
Borisov B.Y. The development of legislation on educational work in domestic gymnasiums in the 60-70s of the XIX century 13
Lukashenko D.V. Adaptability and innovation in military education: preparing officers for modern challenges 22
Sereda A.V. The use of information technologies in extracurricular work with students in the process of their preparation for pedagogical activities 29
Bochkov D.V. Theoretical and methodological aspects of understanding the management of innovative processes in a professional educational organization 36
Eremina O.V. Interactive teaching of a foreign (English) language: experience and prospects for non-linguistic Universities 51
Kalabekova S.V., Pogosova K.L., Berezhnova O.V. Pedagogical  diagnostics of the educational process in secondary vocational education 59
Loginova O.A. Features of the organization of extracurricular activities in primary school 64
Lukashenko D.V. Monitoring in the military education system: strategies and principles of effective officer training 73
Lysenko A.S. Risk-based approach in assessing the security of an educational institution 80
Semenov M.H. The role of educational and industrial practice in the formation of professional competencies of students of agricultural colleges in Karachay and Cherkessia in the 1930s - early 1940s 88
Maidurov O.Yu. Formation of stochastic culture of secondary (basic) school students 95
Matveeva S.V., Smotrova L.N., Shatskov P.A. Research of psychological stability of students of a modern pedagogical University 104
Mezentseva Y.S., Kirillova A.S., Holmova O.Y. The influence of the system-activity approach on the formation of the legal culture of students in the educational environment 117
Nasipova S.B. Project management in the structure of professional competencies of civil servants 124
Nosakova T.V. Managerial aspects of reducing the level of aggressiveness in adolescents in general education organizations 131
Pavlova T.A. Individual educational trajectory as a subspecies of distance learning 141
Sereda A.V. Forms and methods of working with students in extracurricular time for the formation of professional competencies of the future teacher of social studies 151
Serkina E.V. Evaluation of the results of collective values, the level of satisfaction of teachers in educational relations in the development of corporate culture in a preschool institution 156
Smirnov A.G., Markova O.A., Velichko T.I., Vanina O.S. Using students’ motivation for independent studies within the discipline “physical culture and sport” at Bauman Moscow State Technical University 166
Favarisov E.A. Formation of students’ personal identity through interaction with physical education teachers 172
Tsangari A.S., Gorlova N.A. Technologies for forming communicative and cognitive skills of children of senior preschool and primary school age within the framework of transformative learning 178
Cherkieva L.M., Shipkova E.N. The influence of a student’s teaching experience to choose a profession 186
Cheng Yuxiao, Mikhaylova O.A. The use of digital resources in the process of forming a student’s linguistic competence in Chinese lessons 193
Shimkovich E.D., Azitova G.S. (Gulsina Sharipovna), Azitova G.S. (Gulsum Sharipovna)  Methods of teaching various disciplines to foreign students at the university 208
Topical  issues  of  historical  sciences
Darenskaia I.V. The “little man” in the “big deal”: strategies for the participation of the urban population of the Urals in the implementation of loan mobilization campaigns of the 1920s and 1930s 218
Zuev A.V. The program of port construction works in Russia in the late XIX – beginning OF XX centuries and its results 225
Sokolov R.A. Condition and development of Moscow at the beginning of the National War of 1812 229
Fedorova M.I., Manchenko K.A. Rationality in the everyday practice of managing agriculture by regional managers and specialists in the 50-60s. XX century (using the example of Western Siberia) 238
History  of  geopolitics,  international  relations  and  general  history
Konovalova M.V. The historical features of Algeria-Morocco relations 249
Binish Indian-Russian bilateral and strategic relations in a new era 254
Tape G.D. The Civil War in Côte d’Ivoire and the role of the UN in resolving the conflict 2002-2011 266
Alibalaev M.M. Humanitarian exceptions in modern geopolitics 281
Klimashin A.L. Afghanistan in Russian foreign policy in the late 19th century as reflected in Russian journalism 289
Deng Hong, Zhao Huiqing Education of the Chinese people in the archives of the Russian Far East 296
Mohamed Alsadig Hamid Musa, Bazanova A.E., Muzykant V.L. The modern trends in outdoor commercial advertising on the background of 5G: typology and implementation 304
Abstracts 328
Authors 345




Borisov B.Y.

The development of legislation on educational work in domestic gymnasiums in the 60-70s of the XIX century

The article is devoted to the study of the development of legislation on educational work in Russian gymnasiums in the post-reform period. Problems related to the behavior of high school students outside the walls of the educational institution gave rise to a discussion of this issue in the Pedagogical Committee of the St. Petersburg Educational District. The result of this work was the release on November 19, 1864. A decree to the Governing Senate on the statutes and staff of gymnasiums and gymnasiums, where the improvement of teaching in them was directly linked to the participation of the director and the entire teaching staff in the educational work. Published in 1871. The Charter emphasized the importance of the educational impact of the gymnasium on students. An important issue in the introduction of the Charter of 1871 was the realization of the idea of combining scientific, educational and moral-educational tasks of the gymnasium. Also productive was the fact that class tutors were appointed from among those with the largest number of lessons in the class, and these persons were rightfully considered the closest assistants to the director and inspector in taking care of both the success and the morality of the students. The main focus of the educational work was that the gymnasiums considered it their duty not to limit themselves to communicating scientific information, but "to inspire all students with the rules of good morality and honest beliefs," as well as education in the spirit of "the high path of service to the throne and the Fatherland," which indicates the patriotic orientation of the entire educational work.
Keywords: educational work, legislation, Pedagogical Committee, gymnasium, inspector, class teacher.


Lukashenko D.V.

Adaptability and innovation in military education: preparing officers for modern challenges

The article examines the importance of adaptability and innovative thinking in the training of military officers in the modern world. The author emphasizes that the rapidly changing geopolitical situation and technological progress require military educational institutions to revise traditional teaching methods. In the new era, when military operations are becoming more complex and multifaceted, officers must be capable not only of strategic planning and tactical leadership, but also of quickly adapting to new challenges and unexpected situations. This requires military educational institutions to introduce courses aimed at developing critical thinking, creative skills and the ability to innovate. Adaptability and innovative thinking should become key elements of military education in order to prepare officers to effectively solve problems in an uncertain and rapidly changing technological landscape. The training should include practical exercises, simulations and game scenarios that will help cadets develop thinking flexibility and decision-making ability in stressful situations. The article emphasizes that modern military educational institutions should strive to create an educational environment that promotes the development of adaptive and innovative skills necessary for the successful fulfillment of military tasks in the XXI century.
Keywords: military education, innovative thinking, critical thinking, simulation training, system analysis, game theory, nonlinear thinking.


Sereda A.V.

The use of information technologies in extracurricular work with students in the process of their preparation for pedagogical activities

Introduction. At the present stage, with the global introduction of computer technologies into all spheres of human activity, in the context of the modernization of Russian education, a structural and content change is taking place in the system of higher professional education, affecting the formation of a student as a future specialist and as an initiative member of society. These transformations are determined by the increasing trend of globalization, humanization and informatization of the education sector, the need to reveal the intellectual and creative potential of the future professional for his further creative activities aimed at benefiting society. Goal. Studying new effective approaches and methods of teaching university students using modernized information and communication technologies in their work, implying the comprehensive development of the individual. The computer today is no longer part of the subject of study, but is one of the effective tools that provide rich opportunities for personal development, allowing the use of electronic educational products in many fields of knowledge. Materials and methods. The material was psychological and pedagogical methodological literature. Descriptive and comparative methods, analysis of theoretical literature on the research topic, conceptual analysis, generalization and classification of data, mass and group forms of extracurricular work were used. Results and discussions. In the course of the work, it was discovered that when using information and communication technologies it is necessary to take into account a complex of theoretical and experimental psychological and pedagogical methods, which includes: the study and analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the research problem. Conclusion. The article examines the essence of information and communication technologies, studies the directions of informatization of modern higher education, identifies methods of application and possibilities of information technologies in extracurricular work of students, determines the role of information and communication technologies in student learning, and evaluates their effectiveness in developing the competencies of future teachers.
Keywords: extracurricular work of students, information and communication technologies, teaching activities.


Bochkov D.V.

Theoretical and methodological aspects of understanding the management of innovative processes in a professional educational organization

In the article, the author presents an overview of scientific sources on the problem of management of innovative processes in the system of vocational education. On this basis, the author carries out an understanding of the features of the innovative activity of an innovator teacher in a professional educational organization from the position of a competence-based approach, which consists in the fact that the teacher learns new methods of teaching, uses modern teaching tools. The subject of the study was the innovative activity of the teacher. In the course of the research, the author solves the following tasks. The analysis of scientific views is carried out and the essential characteristics and typologization of innovative processes in modern education are studied. The process of innovation management in a professional educational organization is considered. The problem of evaluating the effectiveness of innovation management from the perspective of the teacher's participation as an innovator in the educational process is touched upon. The factors that determine the successful implementation of the innovative process in an educational institution are identified and justified. The main functions of managing innovative processes in an educational institution are investigated. In the management of innovative processes in a professional educational organization, at the theoretical level, substantiates the need to implement four directions: motivational (increasing the teacher's interest in innovation, the desire to carry it out); meaningful (mastering various terms of this field, the ability to apply them in practice, knowledge of the features of innovative technologies); technological (possession of active and interactive teaching methods); reflexive (objective assessment by teachers of their professional activities, accounting for shortcomings and their correction). The mechanism of management of innovative processes in a professional educational organization is presented, which includes: a set of functions for training, advanced training, generalization and dissemination of best practices, ensuring interaction of teachers with other parts of the education system. Structure – support, assistance, guardianship, dialogue, consulting, cooperation, co-creativity, co-management, mentoring. The content is above the foundation, subject and personal levels. At the end of the article, the author suggests that as recommendations for improving the management system of innovative processes in a professional educational organization, the teacher should be considered as a central link, taking into account the tasks that the innovator teacher solves as part of the implementation of innovative processes in the institution.
Keywords: innovation, pedagogical innovation, innovation process, innovation process management, vocational education, innovation activity.


Eremina O.V.

Interactive teaching of a foreign (English) language: experience and prospects for non-linguistic Universities

The article examines interactive forms of classroom work in the study of a foreign (English) language by students of non-linguistic universities, using methods such as scaffolding and role-playing. The primary focus is on the application of these methods to enhance students’ motivation, develop and improve communication skills, and achieve a deeper understanding of the material. The scaffolding method, providing step-by-step support for students in the learning process, helps to overcome language barriers and contributes to the gradual development of autonomy in learning a foreign language. Role-playing games, in turn, create an authentic language environment, promoting active student engagement in the learning process and the development of intercultural communication skills.
Keywords: student, learning, teacher, interaction, emotional intelligence, scaffolding, role-playing, vocabulary, grammar.


Kalabekova S.V.
Pogosova K.L.
Berezhnova O.V.

Pedagogical diagnostics of the educational process in secondary vocational education

This article is devoted to the problem of pedagogical diagnostics in secondary vocational education, considering its relevance and impact on the formation of qualified specialists. The author substantiates the need for effective use of diagnostic tools in educational processes, and also emphasizes the variability of labor market requirements and the need to adapt training to modern challenges. The study is focused on identifying the problems of existing approaches to diagnosis and offering recommendations for their improvement. The author also focuses on the need for an individualized approach and innovative diagnostic methods for the effective development of students' professional competencies. The article aims to summarize the research experience in the field of pedagogical diagnostics in order to promote the improvement of the quality of education in the field of secondary vocational education.
Keywords: pedagogical diagnostics, secondary vocational education, diagnostic tools, quality of education, professional competencies, qualified specialists.


Loginova O.A.

Features of the organization of extracurricular activities in primary school

This study reflects the specifics of the process of organizing extracurricular activities in primary school. The author defines the structure of extracurricular activities, the forms of this work and the importance for the education and upbringing of younger schoolchildren.
Extracurricular activities are considered as a tool of pedagogical influence on the personality of the student, as well as as a space for comfortable development and communication of primary school students. Extracurricular activities are revealed not only as a component of the educational process, but also as a personality-forming element of a student's upbringing and education. In the context of the peculiarities of primary school age, the great importance of extracurricular activities is emphasized as a means by which universal educational actions, competencies are formed, as well as the formation and consolidation of personal qualities socially approved by the model of action.
In addition, the author touches on the topic of the formation of professional competence of a teacher engaged in extracurricular activities in primary school, reflecting key personal and professional qualities, as well as features of communication with younger students.
In the context of the above, the goal can be to identify the features of the organization of extracurricular activities in primary school. The object of the work in this case is the educational process in primary school, the subject is the organization of extracurricular activities.
Keywords: extracurricular activities, primary school, personal development, communication, educational process, educational organization, development prospects, primary school age, universal educational activities.


Lukashenko D.V.

Monitoring in the military education system: strategies and principles of effective officer training

In a rapidly changing world, the military education system is faced with the task of training officers who are able to adapt to new challenges and effectively perform their duties. The article analyzes the role of adaptive monitoring in improving the quality of the educational process in military educational institutions. The main attention is paid to the principles and strategies of monitoring, which provide a holistic assessment of all aspects of the training of students, including academic, physical and moral-volitional qualities. The article presents an integrated approach to monitoring, which contributes to the formation of future officers' readiness for service in modern conditions, emphasizing the importance of an individual approach, continuous improvement and system integration of data.
Keywords: monitoring and evaluation, humanization of education, informatization of education, educational innovations, training of officers.


Lysenko A.S.

Risk-based approach in assessing the security of an educational institution

In this work, the author briefly analyzes the features of the risk-based approach to assessing the safety of an educational institution. To do this, the author examines in detail the essence and advantages of the risk-based approach, analyzes the stages of its application in a specific practical situation. Separately, the author mentions the features of using the methodology at some stages of analytical work. In conclusion of the presented study, the author notes that ensuring the safety of an educational institution is the work of everyone who is in one way or another located in an educational institution or on its territory, and only through joint efforts can the most effective results be achieved. The object of this research is the features of the risk-based approach to assessing the safety of an educational institution. The purpose of this scientific research is a comprehensive, consistent analysis of the features of the risk-based approach in assessing the safety of an educational institution. Methods of research: comparative analysis, statistical, synthesis, comparison, generalization, specification, systematization, deduction, other methods of theoretical and practical levels of scientific knowledge. The scientific novelty of this scientific research lies in the preparation of a comprehensive study, the formation of the author's conclusions regarding the features of the risk-based approach in assessing the safety of an educational institution. This article will be useful to theorists, practitioners, students and teaching staff, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the features of the development of the modern Russian education system and issues of ensuring the safety of students.
Keywords: educational institution, educational organization, risk-oriented approach, safety, safety requirements, risks.


Semenov M.H.

The role of educational and industrial practice in the formation of professional competencies of students of agricultural colleges in Karachay and Cherkessia in the 1930s - early 1940s

Being one of the leading agricultural powers in the world, the Russian Federation, at the present stage, as it is known, is taking certain steps to increase the prestige of agricultural professions.
The collapse of the state system of agricultural organization represented by collective farms and state farms led to a significant decrease in the influx of young people into higher and secondary vocational educational institutions, and, consequently, to a decrease in the number of qualified specialists.
In such a situation, solving the problems of maintaining the status of a global agrarian power, as well as the food security of the Russian state itself, in our opinion, presents certain difficulties.
And in this regard, the appeal to historical experience, the study of the main areas of training in educational institutions of secondary professional level, and in particular, the experience of educational and industrial practice of students, as one of the most important and integral stages of the process of training agricultural specialists, seems relevant and timely.
The purpose of the preparation of the presented article is a historical and pedagogical analysis of the system of organization and conduct of educational and industrial practice in agricultural colleges of Karachay and Cherkessia in the 1930s - early 1940s. In the article, based on the basic principles of research activity (the principle of historicism and scientific objectivity), the author identifies the role and place of student practice in the educational process of educational institutions
An idea is given about the main stages of practice, its organization and conduct, methods and techniques of practical work of students, conditions of their control and assessment. There are both positive factors and disadvantages in the activities of technical schools and farms on the basis of which the practice was conducted. In the process of work, an integrated approach was applied to the study of documents and materials, literature on a given topic. Using the methods of comparative historical and problem-chronological analysis, the author attempts to identify the role of practical training in the formation of professional competencies of future animal technicians, veterinarians and agronomists.
The article notes the importance of training qualified specialists for the rapidly developing branch of agriculture. The role of practical activity in this process is particularly emphasized.
Keywords: Karachay, Cherkessia, secondary vocational education system, agricultural technical schools, professional competencies, educational practice, industrial practice, educational economy.


Maidurov O.Yu.

Formation of stochastic culture of secondary (basic) school students

Over the last decade, the scientific field has been significantly digitalized and mathematized. This explains the increased attention to stochastic methods, which are the basis for developing solutions to many problems. In modern school education, the topic of nurturing a stochastic culture among schoolchildren is increasingly being developed. This article examines the rationale for this trend, in particular the feasibility of forming a stochastic culture in secondary school, signs of the formation of a stochastic culture among students, as well as pedagogical problems that arise during the implementation of teaching probabilistic thinking and the formation of a stochastic approach among students. The object of the study is stochastic culture and aspects of its formation among secondary (primary) school students. The purpose of the study is to consider the current state of the methodology for the formation of stochastic culture in secondary (primary) school students and to identify problems in this area. During the study, methods such as analysis of scientific literature, analysis and synthesis of data, abstraction, comparison, logical analysis, and observation were used. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the analysis and formulation of the problems of forming the stochastic culture of secondary school students.
Keywords: mathematical culture, modern education, stochastic culture, stochastics, pedagogical problems.


Matveeva S.V.
Smotrova L.N.
Shatskov P.A.

Research of psychological stability of students of a modern pedagogical University

The article examines the key foundations of psychological stability of the individual and provides a scientific substantiation of the problem of psychological stability of students at a modern pedagogical university. Based on the conducted research, a program was developed to increase the level of psychological stability of student youth, deepening their knowledge about the phenomenon being studied, giving an understanding of the importance of the influence of psychological stability on personal growth and the effectiveness of future professional activities.
Keywords: psychological stability, educational environment, student, pedagogical university, research.


Mezentseva Y.S.
Kirillova A.S.
Holmova O.Y.

The influence of the system-activity approach on the formation of the legal culture of students in the educational environment

Based on the analysis of literary sources, the article examines the influence of the system-activity approach on the formation of the legal culture of students in the educational environment. The paper examines the importance of the formation of legal culture in modern education and the principles and methods of a systemic activity approach that contribute to the effective integration of legal education into the educational process.
One of the sections of the article is devoted to the theoretical foundations of the legal culture of students, the analysis of the essence and significance of this aspect in the educational process. Next, the system-activity approach is considered as a methodology that allows improving educational practice and stimulating the formation of a legal culture of students.
Keywords: system-activity approach, problem-based learning, legal culture, critical thinking, students, group work, project training.


Nasipova S.B.

Project management in the structure of professional competencies of civil servants

The article is devoted to the study of project management as a key element of professional competencies of civil servants. In modern conditions, the civil service is faced with the need to improve the efficiency and quality of its functions, which requires the introduction of a project approach into management practice. This paper examines the main aspects of project management, its importance for public service and methods of integration into the structure of professional competencies. The authors analyze various models and methods of project management used in public institutions and their impact on improving decision-making processes, planning and implementation of government programs and projects. Special attention is paid to the development and implementation of training programs for civil servants aimed at improving their skills in the field of project management. The article presents the results of empirical studies conducted among civil servants at various levels. Data analysis shows that the successful application of project management contributes to more efficient use of resources, improved interagency cooperation and increased overall productivity. The authors also discuss the barriers and challenges that civil servants face when implementing the project approach, and offer recommendations on how to overcome them. The work highlights the need for systematic development of project competencies in the structure of professional standards of civil servants. This includes both theoretical training and practical training based on specific examples and cases. The conclusion contains conclusions on the importance of project management for the modernization of the civil service and proposals for further research in this area. The article is addressed to researchers, teachers and practitioners dealing with issues of public administration and professional training of civil servants.
Keywords: project management, training, development, competencies, state, civil servants, professional activity.


Nosakova T.V.

Managerial aspects of reducing the level of aggressiveness in adolescents in general education organizations

The article discusses key management aspects aimed at reducing the level of aggressiveness among adolescents in educational institutions. The purpose of the study is a detailed analysis of the factors influencing the aggressive behavior of adolescents, with an emphasis on theoretical justification and empirical data. To achieve this goal, a theoretical review of the scientific literature on the problems of aggression in adolescence was carried out, as well as an empirical analysis, including descriptive statistics and correlation analysis of the relationship between aggressiveness and self-esteem of adolescents. The results of the study revealed significant correlations between low self-esteem and high levels of aggressiveness, which emphasizes the need to develop and implement specific programs of psychological and pedagogical support. Generalization of the data obtained made it possible to formulate recommendations for the creation and implementation of targeted programs aimed at correcting the aggressive behavior of adolescents. The article presents practical approaches to creating a psychologically safe environment in educational institutions, as well as specific techniques and strategies that can be used by teachers and psychologists to reduce the level of aggressiveness among adolescents. The importance of interdisciplinary interaction and the involvement of families and public organizations in the process of correcting aggressive behavior of adolescents is emphasized.
Keywords: aggressiveness, management, educational organizations, teenagers, students, boys, girls, teachers, managers.


Pavlova T.A.

Individual educational trajectory as a subspecies of distance learning

In this article, the author conducts a theoretical study of trends in the development of the modern education system. Studies and analyzes approaches to individualization and differentiation in the education system. The main aspects of the formation of individual educational trajectories are considered. The article focuses on the study of the features of distance education and the application of individual educational trajectories in it.
Keywords: education, individualization, differentiation, educational trajectory, distance learning, form of education, Internet technologies.


Sereda A.V.

Forms and methods of working with students in extracurricular time for the formation of professional competencies of the future teacher of social studies

Introduction. The process of modernization of education in the modern world is due to a change in traditional ideas about it as a stage of life at which the main activity is educational activity, the purpose of which is a system for transferring a certain amount of knowledge and developing the corresponding skills of students. The key idea of modernizing the educational system today is the formation and development of the competencies of a future professional, characterizing the quality of education, where the student shows personal readiness to effectively mobilize his knowledge, skills and abilities to solve emerging problems and tasks in the process of educational, extracurricular (extracurricular) and future professional teaching activities. Goal. Highlighting the prospects for various forms and types of work with students during extracurricular time to develop professional competencies in a future social studies teacher. This article reveals the role of extracurricular work in the formation of professional competencies of a future social studies teacher, analyzes the forms and types of work with students during extracurricular time, and examines the main characteristics of a student’s extracurricular activities that contribute to the development and formation of an active citizen of the country, a competent, highly qualified professional in his field. Materials and methods. The material was psychological and pedagogical methodological literature. Descriptive and comparative methods, analysis of theoretical literature on the research topic, conceptual analysis, generalization and classification of data, mass and group forms of extracurricular work were used. Results and discussions. In the course of the work, it was discovered that the main goal of a student’s extracurricular work, including educational, research, creative, sports, recreational, charitable, volunteer and other types of activities, is to fill the shortage of educational time in theoretical training and the possibility of practical formation of professional competencies of future teachers. Conclusion. Based on the results of the study, we can conclude that extracurricular work with students-future social studies teachers is aimed at developing a general and professional culture.
Keywords: methods and forms of work with students, students-teachers, extracurricular activities, professional competencies of teachers, teacher of social studies.


Serkina E.V.

Evaluation of the results of collective values, the level of satisfaction of teachers in educational relations in the development of corporate culture in a preschool institution

The article touches upon the issues of corporate culture development management and describes the experimental part of the scientific research on the development of the corporate culture of the educational organization, lists valid, widely used methods that identify personal characteristics of socio-psychological adaptation to new conditions of activity, the level of formation of the corporate culture of the educational organization. The obtained results of the conducted diagnostics of the parents of students whose children attend preschool educational institutions of the city of Surgut and the city of Volgograd are disclosed as external experts in determining the current effectiveness of organizations, including the quality of education and the presence of components of corporate culture indicators in the presented institutions. The results of the proposed methods are applicable in the development when testing the model for managing the development of corporate culture of the educational organization of corporate culture and can be used to plan further work on the development of organizational culture, team building, and improving the company's activities. The description of this study is limited to theoretical analysis.
Keywords: corporate culture, values, socio-psychological adaptation of personality, personality diagnostics, management of corporate culture development.


Smirnov A.G.
Markova O.A.
Velichko T.I.
Vanina O.S.

Using students' motivation for independent studies within the discipline "physical culture and sport" at Bauman Moscow State Technical University

The article examines the importance of independent studies within the framework of the subject "Physical culture and sports". The main aspects of independent studies and their importance for the life of students are described. The results obtained in the course of the study are presented, giving possible recommendations to formulate practical recommendations for the development of students' qualities based on real and valid information about the presence or absence of independent sports activities of students of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. These studies should be taken into account in order to determine which exercises should be emphasized in order to develop the necessary physical qualities.
The study is aimed at studying how motivation affects the independent physical education of university students. By questioning (n=235) students of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, the main factors influencing their motivation and interest in physical activity were identified. The results of the study offer recommendations for creating strategies to stimulate students' motivation for physical education, contributing to the development of their physical and psychological well-being.
Keywords: independent study, student qualities, experience, educational process, physical health, motivation, motives, methods and approaches, learning process, students, physical education and sports.


Favarisov E.A.

Formation of students' personal identity through interaction with physical education teachers

Personal identity is the process of realizing oneself as a certain type of person and recognizing oneself as such in a certain environment. The formation of personal identity is one of the most important aspects of each person's development. Interaction with physical education teachers plays a significant role in this process, as it contributes to the formation of students' values, skills and beliefs related to a healthy lifestyle and active lifestyle. This study will explore what methods and approaches help to shape students' personal identity through interaction with physical education teachers and what outcomes can be achieved through this influence. The interaction of students with physical education teachers leads to an increase in the degree of students' overall professional identity, which in turn leads to increased motivation in the process of professional journey and psychological readiness for endeavors, as well as leads to the implementation of effective strategies for positive dynamics in the formation of students' personal identity.
Keywords: personal identity, professional identity, future physical education teachers, identity formation.


Tsangari A.S.
Gorlova N.A.

Technologies for forming communicative and cognitive skills of children of senior preschool and primary school age within the framework of transformative learning

In this scientific work, the author briefly analyzes technologies for the formation of communicative and cognitive skills of children of preschool and primary school age within the framework of transformative education. To do this, the author briefly explores the essence of transformative learning, then moves directly to various practical tools and techniques, and gives specific examples. At the conclusion of the study, the author also notes that in order to achieve the most effective result, it is necessary to comply with a number of other conditions that are listed in this study. Ultimately, the author writes that such activities are aimed at the formation of a full-fledged and comprehensively developed personality. The object of this scientific research is technology for the formation of communicative and cognitive skills of children of preschool and primary school age within the framework of transformative education. The purpose of this scientific research is a comprehensive, consistent analysis of technologies for the formation of communicative and cognitive skills of children of preschool and primary school age within the framework of transformative education. Methods of this scientific research: comparative analysis, dialectical, statistical, mathematical, generalization, concretization, systematization, deduction, other methods of theoretical and practical levels of scientific knowledge. The scientific novelty of this scientific research lies in the preparation of a comprehensive study, the formation of the author's conclusions regarding the technologies for developing the communicative and cognitive skills of children of preschool and primary school age within the framework of transformative education. This scientific article will be useful to theorists, practitioners, students and teaching staff, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the problems of implementing modern pedagogy, as well as pedagogy of preschool and school education in particular.
Keywords: transformative learning, continuity, continuous learning, preschool education, school education, education system, educational programs, educational organizations.


Cherkieva L.M.
Shipkova E.N.

The influence of a student's teaching experience to choose a profession

This article presents the results of a study aimed at identifying the forms of pedagogical experience acquired by students at school age that influence the choice of a teacher's profession. The leading research methods are theoretical (analysis of scientific literature) and empirical (questioning of students and young teachers) methods. 103 respondents, students of pedagogical colleges, universities, young teachers from Kostroma, Moscow, Sverdlovsk, Yaroslavl, regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Donetsk People's Republic took part in the survey.
The following forms of experience of school-age children have been identified that influence the choice of teaching professions: the positive experience of a student who has an example of a personally significant teacher; the experience associated with having close relatives-teachers; playing "school"; helping classmates and younger students study (positive experience of a pedagogical position); responsibility for younger brothers-sisters; days of self-government at school, experience of teacher replacement; assistance to camp counselors (including school); organization of collective affairs in the classroom. The survey results state that many young people are influenced by the pedagogical impressions they received at school age on their professional choice.
It is revealed that the successful experience of teaching at school age is a factor in choosing a teacher's profession. The condition for having pedagogical experience gained at school age is the existential nature of the activity triggered by the mechanisms of observation, imitation, example and acceptance of responsibility. These conclusions complement the results of researchers of self-determination and career guidance of students in the context of an existential approach. The forms of the first pedagogical experience identified as a result of the study are correlated with the classification of motivating factors of choosing a profession by schoolchildren and their own motivational factors influence. The characteristic features of the activity that allows a child to gain pedagogical experience at school age are: comprehension and reflection, activity, interiorization, systematic, conscious acceptance of responsibility, manifestation of initiative and leadership qualities.
Keywords: pedagogical experience, choice of profession, pre-professional training, career guidance, orientation to teaching professions, motivation, factors of choice of profession, survey, support of future teachers.


Cheng Yuxiao
Mikhaylova O.A.

The use of digital resources in the process of forming a student's linguistic competence in Chinese lessons

The purpose of the paper is to identify the possibilities of introducing digital educational resources available to teachers and Russian students aimed at developing linguistic competence in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The article clarifies the concept and components of foreign language linguistic competence; identifies digital resources in the process of forming the competence. The novelty of the paper lies in the development of a systematic application of digital resources that contribute to the formation of linguistic competence among students in Russia in the process of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. As a result, three types of digital educational resources (integrated intellectual platforms, specialized digital resources and universal digital tools) are identified and characterized, and a system of their application is built taking into account the formation of all aspects of the competence in teaching the discipline "Chinese language" in Russian universities.
Keywords: foreign language linguistic competence, digital educational resources, effective training, Chinese as a foreign language, Russian students.


Shimkovich E.D.
Azitova G.S. (Gulsina Sharipovna)
Azitova G.S. (Gulsum Sharipovna)

Methods of teaching various disciplines to foreign students at the university

The work reveals the peculiarities of the methodology of organizing the educational process in a higher educational institution in the context of teaching foreign students. The authors explore the content and specifics of teaching various academic subjects and identify common principles and methods, regardless of the field of study. Methodological support of the educational process is considered as one of the most important conditions for the organization of education and upbringing of foreign students. The publication examines the structural components of teaching methods, both general and private, and determines their importance for achieving educational results.
In order to understand the specifics of the methodology of working with foreign students, it is necessary to determine the most important characteristics of this category of students and their impact on the educational process. The work also reflects the specifics of communication with this category of students and ways to overcome socio-cultural differences and language barriers.
The main purpose of our research is to identify the features of the methodology of teaching various disciplines to foreign students at the university. The object of our work was to concretize the education of foreign students; the subject was the teaching methodology.
Keywords: teaching methodology, foreign students, didactic conditions, higher school, learning features, language barrier, specifics of communication, teaching methods, university, teacher competence.


Darenskaia I.V.

The "little man" in the "big deal": strategies for the participation of the urban population of the Urals in the implementation of loan mobilization campaigns of the 1920s and 1930s

In the article, based on the materials of the Ural region, the technologies of organizing and supporting mobilization campaigns of the 1920s-1930s are considered. The author, involving a wide range of sources of power and grassroots discourse, analyzes the strategies of behavior of urban Soviet society in conditions of intensive mobilization influence of state institutions on them. Based on regional materials, models of interaction between government and society are reconstructed: forms of support and alternative behaviors of the urban population, ranging from organizing protest actions to individual passive resistance. The author analyzes the reasons for the multi-level attitude of the population towards campaigns, the impact of internal and external challenges, justifying the reflection in loan campaigns of typical features of the mobilization character of the early Soviet era.
Keywords: industrialization, power, loan, urban population, behavior strategies Power, mobilization campaigns, great turning point.

Zuev A.V.

The program of port construction works in Russia in the late XIX – beginning OF XX centuries and its results

The first program, presented on July 1, 1883 in the form of a special note by the Minister of Railways, Adjutant General Posyet to Emperor Alexander III, became the answer to the demands of the time regarding the need for port construction in the country. This was the document that served as the beginning of broad port construction activities in the country. To carry out all these works, a special central institution was created under the Ministry of Railways - the "Temporary Commission for the Construction of Trade Ports". The first chairman of the temporary commission was Privy Councilor P.A. Fadeyev, and the vice-chairman was Actual Privy Councilor M.N. Gersevanov. A lot of work was carried out in the country under the port construction program. However, it was aimed at the construction of the main structures in seaports, and practically did not affect their internal structure. The main structures of Russian commercial ports under construction and reconstruction were intended for the economic needs of the early eighties of the XIX century. Expenditures on port construction works, despite their significant size, were inferior to the expenditures of almost all leading maritime powers. Under such conditions, Russian commercial ports were not adequately prepared to carry out the basic tasks assigned to them by rapidly growing industry and trade.
Keywords: Ministry of Railways, Main Directorate of Merchant Shipping and Ports, merchant shipping, sea ports, dredging, merchant fleet, steam fleet, sea vessels, state budget.

Sokolov R.A.

Condition and development of Moscow at the beginning of the National War of 1812

The article is devoted to the description of the processes taking place in Moscow on the eve of the Patriotic War of 1812. The description of the governing bodies of the second capital is given. The economic processes taking place in Moscow on the eve of Napoleon Bonaparte's entry into the territory of the Russian Empire are characterized. Special attention is paid to the educational institutions of Moscow in the period under consideration. Conclusions about the state of the city by the beginning of the Franco-Russian confrontation in 1812 are given.
Keywords: F.V. Rostopchin, National War of 1812, Moscow, Moscow University, Blagochenie Administration.

Fedorova M.I.
Manchenko K.A.

Rationality in the everyday practice of managing agriculture by regional managers and specialists in the 50-60s. XX century (using the example of Western Siberia)

Methods of agricultural management and methods of their actual implementation at the regional level are analyzed using the example of the West Siberian region. The authors introduce archival sources into scientific circulation and use historical and narrative research methods. Pay attention to the personal contribution of regional managers and specialists to the implementation of programs for agricultural intensification. The article discusses the activities carried out by regional leaders to determine the reasons for the failure to fulfill economic plans, as well as actions aimed at their implementation. The conclusion is drawn: regional managers in the Khrushchev era not only stated the reasons for the lag of the region's agriculture in fulfilling economic tasks imposed from above, but also took a personal part in the day-to-day solution of economic problems.
Keywords: agriculture, Western Siberia, regional managers, rationality, everyday management practice.


Konovalova M.V.

The historical features of Algeria-Morocco relations

The author explores the historical background of the relations between Morocco and Algeria, two North African countries. The historical and cultural context that forms the basis for bilateral cooperation is analyzed, as well as the reasons for conflict between the two states. It is revealed that Algerian-Moroccan relations have deep historical roots that have led to the current state of confrontation.
Keywords: Morocco, Algeria, Moroccan-Algerian relations, history, cultural ties.



Indian-Russian bilateral and strategic relations in a new era

The scientific article is dedicated to studying the bilateral relations between India and the Russian Federation and their recent developments in changing world order. While retaining some elements of the old friendship, the 21st century has seen a substantial evolution in the India-Russian partnership, created in the harsh conditions of the Cold War. The strategic partnership between the two countries boils down to cooperation in two main areas - defense and energy. However, despite their shared history, both countries negotiate various internal and external challenges, such as a geopolitical environment characterized by shifting power relations and new obstacles. The changing character of bilateral and strategic ties between Russia and India in this new era is examined in this scientific article. Introduction: The long-standing friendship between Russia and India has gone through difficult times, from the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union to the invitation of a new international order in which bilateral relations have changed a lot. Indian-Russian relations, earlier viewed through the prism of defense partnerships and cooperation in multilateral formats, while plans to expand bilateral ties beyond the traditional areas of collaboration remain unrealized. Since 2014, New Delhi’s foreign policy has developed in various world regions. While relations with its immediate neighbors remain New Delhi’s top priority, its cooperation with its old friend, Moscow, assumed exceptional significance at the global level. Today, the strategic partnership between Moscow and New Delhi is going through a period of confidence and the trustable and strongest strategic partnership of the new era of 21st century.
Keywords: India, Russia, Bilateral Relation, Asia, economic relations, Cold War, Cooperation and international community.


Tape G.D.

The Civil War in Côte d'Ivoire and the role of the UN in resolving the conflict 2002-2011

The civil war in Côte d'Ivoire, which lasted from 2002 to 2011, was a complex conflict deeply rooted in political, social and economic issues. The conflict began after a failed coup against President Laurent Gbagbo in 2002, which eventually escalated into a full-scale civil war between government forces and rebel groups, especially the new forces based in the north of the country. Thirteen years later, the United Nations completed the peacekeeping phase in Côte d'Ivoire in cooperation with the Ivorian Government, successfully helping to restore stability after the post-electoral crisis in 2010.
Keywords: UN, Côte d'Ivoire, conflict resolution, concept of ivoirite, civil war, military coups, multiparty system, peace agreements, military incursion.

Alibalaev M.M.

Humanitarian exceptions in modern geopolitics

The purpose of the article is to explore humanitarian exemptions, their role and place in the current geopolitical context to address humanitarian challenges. The article highlights the importance of humanitarian exceptions in providing humanitarian assistance to victims or supporting other activities that meet basic human needs in the context of political instability, international and non-international armed conflicts, and humanitarian crises. Through the activities of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and a case study of the Syrian Arab Republic, the article demonstrates how humanitarian diplomacy contributes to the protection of human rights and alleviates the suffering of population in conflict zones.
General scientific methods and the method of situation analysis are applied in the article, that allowed to define the framework of scientific research, clarify the main concepts and categories related to the formation and development of the phenomenon of humanitarian diplomacy. In the process of preparing the article general scientific methods of cognition as analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, comparison, analogy, abstraction and generalization were applied.
The author defines the concept of humanitarian diplomacy, highlighting its key features, functions and significance within the framework of modern geopolitics.
Humanitarian exceptions in the context of modern geopolitics play a critical role in alleviating the suffering of population affected by armed conflicts and humanitarian crises. Within the provisions of the 1949 Geneva Conventions for the Protection of War Victims and its Additional Protocols, the neutral humanitarian organizations that make up the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement are the primary providers of assistance to victims. The fundamental principles of these organizations include humanity, neutrality, impartiality, independence, unity, universality and voluntariness. Humanitarian diplomacy, as a key tool for decision-making on humanitarian exemptions, provides a dialog between states and humanitarian actors to achieve common goals of protecting human rights and providing assistance.
The author analyzes key resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council providing for humanitarian exceptions to avoid unintended humanitarian consequences for humanitarian action in the Syrian Arab Republic. These resolutions include measures aimed at ensuring the safe access of humanitarian workers, the provision of medical assistance, and the delivery of life-saving resources, despite current economic and financial constraints. In the context of the ongoing conflict, the international community continues to refine humanitarian exemption mechanisms to minimize the negative impact on civilians and ensure respect for human rights.
The study also examines the establishment of humanitarian organizations that make up the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, which activities are aimed at promoting the principles of neutrality, independence and impartiality in the provision of assistance.
The author concludes that humanitarian exclusions play a crucial role in the global humanitarian aid system and the realization of humanitarian diplomacy. This emphasizes the need for further study and development of humanitarian diplomacy as a means of preventing and resolving armed conflicts, as well as providing protection and support to population in emergencies. The author concludes with recommendations for strengthening the effectiveness of humanitarian diplomacy at the international level.
Keywords: humanitarian diplomacy, International Humanitarian Law, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, sanctions, humanitarian exceptions.


Klimashin A.L.

Afghanistan in Russian foreign policy in the late 19th century as reflected in Russian journalism

The article examines the assessment of the place of Afghanistan in the confrontation between the Russian Empire and Great Britain by Russian periodicals of the late 19th century with the aim of reconstructing the views of publicists on the role of Afghanistan in the "Great Game". An analysis is made of the interpretations by Russian publicists of the main components of Russian policy in Central Asia, the arguments with which publicists justified the activities of the Russian government in relation to Afghanistan, how much they understood the national interests of the country, what they criticized and what solutions they proposed.
Keywords: Russia, history, 19th century, journalism, Afghanistan, foreign policy.


Deng Hong
Zhao Huiqing

Education of the Chinese people in the archives of the Russian Far East

This work reveals the features of Chinese education in archival Russian sources of various historical periods and specifies the main directions of cultural and educational interaction between China and Russia. The author studies the main historical periods, starting from the end of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century in the context of the development of Chinese education. This allows us to determine the features of the various stages of education of the Chinese people who lived in Russia during specific historical periods, which are discussed in the publication.
The work uses data from sources of archives and literature of the Russian Far East, as well as an analysis of publications reflecting the opinion of modern authors on this issue.
The author actualizes the problem of education of Chinese living in Russia up to the middle of the twentieth century, obtaining the necessary primary literacy skills and professional skills.
The aim of the work is to study the reflection of the education of the Chinese people in the archives of the Far East. The object of the study is the information contained in the archival documents of the Far East, the subject is the education of the Chinese people.
Keywords: Chinese people, Far East, Russia, Chinese education, archival documentation, periods of history, cultural ties, education system, international relations, level of education.


Mohamed Alsadig Hamid Musa
Bazanova A.E.
Muzykant V.L.

The modern trends in outdoor commercial advertising on the background of 5G: typology and implementation

The presented article has analyzed the impact of the 5G technological environment on the advancement of the outdoor advertising market and discusses strategies to transform and modernize outdoor advertising creativity and communication in the context of 5G technology to provide recommendations for the advertising industry and related studies.
As a result of the detailed analysis of the outdoor advertising market highlighted the characteristics of new trends in the creative and communication strategy of the commercial outdoor advertising industry in the context of 5G and what the market is experiencing at this stage and what is expected in the nearest future and what applications can be used in this industry.
Keywords: 5G Technology, outdoor advertising, target audience, attracting attention, technique.




Alibalaev M.M., Postgraduate student, People’s Friendship University of Russia.
Azitova G.S. (Gulsina Sharipovna), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kazan Federal University, Kazan.
Azitova G.S. (Gulsum Sharipovna), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kazan Federal University, Kazan.
Bazanova A.E., Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Berezhnova O.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education of the Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute (Branch of the SSPI in Zheleznovodsk).
Binish, Postgraduate student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, India.
Bochkov D.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg.
Borisov B.Y., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Secondary General Education and Social Design of Pskov State University, Pskov.
Cheng Yuxiao, Lecturer, Doctor of Philosophy. Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, Urumqi, China.
Cherkieva L.M., 4th year student. Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky.
Darenskaia I.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Institute (branch) of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Nizhny Tagil.
Deng Hong, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Foreign Languages, Heihe University, Heihe, China.
Eremina O.V., Candidate of science, Associate professor Department of foreign languages № 2, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Irkutsk National Research Technical University”, Irkutsk.
Favarisov E.A., Lecturer, Kazan Federal University.
Fedorova M.I., Associate Professor of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Technology and Management (First Cossack University).
Gorlova N.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Educational Technologies of the State University of Education.
Holmova O.Y., Student, IPI named after P.P. Ershov (branch) Tyumen State University, Ishim.
Kalabekova S.V., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the North Caucasus State Academy.
Kirillova A.S., Undergraduates, Tyumen State University, Tyumen.
Klimashin A.L., Assistant of the Department of Russian History. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba.
Konovalova M.V., Bachelor's degree student of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Loginova O.A., Assistant of the Department of General and Social Pedagogy. Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul.
Lukashenko D.V., Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Leading researcher. Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.
Lysenko A.S., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg.
Maidurov O.Yu., Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Yelets State University named after I.A. Bunin, Yelets.
Manchenko K.A., Associate Professor of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Technology and Management (First Cossack University).
Markova O.A., Senior Lecturer, Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Matveeva S.V., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Balashov Institute (branch) of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky".
Mezentseva Y.S., Undergraduates, Tyumen State University, Tyumen.
Mikhaylova O.A., Professor, Doctor of Philosophy. Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg.
Mohamed Alsadig Hamid Musa, Ph.D in Philology, Assistant Professor and Senior educator of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Muzykant V.L., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, India.
Nasipova S.B., Head of the Center for Advanced Training and Continuing Education, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Kyzylorda, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Nosakova T.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Region.
Pavlova T.A., Lecturer of the Department of English and Oriental Philology, Lugansk State Pedagogical University, Lugansk.
Pogosova K.L., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences Federal State budgetary educational Institution of Higher Education Gorsky GAU.
Semenov M.H., Graduate student of the Karachay-Circassian State University named by U.D. Aliev.
Sereda A.V., Graduate student. Nevinnomyssk State Humanitarian and Technical Institute, Nevinnomyssk.
Serkina E.V., Postgraduate Student. Budgetary institution of higher education of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "Surgut State University", Kindergarten No. 37 "Kolokolchik", teacher-psychologist.
Shatskov P.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Balashov Institute (branch) of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky".
Shimkovich E.D., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Kazan Federal University, Kazan.
Shipkova E.N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the department, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky.
Smirnov A.G., Associate Professor, Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman.
Smotrova L.N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Balashov Institute (branch) of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky".
Sokolov R.A., Ryazan State University named after S.A. Esenin, Ryazan.
Tape G.D., Phd Student, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Tsangari A.S., Postgraduate student of the State University of Education.
Vanina O.S., Senior Lecturer, Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Velichko T.I., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Zhao Huiqing, Associate Professor, Institute of Foreign Languages, Heihe University, Heihe, China.
Zuev A.V., Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping.