-being, character development and social integration. The analysis presented in the article is relevant in the context of modern society, where sport plays a major role in the development of youth and the formation of values necessary for a successful life and career. The article also discusses the influence of sport on the development of leadership qualities in young people, as well as on the development of communication skills and the ability to work in a team. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between exercise and improved psychological health, including reduced stress, improved self-esteem and increased self-discipline, making this article a valuable study in the field of social psychology and sports pedagogy. The object of the study is the influence of sports on the formation of positive behavioral habits in young people. The purpose of the study is to explore how participation in sports can promote the development of positive behavioral habits in youth. Research methods: to achieve the set goals and objectives, methods of observation, questioning, interviewing, statistical data analysis and comparative analysis will be used. The scientific novelty of the study and the results may be significant for the development of programs and projects for the education and development of youth, as well as for further research in the field of social and sports psychology.
Keywords: youth, sports, behavioral habits, healthy lifestyle, physical activity, skill development, discipline, emotional balance.


Li Yiding

Structure of the activity of a basketball coach in student teams

This article analyzes the structure of the activity of a basketball coach in student teams. The empirical basis of the study is the CNKI Portal, a resource sharing platform based at Fuzhou University, Fujian Normal University and Huyaqiao University library for obtaining data on university basketball, as well as data obtained from the questionnaire for basketball coaches. As a result, the structure was composed as follows: behavior in the framework of the educational process, behavior in the framework of giving feedback, democratic behavior, caring behavior, social support behavior.
Keywords: coach, basketball, university, sport, analysis, team.


Mayorova M.A.

Analysis of existing pedagogical methods and technologies for application of artificial intelligence in additional professional education

In this scientific work, the author analyzes the pedagogical methods and technologies of using artificial intelligence in additional vocational education that exist today. To do this, the author briefly examines the directions in which such tools can be applied in practice, and also examines real examples of specific educational organizations. In the second part of the work, the author focuses on the current problems of introducing artificial intelligence tools into the domestic system of additional professional education and determines further prospects for such implementation. In conclusion, the author also draws attention to options for using artificial intelligence in the Russian education system in the future. The object of this study is pedagogical methods and technologies for using artificial intelligence in additional vocational education. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive, consistent analysis of the use of pedagogical methods and technologies for the use of artificial intelligence in additional vocational education. Research methods: normative legal analysis, comparative legal analysis, formal legal method, generalization, systematization, deduction, other methods of the theoretical level of scientific knowledge. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the preparation of a comprehensive study, the formation of the author's conclusions regarding the current state of application of pedagogical methods and technologies for the use of artificial intelligence in additional vocational education, problematic aspects and development prospects. This scientific article will be useful to theorists, practitioners, students and teaching staff, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the features of the organization and functioning of the modern domestic system of additional professional education and the use of artificial intelligence tools in its work.
Keywords: pedagogical methods, artificial intelligence, educational process, vocational education, additional vocational education, modern technologies, digitalization, innovation.


Markov A.V.

Modern aspects of using the case method in professional training of foreign language teachers (secondary school)

The article examines the case management method as a way of developing the professional competencies of a foreign language teacher. The relevance of the use of this technology in the training of future teachers is analyzed, its content side is studied. The relevance of the study lies in the need to analyze the feasibility of methods introduced into the professional training of teaching staff in connection with changes in the relevance of educational trends and the modernization of the education system. The object of the study is the case method as a way of teaching students in pedagogical universities. The purpose of the study is to study the effectiveness of the case method in preparing a modern competent foreign language teacher. During the study, methods such as analysis of methodological and psychological-pedagogical literature on the research topic, observation, generalization, comparison, and logical analysis were used. The scientific novelty of the study lies in determining the relevance of using the method under study in modern training of foreign language teachers and identifying ways of its practical application.
Keywords: case method, teacher education, modern teacher, case study, current methods.


Nasipova S.B.

Professional responsibility of civil servants as a basis for social and group identification

This scientific article examines in detail how professional responsibility forms social identity among civil servants and serves as a key element in their socio-group affiliation. The study reveals that professional responsibility not only determines the behavior of civil servants within the framework of their official duties, but also plays an important role in their perception of their own role in society, which, in turn, contributes to the formation and strengthening of their social identity. The authors emphasize that ethical norms, standards of conduct and public expectations form the basis on which professional responsibility is built. The article also highlights the problem of insufficient level of professional responsibility, which leads to erosion of public confidence in the public service and a decrease in the effectiveness of public administration. Based on theoretical analysis and empirical data obtained from surveys and interviews with government officials, the study suggests ways to increase the level of professional responsibility. The authors argue that strengthening professional responsibility can significantly improve the perception of public service by society and increase the overall effectiveness of public administration. In conclusion, recommendations are presented on the development and implementation of measures to strengthen the professional responsibility of civil servants, in order to form a stronger social identity and increase confidence in the civil service.
Keywords: civil servants, competencies, identification, state, society, competence, growth, group.


Petrova I.V.
Khrapchenkov V.G.

Features of applying technology for developing critical thinking in primary school

This scientific work examines the effectiveness of using technology for the development of analytical thinking in primary school students. This study was developed based on the use of interactive educational programs specifically designed to develop core competencies in students. The results of this study demonstrate significant progress in the level of analytical thinking of elementary school students, confirming the effectiveness of this technique. In the course of this study, the results of the educational process using the technology for the development of analytical thinking were analyzed in comparison with traditional approaches in education. The data obtained as a result of the study provide the basis for the conclusion that technology is significantly progressive in the development of analytical thinking in primary school students. The results of the study may be in demand for teachers and mentors in the educational field when planning and implementing advanced pedagogical approaches aimed at developing analytical thinking in younger schoolchildren. The object of the study is primary school students. The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of using technology for developing analytical thinking among primary school students. Research methods: critical analysis of sources on the development of cognitive abilities in children of primary school age, conducting practical classes using modern technology for the development of analytical thinking, assessment (testing) of the educational achievements of primary schoolchildren to assess the level of analytical thinking before and after using the technology. The scientific novelty of the study demonstrates the successful application of modern technology for the development of analytical thinking in primary school, which can significantly improve the level of analytical and necessary skills of students.
Keywords: education, primary school, students, development, effective technologies, critical thinking, learning outcomes.


Salmenkova M.V.
Zhidyaeva E.S.

He authority of the teacher in a modern school

Situation has developed in modern schools: knowledge is an important resource for achieving new status characteristics and a high position in society, but respect for people who know their subject, who transfer knowledge to schoolchildren not at the level that implies adequate knowledge transfer. The purpose of the study is to identify external and internal factors, personal qualities and corporate conditions necessary to increase the authority of the teacher of an educational institution. The methodology for considering the problem is the analysis and synthesis of pedagogical theories of domestic and European teachers and theorists of legal thought, the subject of which is the regulatory regulation of educational processes. The author's approach at the previous stage consisted in the study of the components of pedagogical skills. Currently, the essence of the author's understanding of the peculiarities of the teacher's authority consists in an excess of influence on his position of the components of the external environment, without the possibility of independent choice of means and methods of influencing the personality of students and in creating a situation of excess responsibility. It is the practice of working with different categories of students that is the most difficult type of activity and requires constant exchange of experience. Reading special literature, of course, brings a tangible positive result, but live communication for a teacher is the oxygen of activity.
Keywords: educational institution, teacher's authority, legislative basis of education, educational methodology, educational resources, exchange of experience, teacher's rights, foreign experience.


Totoeva O.N.
Kasumova L.A.
Okazova Z.P.

Promotion of healthy lifestyle as one of the components of the educational process

Every year on the territory of the Russian Federation, the incidence rate among young people increases. The deterioration of the health status of young people is caused by a number of factors. First of all, it is very important to start developing the necessary healthy lifestyle skills in the younger generation in a timely manner. It is important that young people pay more attention to improving their health and adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle. At the present stage, it is important that all the knowledge gained has practical application, which will subsequently significantly expand the scope of activity of the future specialist. This is especially relevant for future doctors and teachers. The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of the principles of developing a healthy lifestyle in the context of increasing the general cultural level of the younger generation. One of the main tasks of promoting a healthy lifestyle is the comprehensive development of an individual capable of leading a healthy lifestyle and promoting it, which is especially important for future doctors and teachers. It is necessary to organize seminars and round tables, both among students and among teachers, the purpose of which will be to promote a healthy lifestyle in the context of modern requirements for the formation of natural science literacy among young people.
Keywords: healthy lifestyle, educational process, principles of a healthy lifestyle, skills and abilities, health-saving educational technologies.


Tian Haoran

Features and methods for forming professional competence of a violist during the process of studying at a University

The article highlights the ways of developing the professional competence of viola students. The author examines the goals and objectives of studying process from both the teacher and the student. The article analyzes core competencies that are related not only directly to instrument ownership. Based on this, it identifies the most effective ways to develop professional competencies of violists at a university.
Keywords: viola, professional competencies of musicians, methods of developing competencies, studying at the university.


Khozieva T.Kh.
Kalmanova T.A.
Okazova Z.P.
Gairabekova R.Kh.

Folk pedagogy in forming a culture of safe behavior in students

The basis for the formation of the culture of any society is the desire to create a culture of safe behavior, the desire of individuals to acquire the necessary skills. The formation of complex knowledge, skills and abilities, both of the individual and of society as a whole, is possible only with the formation of a general culture of safe behavior. The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of folk traditions in developing a culture of safe behavior as an element of functional literacy among students of higher educational institutions. The education system and folk pedagogy contain humanistic principles that involve the education of a self-sufficient individual, a patriot of his country. Folk pedagogy involves nurturing high moral qualities of the individual thanks to the following educational principles: nationality, cultural conformity; humanization; ethnicization; environmental compliance, democratization. Folk traditions used in the education of students should improve the level of general culture of young people, provide knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, creating a certain level of culture of safe behavior. Functional literacy today is a guarantee of educating worthy citizens of a modern state who have a fairly high level of safety culture and know how to improve it, which is extremely important today.
Keywords: culture of safe behavior, educational process, humanization, ethnicization, historical heritage, level of general culture.


Zhen Gdongni

Music education in Russia: history and modernity

Relevance. China and Russia have close ties in the field of art education, and higher music education in Russia has had a profound impact on China. Purpose and results. This paper analyzes the curricula, teaching features, directions of development and philosophy of study at Russian music universities, compares the differences between teaching methods at Chinese music universities and at Russian music universities, and examines the characteristic courses and teaching methods at Russian music universities in order to put forward appropriate proposals for exchanges and cooperation between the two countries. Methods. In this work, general scientific research methods were used. Novelty. Based on the results of the article, the author made the author's conclusions on the studied problem.
Keywords: Russia, higher music education, music schools, music history, art.


Chen Zhuyu

Exploring contemporary psychological principles and their application to performance teaching

Performance is considered as one of the ways of self-knowledge. This is the potential for its effectiveness and expressiveness in psychotherapy and art. The implementation of the performance occurs, as expected, spontaneously, on a whim and in an instant. Social constructionism in psychotherapy, which gives priority in the knowledge of life and worldview to the subject himself, his ideas about the problem and ways to solve it, recognizes that the very fact of an event means its significance for the subject living it. When constructing reality, the protagonist, turning to his own method of action in the conditions of the space he himself created, one way or another expresses his unreacted affects. Impromptu action releases inhibiting feelings that have been relegated to the subconscious. Thus, an internal dialogue of a person with his own “I” is carried out, not determined by reason and not passing through analytical filters. The object of study is the psychological and psychotherapeutic areas of application of the concept of performativity. The purpose of the study is to review contemporary psychological and psychotherapeutic principles and their connections to performance training. Research methods: the work is based on a combination of methodological and theoretical approaches. Based on this, it can be considered interdisciplinary. Novelty of the research. The role of psychological principles in teaching performance for the first time becomes the object of close scientific research, although this problem was posed earlier in the aspect of scientific discussions and individual articles. The use of psychological principles in scientific research in connection with performativity requires additional consideration. The novelty of the research is also due to the specifics of the genre itself, its dynamism, philosophical assessment of the inconstancy and variability of internal content, the development of the chronotope and situational environment, the boundaries of perception, the awareness of meanings, because teaching performance does not determine stability, constancy, semantic uniformity of formulations.
Keywords: social constructionist direction in therapy, performance and drama therapy, dramatic paradox technique, cognitive distancing, “inner voice” technique.


Yang Chiyu

Application of task-based teaching model in college drama performance major

Task-based teaching mode is a new teaching mode widely used in many subjects in recent years. The fundamental reason is that it is driven by learning tasks, pays attention to stimulating students' subjective initiative, and ultimately improves the teaching quality. College music performance education should also apply this advanced and scientific teaching model into teaching as soon as possible and widely, so that the cultivated talents can truly adapt to the development of The Times and the needs of society. Quality education in Chinese universities has been advocated for many years, and the methods to improve quality education have also blossomed. Based on the theory of social performance, this paper explores what is the task-based teaching model, and analyzes how to apply it in college music performance education and teaching.
Keywords: University education, application analysis, teaching method, task-based teaching model.


Chen Zhuyu

Practical research of the development and training of students’ imagination when teaching performance skills

The performing skill of a musician is largely determined by the creative factor, which is based on the formation and embodiment of the performing image of the work. The development of a musical image is an individual and unique process for each performer; it occurs with a close interweaving of conscious, logical and intuitive, spontaneous principles, under the influence of the intellect and the subconscious. Although it can be argued that the process of image evolution is directed not only by creative inspiration: its emergence is predetermined by all aspects and stages of working with a musical work as an integral creation. The musical performance image, as a result of the activity of the creative imagination, outlines the method and means of presenting a musical work that make it possible to reveal the deep content of the work and its original creative reading and vision. The object of the study was musical performing skills and the process of its formation. Research methods: the methodological basis of the research was the aesthetic concept of L.S. Vygotsky. Among the main methods are those that help explain the internal individual image of a person’s worldview: content analysis, that is, content analysis, functional statistical analysis, J. Kelly’s repertory grid method, expert assessments. Scientific novelty is determined by the fact that the work takes an approach to the development of musical performance skills as the creation of a higher mental function in the understanding of L.S. Vygotsky. This aspect makes it possible to reveal the role of creative imagination in the processes of associative aesthetic connections between external means and internal figurative and conceptual content, to establish objective criteria for the effectiveness of external means and methods of their explication.
Keywords: musical performance skills, performing image and model of a musical work, creative imagination, instrumentalist training.


Ivantsov I.G.
Romanyuk S.N.

From the history of inspections of communists for activities and occupation in the occupied areas of Kuban. Based on the materials of investigations by the VKP (B) bodies

As the districts of the Krasnodar Territory were liberated from the troops of the Nazi troops, starting in January 1943, the organs of the CPSU (b) began to restore the work of their structures and re-register their members. All Communists who did not evacuate to the rear and stayed in the territory temporarily occupied by the Germans were checked for their activities and occupation. Among other things, the facts of their cooperation with the occupation authorities were revealed, some of which ended in expulsion from the party and arrests.
Keywords: VKP (b), loyalty to the enemy, passivity of resistance, checks, betrayal.


Paphov A.M.

The secondary education system of Karachay-Cherkessia in the 1990s

The revival of Russia as a global superpower is impossible without a high level of education and science. This, it seems, will allow the Russian state to achieve its goals and objectives in all areas. At the same time, there is no doubt that high–quality education should be at all levels - from preschool to postgraduate. This is the only way to build an effective system of continuous knowledge acquisition by new generations of Russians who will develop the country in the 21st century.
And in this regard, the appeal to historical experience, the study of the main problems faced by the secondary education system, its achievements and failures during the most difficult period in modern Russian history (the 1990s), seems relevant and timely.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the state of the secondary education system in Karachay-Cherkessia in the 1990s. In the article, based on the basic principles of research (the principle of historicism and scientific objectivity), the author identifies the main problems in the functioning of a regional comprehensive school. An idea is given about the implementation of the leading directions of educational reform in the schools of the KCR on the basis of the federal law "On Education" (1992), the advantages and disadvantages of the industry are noted. In the process of work, an integrated approach was applied to the study of documents and materials, literature on a given topic. Using the methods of comparative historical and problem-chronological analysis, the author attempts to identify the causes of crisis phenomena in the industry, their results and consequences.
The article notes that the personnel shortage, the acute shortage of educational and methodological materials, the weakness of the material base - these and many other factors caused by the acute economic crisis, greatly hampered the achievement of the tasks set for the secondary school of Karachay-Cherkessia. At the same time, the 1990s became a period of flourishing pedagogical creativity of the KCR teaching community, which, despite all the difficulties, continued to teach and educate the younger generations in the best traditions of the peoples of Karachay-Cherkessia. It was in the 1990s that the republic's schools displayed all the variety of forms, methods and techniques of teaching children and youth, which was characteristic of the educational system of Russia as a whole.
Keywords: Karachay-Cherkessia, secondary education system, general education schools, education reform, economic crisis, methodological associations of teachers.


Pronin A.A.

Cognitive possibilities of bibliometric analysis of historiographical narrative on the example of dissertations on the history of Russian emigration

The subject of the study is the cognitive possibilities of bibliometric analysis of the historiographical narrative based on the example of studying dissertations on the history of Russian emigration. The purpose of the study is twofold: the development of a methodology for the application and approbation of the bibliometric method in the analysis of the array of dissertations from 1980 to 2016 on the history of Russian emigration, as well as the identification of dominant trends in the development of domestic science in understanding the problems of Russian emigration, represented in dissertation research. We propose an algorithm for the cognition of a dissertation as a form of scientific work and a historiographical phenomenon. Therefore, if we talk about the relevance of the research, then all three main components of the problem, which can be identified with key words: the bibliometric method, dissertations, emigration, are relevant.
The author proposed a scientific and bibliometric approach to conducting historiographical research, gave its detailed characteristics, identified advantages and disadvantages (limits of applicability), tested, for which, for the first time in historiography, a bibliometric analysis of dissertations on the topic "Russian emigration", defended in the RSFSR/RF for 37 years and covering the Soviet and post-Soviet time periods was carried out; To analyze dissertations, the system of bibliometric indicators was improved, developed and first applied by the applicant in 2000-2001, and later supported by other researchers.
Keywords: bibliometrics, scientometrics, methodology of historical research, dissertations, Russian emigration, Russian abroad, emigrant studies, dissertation studies, new scientific directions, historiography, historiographic phenomenon.


Wangraoua W. Vanessa Estelle
Adu Y.N.

The roots and fight against terrorism in Burkina Faso

In the article, the author examines the main factors that triggered the active spread of the phenomenon of terrorism on the territory of one of the African states – Burkina Faso. The main reason for the numerous terrorist attacks was the "Arab Spring", as a result of which the "Black Spring" was proclaimed in the country. Over the past few years, the terrorism index has remained almost unchanged – in Burkina Faso, which is one of the highest (8.6) in the world. As a result of which it is concluded that the means of combating terrorism in the state are ineffective.
Keywords: terrorism index, armed conflicts, methods of "hard power", cooperation, military advisers, state terror, Arab Spring, Black Spring.


Yahia Bin Aissa Mohammed Ussaid

French occupation of Algeria reasons and motives 1827/1830

The importance of the subject of the study is due to the importance of this period of Algerian history associated with the occupation by the French, which occurred in 1830 after a naval blockade that lasted almost three years from 1827, the purpose of this research project is to analyze and study the real causes and motives of the occupation of Algeria by the French. and consider the most important colonial plans that preceded the occupation, Thanks to the reports of its spies and traders, and there are also internal reasons for the invasion, because France was moving towards implementing its expansionist colonial project in Africa, so Algeria was an important country for crossing Africa, and the debt problem and the propeller incident on 29April 1827, were. A direct reason for declaring war and blockade, justifying their military campaign, and implementing their plans.
Keywords: French occupation, colonial plans, Algeria, debt problem, propeller incident, Africa, naval blockade.




Adu Y.N., Candidate of Legal Sciences. Associate professor, People’s Friendship University of Russia.
Adzhiev A.M., Postgraduate Student of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "North Caucasus State Academy", Cherkessk.
Adzhieva Z.I., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Administrative Legal Disciplines. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "North Caucasus State Academy", Cherkessk.
Aliyeva A.M., PhD., Associate Professor, Karachaevsk.
Barsukova N.V., Associate Professor at the Higher School of Linguodidactics. Pacific State University, Khabarovsk.
Belyakova A.E., Graduate student.
Botsieva B.S., Teacher, North Ossetian Medical Academy, Vladikavkaz.
Chen Zhuyu, Postgraduate student, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.
Dmitriev S.B., Applicant. Sochi State University.
Ivanov N.A., Lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, Sochi State University, Director of the Educational and Health Center.
Ivantsov I.G., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Federal State-owned military educational institution of Higher Education "Krasnodar Higher Military School named after Army General S.M. Shtemenko", Krasnodar.
Gairabekova R.Kh., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology. Chechen State University named after A.A. Kadyrov, Grozny.
Kalmanova T.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chechen State Pedagogical University, Grozny.
Kasumova B.S.-A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chechen State Pedagogical University, Grozny.
Kasumova L.A., Teacher, Chechen State Pedagogical University, Grozny.
Khozieva T.Kh., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, North Ossetian State Medical Academy, Vladikavkaz.
Khrapchenkov V.G., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, Institute of Childhood, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.
Li Yiding, Postgraduate student, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad.
Maksimenko V.G., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, Sochi State University.
Malygina L.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports. Sochi State University.
Markov A.V., Postgraduate student, Non-state educational private institution of higher education "Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy".
Mayorova M.A., Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Yaroslavl State Technical University, Department of Economics and Management, Head of the Center for Continuing Education of Yaroslavl State Technical University, Yaroslavl.
Mukminova G.R., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports. Sochi State University.
Nabat Beydulla kyzy Jafarova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University.
Nasipova S.B., Head of the Center for Advanced Training and Additional Education of the NAO "Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University".
Okazova Z.P., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Chechen State Pedagogical University, Grozny.
Paphov A.M., Graduate student of the Department of Russian History of the Historical faculty of The Karachay-Circassian State University named by U.D. Aliev.
Petrova I.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, Institute of Childhood, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.
Pronin A.A., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Current Cultural Practices, Ekaterinburg Academy of Contemporary Art.
Romanyuk S.N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Federal State-owned military educational institution of Higher Education "Krasnodar Higher Military School named after Army General S.M. Shtemenko", Krasnodar.
Salmenkova M.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Academy of Marketing and Socio-Information Technologies-IMSIT, Krasnodar.
Slobodchikov I.M., Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Peoples' Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumba".
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.
Tian Haoran, Graduate student. Vladimir State University, Vladimir.
Totoeva O.N., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, North Ossetian State Medical Academy, Vladikavkaz.
Tumasyan Yu.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, Sochi State University.
Vasilkovskaya Yu.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports. Sochi State University.
Volkov A.V., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education. St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University.
Vrazhnova M.N., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Management, Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.
Wangraoua W. Vanessa Estelle, Graduate Student. People’s Friendship University of Russia.
Yahia Bin Aissa Mohammed Ussaid, Graduate student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba.
Yang Chiyu, Doctoral candidate, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture.
Zharinova E.N., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine", St. Petersburg.
Zhen Gdongni, School of Music, Drama and Dance. Russian National Normal University.
Zhidyaeva E.S., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Academy of Marketing and Socio-Information Technologies-IMSIT, Krasnodar.