
Burganov R.T., Zizikova S.I. Forms and methods of overcoming professional deficiencies in the activities of beginning physical education teachers 13
Achaeva M.S. Study of linguocultural types in a foreign language lesson using the technology “debates with the past” 19
Belous N.N., Vakulina E.V., Savchenko E.S. Virtual excursions as a means of activating the cognitive activity of schoolchildren through familiarization with the surrounding world 26
Guo Jingyuan Methodological model of teaching Chinese students to speak the Russian language (level a2) using internet resources 35
Lu Kangdi Individualization of educational process by means of information technologies: problems and prospects 44
Ou Rouxian, Osipova O.P. The inheritance and transformation of education: the historical legacy of Russian education and the practice of education in the 21st century 51
Poletaeva N.V., Ermolova O.V., Kuzmina E.E. A.V. Chayanov – economist or teacher? 58
Salmanova M.V., Rafikova N.V., Lipko O.V. The role of role-playing games  in enriching and activating the vocabulary of preschool children during the interaction of different age groups 64
Tkach R.S., Shapova E.N. Activation of development of speed and strength qualities children of primary school age in extra-curricular activities 77
Zhang Lijia Peculiarities of the organization of preschool education in Russia and China 86
Yakovlev R.D. Generalization of own pedagogical experience as one of the directions of research activity of a teacher 93
Burganov R.T., Zizikova S.I. Formation of prognostic competencies of future physical education teachers 101
Kovalev A.M., Lipka V.M. Virtual museums and the possibilities of their application in the process of education and enlightenment 107
Topical  issues  of  historical  sciences
Putilin I.A. Russian messianism during the Crimean War: ideas of specific purpose of Russia and the Eastern Question 120
Sabaeva N.I., Kungurova I.M., Pavlinova K.A., Reptyukh V.I. Educational potential of Cossack culture in the spiritual and moral development of students of pedagogical universities (on the example of the activities of the Korkinsky Cossack hundred in Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University) 128
Linkova E.V., Kuleshin E.O., Dmitryakova A.S. Military-strategic aspects of the development of the Russian Far North in the 19th century 135
Moiseeva T.A. Administrative and economic activities of evacuation points during the Civil War (based on materials from the Middle Volga region, 1918) 143
Nikolskaya A.V., Belanovskaya I.S. Interaction between society and power in the era of Catherine II 152
Putilin I.A. Russian messianism during the Crimean War: ideas of specific purpose of Russia and the conflict with Europe 167
History  of  geopolitics,  international  relations  and  general  history
Baskakova A.S., Isyakaeva A.R., Khromova A.A. Strategic partnership between BRICS and Latin American countries: prospects for cooperation and impact on the global economy 176
Markina A.A., Panasyuk N.V. Trade relations of the Meroite kingdom with the ancient world in the period from the 6th century bc to the early 3rd century ad 182
Nguyen Thu Ha, Hoang Van Tham Activities of the Vietnamese-Russian friendship society (OVRD) in the development of relations between Vietnam and Russia 188
Abasi Rashed, Nuri Marwa Cooperation on counterterrorism and drug trafficking between the USA, Russia and Afghanistan 196
Korotkov E.A., Toktamysov S.Z. The cotton issue in the international activities of the Moscow Exchange at the beginning of the XX century 203
Cherniaev M.S. UK approaches to defense cooperation with the EU after Brexit 210
Baskakova A.S., Isyakaeva A.R., Khromova A.A. Economic cooperation between South Africa and Latin American countries 219
Abstracts 234
Authors 245




Burganov R.T.
Zizikova S.I.

Forms and methods of overcoming professional deficiencies in the activities of beginning physical education teachers

The purpose of the study is to determine the most effective forms and methods of overcoming professional deficiencies of future physical education teachers. The article examines the concepts of "professional deficiencies", "internal and external barriers", "pedagogical potential", "adaptation crisis". The authors reviewed successful practices of working with beginning physical education teachers, forms and methods of overcoming professional deficiencies, as well as diagnostic tools for identifying deficiencies. The professional needs and deficiencies of beginning physical education teachers were identified.
Keywords: professional deficiencies, adaptation to professional activity, internal and external barriers, professional activity, professional success, dual approach, future teachers, physical education.


Achaeva M.S.

Study of linguocultural types in a foreign language lesson using the technology "debates with the past"

The article discusses the analysis of the use of the technology of "debate with the past" in the process of learning a foreign language. The material for discussion is a profession related to the period of the industrial revolution in Great Britain. The purpose of the article is to analyze the linguocultural type of the "knocker up" using the technology "Debates with the Past" in the English language lesson in the senior grades of secondary school. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, semanticization, synthesis, generalization, systematization, classification and comparison, component analysis. As a result of the study, conceptual, figurative, associative characteristics are revealed, in addition, the forms and requirements for holding debates on the topic: knocker up is an unusual profession in the history of England" are determined. This approach to learning English has a pronounced interdisciplinary character. The use of the technology of "debate with the past" contributes to the formation of critical thinking, increasing vocabulary, the development of skills of correct logical argumentation, the formation of socio-cultural competence.
Keywords: pedagogical technology, linguocultural type, alarm clock, England, English, school, interdisciplinary.


Belous N.N.
Vakulina E.V.
Savchenko E.S.

Virtual excursions as a means of activating the cognitive activity of schoolchildren through familiarization with the surrounding world

The article is devoted to the problems of activating the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren through familiarization with the surrounding world. The article presents the results of an experimental study of the level of activation of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren. Based on the results of the study, recommendations are developed in the article.
Keywords: activation, younger schoolchildren, the world around them, cognitive activity, the process of familiarization.


Guo Jingyuan

Methodological model of teaching Chinese students to speak the Russian language (level a2) using internet resources

Many teachers who teach Chinese RFL students in the course of their practice are faced with the fact that basic-level students master oral speech skills much more slowly and more complexly than knowledge of vocabulary and grammar of the Russian language, or skills related to reading and writing . This is especially noticeable when students are outside the language environment. This necessitates the creation of innovative models for teaching RFL, including those related to the possibility of using electronic resources in the educational process. This article will consider a model for teaching Chinese students at a basic level of fluency in oral speech skills using Internet resources. Object of study: oral speech skills of Chinese students undergoing RFL training (Level A2). Subject of research: a model for teaching Chinese students at a basic level of fluency in speaking Russian using resources available on the Internet. Research methods: analysis of literary sources, modeling, logical-abstract method, generalization, classification. Scientific novelty: The characteristics of the components included in the model under consideration are given, a set of exercises is proposed for the development of oral speech skills based on situations of an everyday, cultural and social nature. The main methodological techniques for teaching RFL to Chinese students are outlined, taking into account ethnopsychological factors.
Keywords: teaching RFL, model of teaching speaking in Russian, Chinese students, basic level of knowledge of RFL, Internet platforms, electronic resources.


Lu Kangdi

Individualization of educational process by means of information technologies: problems and prospects

In this article the individual approach to the education of students on the basis of information and communication technologies. The aim of the article is to identify the features of such a pedagogical phenomenon as individualization and to characterize the possibilities of the individualization process in the context of ICT use. The following research methods were used in the article: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, systematic method, descriptive method. The results of the study showed that an effective means of individualization of learning is an adaptive e-course that creates a basis for individualized learning. The author of the article concludes that since the methodology of e-learning has not yet been developed and there is no methodological basis for the use of ICT within the framework of individualized approach to education, the implementation of programs related to widespread e-learning as a means of individualization of the educational process is possible only in the future.
Keywords: individualization of learning, information and communication technologies (ICT), educational trajectory, e-learning, e-course.


Ou Rouxian
Osipova O.P.

The inheritance and transformation of education: the historical legacy of Russian education and the practice of education in the 21st century

As a country with a long history and profound cultural heritage, Russia’s education system contains rich historical heritage. The ideas and practices of educators such as Suhomlinsky V.A. have had a profound impact on Russian education and have become an important part of the country's education. With the continuous development of society and changes in the times, Russian educational practices are constantly undergoing changes and adjustments. This paper aims to explore the historical heritage of domestic education in Russia, taking the historical heritage of Suhomlinsky V.A. education as an example, and analyze its characteristics and how to combine it with contemporary educational practices to adapt to the needs of modern society.
Keywords: Russian education, historical heritage, Suhomlinsky V.A., educational practice, social needs.


Poletaeva N.V.
Ermolova O.V.
Kuzmina E.E.

A.V. Chayanov – economist or teacher?

The article is devoted to the analysis of the pedagogical ideas of A.V. Chayanov, who is more familiar in the scientific world as one of the ideologists of cooperation, a theorist of agrarian economics. At the same time, the economic theory of family and peasant farming developed by him formed the basis of his successful pedagogical practice in teaching academic disciplines in agricultural institutes for 25 years as a teacher and organization of agricultural circles and courses for those who do not even have primary education. The result of this pedagogical practice was the provisions of «Vertical integration» and «Differential Optimum» developed by him as effective didactic, educational and organizational pedagogical methods. The transformation of the economic theory of agricultural farming into pedagogical practice involved the involvement in the organization of «universal education» throughout the country, not only educated and trained specialists (teachers, educators), but also the entire potential of Russian culture (church, art, etc.). Many of the ideas of A.V. Chayanov's ideas were implemented back in the 30s of the 20th century (mutual learning, integration of academic disciplines), of course, without mentioning the name of the author of these ideas. From the perspective of today, the pedagogical ideas of A.V. Chayanov acquire a new modern sound.
Keywords: education, vertical integration, differential optimum, education of a citizen, cultural and educational environment, ideology of cooperation, family and peasant economy.


Salmanova M.V.
Rafikova N.V.
Lipko O.V.

The role of role-playing games in enriching and activating the vocabulary of preschool children during the interaction of different age groups

In this article, the author reveals the concept of a story-role-playing game. Describes its impact on the enrichment and activation of the vocabulary of preschool children. The effectiveness of the tool used has been proven by practical work experience, presented on the example of the interaction of different age groups in MADOU No. 30 Kindergarten "Smile". Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk during the implementation of activities within the framework of the Regional Innovation Platform "Organizational and pedagogical conditions for creating an educational and developmental environment as an effective means of identifying, developing and supporting the abilities of children in preschool age." The presented experience confirmed the hypothesis that the story-role-playing game has a positive effect not only on the enrichment and activation of the vocabulary of preschoolers, but also on the interaction of children of different age groups, as well as the emotional intelligence of all participants in the interaction. Speaking about practical experience, the author describes his research step by step. Using certain examples, he talks about the interaction of children. The examples present not only planned and targeted events, but also daily routine moments, which were also organized in order to conduct a story-role-playing game in which children of different age groups will interact.
Keywords: story-role-playing game, preschool age, groups of different ages, vocabulary, interaction of groups of different ages, game.


Tkach R.S.
Shapova E.N.

Activation of development of speed and strength qualities children of primary school age in extra-curricular activities

The article presents the results of a study of the possibilities of enhancing the development of speed and strength qualities of children of primary school age in extracurricular activities. The data obtained in the experiment indicate a significant increase in test results in the development of the studied physical qualities of children in the experimental group. In the children of the control group, an increase in speed and strength qualities also occurred, but not so significant; most likely, it is associated with the physical growth and natural maturation of younger schoolchildren. In the experimental work, the age specifics of the physical development of junior schoolchildren were taken into account, and an orientation towards increasing the level of functional capabilities of the body of first-graders was ensured. The optimal emotional background of classes and significant muscle tension that occurs when performing various exercises contributed to increasing the effectiveness of the specialized health-improving and developmental process in a safe educational space. The use of a set of specially selected physical exercises, games, relay races aimed at developing the speed and strength qualities of primary school students had a beneficial effect on the physical development of children, which proves the value, significance, and feasibility of carrying out such work.
Keywords: physical education, speed and strength qualities, children of primary school age, physical development of children, health-improving and developmental process, safe educational space.


Zhang Lijia

Peculiarities of the organization of preschool education in Russia and China

In the conditions of modern society development, countries all over the world pay much attention to the development of preschool education. Russia and China consider preschool education as a strategic component of national policy, and actively carry out a number of priority activities to update and reform the preschool education system. The purpose of this article is to provide a comparative analysis of the Russian and Chinese preschool education systems, identifying their common and specific features on the basis of official educational programs and standards. The methods of descriptive and comparative analysis are used in the article. According to the results of the study, the learning activities of preschool children in Russia are broader than those of Chinese children, who are not prepared for schooling, but only socialized and instilled with personal qualities. The author of the article concludes that the systems of preschool education in China and Russia are conditioned by historical and national development of both countries.
Keywords: preschool education, preschool educational institution, Federal Standard, learning activities, China, Russia.


Yakovlev R.D.

Generalization of own pedagogical experience as one of the directions of research activity of a teacher

Work related to the study, generalization and dissemination of one’s own teaching experience is one of the most important areas of research activity of a school teacher. Its main goal is to improve the quality of education, as well as the introduction of innovative methods in the learning process. This article will consider a model for generalizing one’s own teaching experience, which includes several main stages, and will also identify the mistakes that teachers make in the process of describing their teaching experience. Object of study: own teaching experience. Subject of research: a model for generalizing one’s own teaching experience. Research methods: analysis of literary sources on the research topic, logical-abstract method, modeling, classification. Scientific novelty: Based on the study of sources of information related to the object of research, the categories “pedagogical experience” and “generalization of pedagogical experience” are characterized. A step-by-step model for generalizing one’s own pedagogical experience is proposed, and a description of the elements included in it is given; The main mistakes that teachers make in the process of generalizing and describing their teaching experience are identified.
Keywords: teaching experience, research activity, generalization of teaching experience, certification, advanced teaching experience.


Burganov R.T.
Zizikova S.I.

Formation of prognostic competencies of future physical education teachers

The aim of the research is to determine the prognostic competences of future teachers of physical culture. The article considers the concepts of “professional activity”, “prognostic abilities”. The authors consider the ways of formation of prognostic abilities in future teachers of physical culture through dual approach. The criteria of formation of prognostic competences are considered.
Keywords: prognostic competences, professional activity, professional success, dual approach, future teachers, physical education.


Kovalev A.M.
Lipka V.M.

Virtual museums and the possibilities of their application in the process of education and enlightenment

The article is devoted to the topic of using virtual museums in school education and the opportunities provided for the education system. This topic has been a discourse in the scientific community for quite some time. However, the applicability of the resources and capabilities of virtual museums in the education system remains a little-studied area, which in turn is quite promising.
Keywords: virtual museums, enlightenment, education, Internet resources, virtual space, educational opportunities, educational activities.


Putilin I.A.

Russian messianism during the Crimean War: ideas of specific purpose of Russia and the Eastern Question

The Messianic ideas that were formed in Russian society during the Crimean War are analyzed in the article. The aim of the research is to identify the features of forming the Messianic answers to challenges of the time and to identify the ideological value of concepts of a special purpose of Russia in the context of the complex of problems associated with Eastern Question in the 1850s. The author used historical-genetic method. Following the value approach, the author comes to the conclusion that Crimean War played a significant role in the evolution of Russian messianism. The conflict stimulated Russian society to reveal the essence of the Eastern Question and to identify the significance of the Eastern Question for Russia, for the Slavic world and for the Orthodox Church. On the one hand the analysis of messianic conceptions helps us to understand the state of Russia and Russian thought during the Crimean War. On the other hand, knowledge of the complex of messianic ideas gives us an opportunity to formulate the answers to challenges of the 21st century.
Keywords: pan-Slavism, legitimism, patriotic lyrics, Manifesto, Byzantium, Slavophilism.


Sabaeva N.I.
Kungurova I.M.
Pavlinova K.A.
Reptyukh V.I.

Educational potential of Cossack culture in the spiritual and moral development of students of pedagogical universities (on the example of the activities of the Korkinsky Cossack hundred in Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University)

The authors describes the process of patriotic education of students of pedagogical institute and its role on their spiritual and moral development. The authors analyze the activities of the Student’ association "Korkinsky Cossack hundred" of Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University as one of the most effective ways of the students’ spiritual, moral and patriotic education. The article also considers the achieved results of the association in 2022-2024.
Keywords: pedagogy, education, Cossacks, patriotism, spiritual values.


Linkova E.V.
Kuleshin E.O.
Dmitryakova A.S.

Military-strategic aspects of the development of the Russian Far North in the 19th century

This article raises the question of the creation of a naval port on the Kola Peninsula at the end of the 19th century. The authors in their article cite quite a few important facts proving the need to create a naval port on the Kola Peninsula, citing as an example not only its profitability from a military-strategic point of view, but also reasoning affecting natural-geographical, economic advantages with the possibility of creating transport -logistics routes of communication with European countries. Using the example of attacks in 1809 and 1854 by England and the Anglo-French, the authors come to the conclusion that with the existence and development of a naval port in the North of Russia, the outcome of the tragic events that occurred would have been minimal or not at all. But at the same time, the article notes that only after the Crimean War, the first ideas for developing the North from a military-strategic point of view appeared.
Keywords: Russian North, Kola Peninsula, naval port, Murman, military-strategic direction, defense of the northern regions.


Moiseeva T.A.

Administrative and economic activities of evacuation points during the Civil War (based on materials from the Middle Volga region, 1918)

This article examines the most problematic issues of administrative and economic activities of evacuation centers during the Civil War. The characteristic features of the organization of evacuation organizations and the provision of their military sanitary needs are highlighted and described. Based on the material of archival documents of that period, a system of interactions between evacuation points and Commissariats for Military Affairs, the Commissariat of Social Security, the People's Commissariat of Health in providing assistance to sick and wounded soldiers is being built. Special attention is paid to the study of the procedure for satisfying various types of allowances for Red Army soldiers undergoing treatment in hospitals and infirmaries. An assessment is being made of the effectiveness of the work of both the specific head of the Evacuation Center and the system as a whole that was developing at that time.
Keywords: evacuation center, Glavsanupr, Military commissariats, military sanitary needs.


Nikolskaya A.V.
Belanovskaya I.S.

Interaction between society and power in the era of Catherine II

The article makes an attempt to explore the mobilization component of absolutism, aimed at creating a social support for power in the form of an educated and socially mobile nobility. The methods of communication between the authorities and population and the nobility as an important part of population, as well as the mechanisms of influence on mass and public consciousness are described. The description of communication between the authorities and the people includes the description of feedback and the dependence of consciousness on official values, which are understood as a set of ideas and symbols aimed at ensuring internal stability, building an image of power and mobilizing human resources. The mechanisms of social control and their effectiveness, manifested in the perception of state ideology, state service and the image of power are determined.
Keywords: communication of people and authorities, civic consciousness, subject-object and subject-subject interaction, individuation.


Putilin I.A.

Russian messianism during the Crimean War: ideas of specific purpose of Russia and the conflict with Europe

The Messianic concepts that were formed in Russian society during the Crimean War are analyzed in the article. The aim of the research is to identify the features of forming the Messianic answers to the challenges of the time and to identify the ideological value of concepts of special purpose of Russia in the context of the political and military confrontation with Europe in the 1850s. The historical-genetic method is used. Following the value approach, the author comes to the conclusion that the events of 1853-1856 had a significant impact on the evolution of Russian messianism. The conflict stimulated Russian society to analyze the civilizational contradictions between Russia and Europe and to identify the influence of crisis phenomena in the Russian politics on the problems in realization of Messianic purpose of Russia. On the one hand the analysis of messianic conceptions helps us to understand the situation of Russian society and Russian state during the Crimean War. On the other hand, knowledge of the complex of messianic ideas gives us an opportunity to comprehend the modern geopolitical confrontation.
Keywords: Slavophilism, legitimism, patriotic lyrics, Manifesto, Crimea, Russophobia.


Baskakova A.S.
Isyakaeva A.R.
Khromova A.A.

Strategic partnership between BRICS and Latin American countries: prospects for cooperation and impact on the global economy

The existence of a geographical balance among the new BRICS members is a clear example of their desire for a more active role in shaping the international system. Economically, as BRICS expands, the group of countries becomes stronger and its status increases. Despite this, as with the original group, there are asymmetries within BRICS. This may make it difficult to reach consensus in the future. The most promising area of cooperation is with Latin American countries.
In this sense, the latest BRICS summit was a turning point in the history of the international system, since it played a decisive role in the formation of a multipolar world. Brazil, Russia and India created the BRICS group in 2009, which has become an alternative for emerging economies seeking cooperation and wanting to participate in shaping a new system of global economic governance. This article examined the promising problems and limiting factors of interaction between Latin America and the BRICS countries.
Keywords: Latin America, BRIKS, National Bank of Russia, interaction issues, cooperation.


Markina A.A.
Panasyuk N.V.

Trade relations of the Meroite kingdom with the ancient world in the period from the 6th century bc to the early 3rd century ad

The purpose of the article is to study the trade relations of the Meroitic kingdom with the Greco-Roman Ecumene in the period from the 6th century BC to the early 3rd century AD. For studying archaeological and written sources were used the methods of complex study and comparative analysis of the sources involved. It was established that the Meroitic kingdom, despite its remoteness from the Mediterranean and geographical isolation, had direct contacts with the Greco-Roman Ecumene in the period from the 6th century BC to the early 3rd century AD and developed in its course.
Keywords: Meroitic kingdom, antiquity, Ptolemies, trade, Nubia.


Nguyen Thu Ha
Hoang Van Tham

Activities of the Vietnamese-Russian friendship society (OVRD) in the development of relations between Vietnam and Russia

The Vietnam-Russia Friendship Society (or Vietnam-Russia Society) (hereinafter referred to as VRFS) was established on December 19, 1994, on the basis of inheritance and development of the Vietnam-Soviet Union Friendship Society. The Society belongs to the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations and participates in the activities of people's diplomacy under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Government of Vietnam.
Keywords: friendship, activity, development, Vietnam, Russia, society, history.


Abasi Rashed
Nuri Marwa

Cooperation on counterterrorism and drug trafficking between the USA, Russia and Afghanistan

Drug trafficking and terrorism are among the global problems of the modern world. Many countries cooperate in the field of eradication of these problems. The Russian Federation and Afghanistan are no exception.
Keywords: addiction, USA, Russia, Afghanistan, cooperation, fight against drug trafficking, fight against terrorism.


Korotkov E.A.
Toktamysov S.Z.

The cotton issue in the international activities of the Moscow Exchange at the beginning of the XX century

The article examines the international activities of the Spinning and Weaving Committee for cotton processing at the Moscow Exchange, notes that its representatives took part in international congresses abroad. The purpose of the article is to show the role of the Moscow Exchange at the beginning of the XX century in the development of standards in the issues of production and trade of Russian cotton based on international experience. The source base of the research was unpublished archival documents from the funds of the Central State Archive of Moscow (CSA of Moscow). The conclusion is made about the interest of Russian entrepreneurs in the development of Russian cotton production, taking into account international experience.
Keywords: economic history, Russian Empire, Turkestan, Moscow Exchange, cotton growing, textile industry, N.D. Morozov.


Cherniaev M.S.

UK approaches to defense cooperation with the EU after Brexit

The article analyzes the UK's interaction with the European Union on security and defense issues after the 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum. The subject of the study is the approaches of the British government to building a dialogue with the European Union in the defense sphere. The purpose of the article is to identify the key trends in the European direction of British foreign policy after Brexit. The methodological basis of the study is represented by a systematic and comprehensive analysis, which allowed the author to comprehensively examine the positions of the UK Prime Ministers after the 2016 referendum – T. May, B. Johnson, L. Truss and R. Sunak – on building defense cooperation with the EU, assess changes in approaches to the dialogue with the European Union and trace the most significant trends in the interaction between the parties, which determined the novelty of this article. The author concludes that the British authorities' changing approaches to defense cooperation with the EU are related to the ongoing determination process of the country's place in the European and global security circuit, and the further vector of interaction will be determined by the presence of common goals and interests in London and Brussels.
Keywords: United Kingdom, European Union, PESCO, European Security, Brexit, NATO.


Baskakova A.S.
Isyakaeva A.R.
Khromova A.A.

Economic cooperation between South Africa and Latin American countries

South Africa's economic cooperation with Latin American countries is carried out mainly with Brazil as part of its BRICS membership; South Africa today has the largest number of trade relations with the Brazilian state. Cooperation is also developing with other countries, such as Cuba and Venezuela. Trade relations with these countries are developing in smaller volumes, but are promising given the fact that these countries are planning to join and integrate into BRICS in the near future. The article examines South Africa's main trading partners, the results of trade relations, as well as the dynamics of South Africa's trade relations with Brazil, Cuba and Venezuela.
Keywords: Brazil, Cuba, Venezuela, South Africa, BRICS, IBSA, trade relations, economy.




Abasi Rashed, Master's student in the Department of Theory and History of International Relations. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Achaeva M.S., Associate Professor, Yelabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University.
Baskakova A.S., 4th year Graduate Student, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Belanovskaya I.S., Third year student of the Philological Faculty of the Psychological Direction of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Belous N.N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Bryansk State University named after I.G. Petrovsky.
Burganov R.T., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. Povolzhsky State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism.
Cherniaev M.S., Postgraduate student, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Dmitryakova A.S., Master's degree student, Department of Russian History, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Ermolova O.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation (branch) of ANO VO BUKEP.
Guo Jingyuan, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Lecturer at the Faculty of Russian Language, Xi'an Petroleum University, China, Xi'an.
Hoang Van Tham, Master student of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Isyakaeva A.R., 4th year Graduate Student, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Khromova A.A., 4th year Graduate Student, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Korotkov E.A., Master's student, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Kovalev A.M., Master's student, Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol.
Kuleshin E.O., Master's degree student, Department of Russian History, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Kungurova I.M., Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor, Russian and Foreign Philology, Culture Study and Methods of Teaching Chair, Head of the Scientific Department, Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University.
Kuzmina E.E., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation (branch) of ANO VO BUKEP.
Linkova E.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Russian History, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Lipko O.V., Teacher. Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution No. 30 “Smile”, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
Lipka V.M., Associate professor of the Department of Construction and Land Management, Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol.
Lu Kangdi, Graduate student. Institute of Foreign Languages, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Markina A.A., Master's student of the Department of "Universal History". Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Moiseeva T.A., Candidate of Historical Sciences, lecturer. Branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center, Air Force "Air Force Academy", Syzran.
Nguyen Thu Ha, Master student of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Nikolskaya A.V., Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Kosygin Russian State University.
Nuri Marwa, Master's student in the Department of Theory and History of International Relations. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Osipova O.P., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Head of the Department of Educational Systems Management named after T.I. Shamovoy, Moscow State Pedagogical University.
Ou Rouxian, Graduate student of the Department of Educational Systems Management named after T.I. Shamova, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Pedagogical University".
Panasyuk N.V., PhD in History, Senior Lecturer of the Department of "Universal History". Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Pavlinova K.A., Student of Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University.
Poletaeva N.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Lipetsk Institute of Cooperation (branch) ANO VO BUKEP.
Putilin I.A., Graduate student. State University of Education.
Rafikova N.V., Educator. Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution No. 30 “Smile”, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
Reptyukh V.I., Student of Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University.
Sabaeva N.I., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Director of Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University.
Salmanova M.V., Educator. Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution No. 30 “Smile”, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
Savchenko E.S., Bryansk State University named after I.G. Petrovsky.
Shapova E.N., Student. Pacific National University, Khabarovsk.
Tkach R.S., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Pacific National University, Khabarovsk.
Toktamysov S.Z., Associate Professor, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Vakulina E.V., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Bryansk State University named after I.G. Petrovsky.
Yakovlev R.D., Master's student, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, St. Petersburg.
Zhang Lijia, Graduate student. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Zizikova S.I., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Povolzhsky State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism.