
Topical  issues  of  historical  sciences
Chekulaev N.D. On a little-known fact of good-neighborly relations between the Russian Cossacks and the North Caucasian peoples in the XVIII century 11
Galimzyanova L.R., Akhmetova A.R. Preservation of historical and cultural heritage as one of the factors of the development of the tourist potential of the city of Kazan 16
Pospelov D.V. Some aspects of the beginning of merchant shipping in the northern Black Sea region at the turn of the V-IV centuries bc 23
Kurenkova E.A. Scientific school of “Value foundations of social processes in Russia” in the development of the direction of the civilizational approach in modern domestic historiography 29
Psychomakhova A.R. A.-G. Keshev’s contribution to the socio-political and cultural life of the highlanders 46
Fidarova K.K., Darmilova E.N., Margiev D.Y., Plieva A.A. The history of the formation of political parties in Russia 52
History  of  geopolitics,  international  relations  and  general  history
Li V.N. The military-industrial complexes of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China as a key element of military-political cooperation 57
Pospelov D.V. Architectural features of the ships on the frescoes of era 67
Stukacheva Y.Y. The background to the introduction of women’s history month in the United States 73
Cherniaev M.S. The AUKUS factor in British foreign policy 79
Yunyushkina A.S. China’s energy policy: the place of southeast Asian countries in China’s energy strategy 84
Vrazhnova M.N., Ternovaya L.O. Works of fiction in the university course “Fundamentals of Personnel Security” 113
Chapkin N.S. Digitalization of the educational process in modern higher education 122
Lezina O.V., Ternovaya L.O. Cases in the study and life strategy of modern students 133
Dyusenbayev A.Z. The use of digital technologies in the training of future graphic designers at the university 142
Zaredinova E.R. Pedagogical diagnostics organization to identify the level of safety culture formation among 9th grade students on safety life 151
Korolev V.B., Koroleva E.V., Komarov A.S. Development of the system of professional orientation of students: on the example of general educational organizations of the Kaluga region 161
Minkova A.S. Analysis of research on the use of innovative technologies in the educational process of a higher education institution 167
Protasova L.A., Stolbov P.V. Competence model of a graduate of an architectural and civil engineering university 179
Tan Xiao High level of education as a tool for the implementation of foreign policy and the implementation of scientific and practical research 187
Chai Zhiheng Socio-historical prerequisites for the formation of physical education in China 196
Abstracts 218
Authors 232




Chekulaev N.D.

On a little-known fact of good-neighborly relations between the Russian Cossacks and the North Caucasian peoples in the XVIII century

This article attempts to examine and study a little-known aspect of Russian-North Caucasian relations - the presence of a so-called Cossack guard for Dagestani, Grebenchuk and Chechen feudal rulers. The main source for the study of this problem are authentic archival documents of the 18th century stored in the Central State Archive of the Republic of Dagestan in fond 379. In essence, fond No. 379 is a military record of one of the Russian garrisons - the garrison of the Kizlyar fortress. The North Caucasian feudal rulers, living side by side in the North Caucasus since the 16th century with the Russian Cossacks - Greben and Tersko-Family Cossack troops, were well aware of the fighting strength and military skill of the Cossacks and decided to use them as personal bodyguards. With a similar request to the head of the Russian military administration commandants of the Kizlyar fortress. Naturally the commandant of Kizlyar did not provide not all North Caucasian feudal rulers, but only those who benefited from the point of view of strengthening the power of the Russian Empire in the region. As authentic historical documents of the XVIII century show, the Cossack guard received from the commandant of Kizlyar was used not only to protect his person, but also actively used it in the fight against his political rivals.
Keywords: Russia, North Caucasus, Dagestan, Cossacks, highlanders, commandant, owner, guard, documents, horse stealing.


Galimzyanova L.R.
Akhmetova A.R.

Preservation of historical and cultural heritage as one of the factors of the development of the tourist potential of the city of Kazan

The article examines the impact of the preservation of historical and cultural heritage on the development of the tourist potential of Kazan. Today, the protection of cultural heritage sites is one of the priorities of the state. The Republic of Tatarstan is distinguished by its rich cultural heritage. Multiculturalism and poly-confessionalism are traditionally present on this land. The capital of the republic – the city of Kazan - is visited annually by millions of tourists. The authors pay special attention to the most visited tourist sites of the city: the Kazan Kremlin Museum-Reserve, the Old Tatar settlement, the Kazan Bogoroditsky Monastery and the historical center. In recent years, full-scale works have been carried out in the field of cultural heritage preservation, in particular at the designated sites, the results of which are now witnessed by residents and tourists of Kazan. In order to popularize cultural heritage and attract tourists to the city, Kazan museums conduct active exhibition, methodological, publishing and other activities. In the historical center of the city, all the necessary infrastructure has been created to receive tourists: hotels, food outlets and places of specialized trade. The cultural heritage of the city and modern tourist realities do not contradict, but harmoniously complement each other.
Keywords: history, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, historical and cultural heritage, tourist potential, museums.


Pospelov D.V.

Some aspects of the beginning of merchant shipping in the northern Black Sea region at the turn of the V-IV centuries bc

The scientific article explores the origin and development of maritime trade in one of the key regions of the ancient world. The work focuses on the importance of the Northern Black Sea region as a strategic hub connecting the economic and cultural spaces of various civilizations.
The research relies on an interdisciplinary approach, including archaeological finds, historical chronicles and economic data, to reconstruct trade routes, commodity exchanges and political interactions. The authors analyze the role of Greek polis, such as Olbia, Chersonesos and Panticapaeum, in initiating and maintaining trade relations with the regions of the Mediterranean Sea, Asia Minor and the interior of Eurasia.
The article also examines the impact of geopolitical factors, demographic changes and technological innovations on the development of maritime infrastructure. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of ships, navigation, as well as port logistics and operations. The study reveals the dynamics of trade in basic goods, including grain, wine, metals and ceramics, thereby enriching the understanding of economic and cultural interaction in the ancient period.
A special place in the study is occupied by the issues of social structure and organization of labor, as well as cultural exchange, which accompanied trade contacts. The authors provide new data on the role of ethnic and ethno-cultural groups in the process of trade interaction, which sheds light on the complex picture of interaction between different peoples.
The conclusions drawn in the article are important both for the history of trade and economic relations, and for the study of the political and cultural history of the Northern Black Sea region and adjacent regions in the ancient period. The work makes a significant contribution to further understanding the process of the beginning of merchant shipping, emphasizing its relevance to modern economic and cultural studies.
Keywords: navigation, northern Black Sea region, Chersonesos, Olbia, merchant shipping, maritime trade, history of maritime trade, development of navigation, black Sea.


Kurenkova E.A.

Scientific school of "Value foundations of social processes in Russia" in the development of the direction of the civilizational approach in modern domestic historiography

The relevance of the development of the civilizational approach in domestic historiography is determined by the challenges of the new geopolitical confrontation and the tasks of restoring Russia's sovereign potential based on traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. The article presents an overview of research developments on the topic of civilizational development of the scientific school of "Value foundations of social processes in Russia", formed on the basis of the State University of Education. The potentials of the methodology of axiological research applied by the scientific school in rethinking the historical process are revealed. The differences in the application of the methodology of the civilizational approach in revealing the content of Russian history are shown in comparison with the methodology of the theory of modernization. The materials of the article can be used in the formation of new approaches in teaching the humanities and social sciences.
Keywords: value foundations, civilizational approach, scientific school, State University of Education, theory of modernization, history of Russia.


Psychomakhova A.R.

A.-G. Keshev's contribution to the socio-political and cultural life of the highlanders

In the article the periods of life and activity of the enlightener Adil-Girey Keshev are considered. Adil-Girey Keshev was born in 1840 in the family of the famous Adygean prince Kuchuk Keshev. In 1858 he graduated from Stavropol gymnasium with honors, on the recommendation of the directorate he entered St. Petersburg University. His studies lasted only one year, for participation in strikes, and he had to leave St. Petersburg. In Stavropol and began to work as a translator from the Tatar language in the office of the chief of the Stavropol province, and in November 1862 he became a teacher of the Tatar language in the Stavropol gymnasium. In 1866, the position of a teacher of the Tatar language in the gymnasium was reduced, and he moved to the post of secretary of the Chamber of Control. His first works were published in the magazines "Library for Reading" and "Russky Vestnik". He took plots for his works from the life of his native people. In his last years he worked as editor-in-chief of the Terskiye Vedomosti newspaper.
Keywords: editor, educator, folklore, publication, historian.


Fidarova K.K.
Darmilova E.N.
Margiev D.Y.
Plieva A.A.

The history of the formation of political parties in Russia

Political parties are one of the links between the state and society and participate in almost all political processes. The participation of political parties in solving state problems is one of the most important mechanisms for the distribution and redistribution of power resources in the state and society.
Keywords: political party, government, society, state.


Li V.N.

The military-industrial complexes of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China as a key element of military-political cooperation

The article analyzes the evolution of the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership from the end of the Cold War to the present day, with an emphasis on military cooperation and defense industrial complexes (MIC) of the two countries. The stages of the development of relations are considered, starting from good neighborliness and constructive partnership to comprehensive strategic interaction. Special attention is paid to the role of the defense industry of Russia and China in strengthening military capabilities and ensuring national security. The authors highlight the key achievements and problems of modernization of the defense industry of both countries, discuss their adaptation to new geopolitical realities and technological challenges. The article emphasizes the importance of the independence of defense industries from external suppliers, and also reveals the importance of the strategic partnership between Moscow and Beijing in the face of external pressure and sanctions. In conclusion, it is concluded that the defense industry of both countries are important elements of their international influence and military power, ensuring the stability of their defense policy.
Keywords: Russia, China, military-industrial complex, military cooperation, strategic partnership, armaments, military technologies.


Pospelov D.V.

Architectural features of the ships on the frescoes of Fera

This article examines the architectural features of the ships depicted in the frescoes of the ancient city of Fera, which are admired by archaeologists and art historians. The authors analyze the shapes, sizes and designs of ships, their anchoring, swimming and maneuvering abilities, based on detailed images of ancient frescoes of the Minoan period (approximately 1700-1400 BC). Special attention is paid to the interpretation of decorative elements and technical details such as rigging and rudder, which are important for understanding the maritime culture of the Aegean Sea.
The methodological basis of the research includes the use of modern technologies, such as digital restoration and 3D modeling, to reconstruct the visual and functional aspects of ancient ships. In the course of the work, the authors also compare images of ships with similar artifacts and documentary sources from other regions of that time, which allows us to identify common and unique features of Aegean shipbuilding.
An important part of the article is the analysis of the symbolic meaning of the ships in the frescoes, reflecting the religious and social aspects of the life of the Fera society. The study demonstrates that ships played not only an economic and military role, but also performed ritual functions related to mythology and social hierarchy.
The special interest of the research lies in an integrative approach combining archaeological, historical and technological methods. New interpretations of famous artifacts are proposed and a significant contribution is made to the understanding of the maritime architecture of ancient Aegean. The article is aimed at specialists in the field of archaeology, art history and marine archaeology, and is also of interest to a wide audience interested in ancient cultures and engineering achievements of the past.
Keywords: frescoes, ancient frescoes, images of ships, the image of a ship, ancient Greek shipbuilding, frescoes of Fera, shipbuilding, development of navigation, ancient Greek art.


Stukacheva Y.Y.

The background to the introduction of women's history month in the United States

Women's History Month is an event that is held at official and unofficial levels in many europeanized countries around the world, including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and etc. The purpose of the study is to analyze the background to the formation of the idea of Women's History Month in rural Sonoma County. The ideological environment that influenced the development of women's studies in Sonoma County is shown. The influence of the newly formed Sonoma State College on the spread of left-wing ideas in the county is analyzed. The conclusion briefly summarizes the background to the administrative adoption of Women's History Week (later Women's History Month) in Sonoma County.
Keywords: women's history, women's studies, Women's History Month, Sonoma, college.


Cherniaev M.S.

The AUKUS factor in British foreign policy

The purpose of the study is to determine the role of the AUKUS trilateral alliance in the foreign policy of the United Kingdom. The UK's participation in the block is of particular interest due to the fact that it is not a full-fledged actor in the Indo-Pacific region, the strengthening of military and political influence in which is the main goal of creating AUKUS. The article pays special attention to analyzing the place of the partnership in the strategic documents of Great Britain, its influence on the British-American special relationship, as well as the role of AUKUS in the context of the concept of Global Britain. The author concludes that participation in the partnership is of strategic interest to the United Kingdom in the context of the country's desire to strengthen its influence in the Indo-Pacific region, develop military-industrial potential and strengthen relations with the United States and Australia.
Keywords: AUKUS, United Kingdom, Indo-Pacific, USA, Australia, defence cooperation.


Yunyushkina A.S.

China's energy policy: the place of southeast Asian countries in China's energy strategy

The study is devoted to the peculiarities of China's energy policy and the place of cooperation with the countries of Southeast Asia in ensuring the energy security of the PRC. Today, China is one of the leaders in energy consumption in the world and one of the important players in the global energy market. The authors examine the energy strategy of the PRC, the political course of which is aimed at the balanced development and modernization of China. The work analyzes the achievements and prospects for further development of the energy sector in China; determines the place of Southeast Asian countries in the country's energy policy; reveals the main directions of development of China's energy cooperation with ASEAN countries; identifies key problems and challenges in the implementation of this cooperation. In conclusion, the authors attempt to highlight the key points of contact between China and ASEAN countries in the energy sector, as well as to predict potential challenges and contradictions in the framework of China's relations with the member countries of the Association.
Keywords: energy policy, ASEAN, multilateral cooperation, strategic development, energy security, energy resources, international cooperation, energy resources, national security, energy crisis.


Vrazhnova M.N.
Ternovaya L.O.

Works of fiction in the university course “Fundamentals of Personnel Security”

The article discusses the possibility and necessity of including literary sources in the training course “Fundamentals of Personnel Security”. This increases students' interest in reading and develops their imagination and creative thinking. However, there is also a direct value of turning to that part of the world literature that reveals the characteristics of various professions, which consists in the fact that students expand the imagery of this sphere, discover personnel difficulties associated with this professional choice, and minimize their own professional fears.
Keywords: higher education, interdisciplinary approach, fiction, students, profession, personnel security.


Chapkin N.S.

Digitalization of the educational process in modern higher education

In recent years, digitalization has become a key direction in the development of educational processes at universities, radically changing the ways of knowledge transfer and interaction between participants in the educational process. The article examines the historical prerequisites of digitalization, starting from the first steps in the introduction of information technology and up to the modern stage, when digital technologies cover almost all aspects of educational activities. The most important areas of digitalization include the development of high-speed Internet networks, the introduction of cloud storage platforms, the creation and use of online courses, as well as the use of virtual and augmented reality technologies to create interactive learning environments.
The paper provides an overview of the current state of digitalization at Russian universities, such as the Higher School of Economics (HSE) and Tomsk State University (TSU), which are leaders in this field. Their key projects are described, such as the implementation of the Smart LMS platform at the HSE and the use of the Moodle system at TSU. International experience and examples of best practices in the field of digitalization at leading world universities such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University are also considered.
It is concluded that despite the challenges, digitalization is the most important condition for maintaining the competitiveness of universities and providing quality education in the modern world.
Keywords: digitalization, educational process, personalization of learning, online courses, technologies, universities.


Lezina O.V.
Ternovaya L.O.

Cases in the study and life strategy of modern students

The article reveals the features of the case method, which is almost a hundred years old, but has been actively used in universities, business education and even in secondary specialized educational institutions for the last two decades. This was due to the fact that cases based on solving complex problems turned out to be extremely popular in conditions of increased unpredictability. The result of the case can show how to act in case of risk. The benefit and a kind of excitement that arises in the process of solving a case led to the emergence of a case movement, a bright form of which has become student case clubs and case championships.
Keywords: higher education, pedagogy, students, teaching methods, case study, case club, case championship.


Dyusenbayev A.Z.

The use of digital technologies in the training of future graphic designers at the university

This work is aimed at identifying the potential of using digital technologies in the training of future graphic design specialists in higher education institutions. Identifying the specifics of this area, the author notes the relevance of including methods and methods in the educational process that reflect digital and technological ones. It is concretized that digital technologies are an integral component in the training of future graphic designers and they are one of the factors of increasing educational motivation. This is due to the fact that these technologies can not only meet the educational needs of students, but are also relevant and interesting for modern youth.
At the initial stage of the work, the demand of modern society for highly competent specialists, including in the field of graphic design, is emphasized. Such a specialist should have a set of universal and professional competencies that increase the efficiency of performing work functions. Therefore, it is necessary to use innovative, interactive technologies in teaching, allowing students to realize their potential and develop.
Based on the above, the purpose of the study was to confirm the relevance of the use of digital educational technologies in the training of future graphic designers. The object of the work is the concretized process of training future graphic designers, the subject is the use of digital technologies.
Keywords: interactive space, graphic design, digital technologies, Internet resources, specialist competence, higher education, innovative technologies, universal competencies, professional skills.


Zaredinova E.R.

Pedagogical diagnostics organization to identify the level of safety culture formation among 9th grade students on safety life

The organization of ascertaining experiment that provides pedagogical diagnostics to identify the level of safety culture formation among 9th grade students on the subject "Fundamentals of Life Safety" are reveled in the article. Based on the analysis of regulatory documents and the educational program of the course "Fundamentals of Life Safety", the planned learning outcomes are presented. The importance of the course "Fundamentals of Life Safety" in the modern training of schoolchildren has been revealed. The essence of the concept of "safety culture" is defined, its structural components are highlighted. The criteria (motivational-volitional, cognitive, activity-practical) has been identified and the components of the safety culture of students have been identified. Diagnostic methods have been selected. Diagnostic tools have been developed to assess the level of formation of safety culture components. Considering the identified criteria, a description of the level characteristics is presented. It is emphasized that the quality and effectiveness of pedagogical diagnostics will depend on the organization of the ascertaining experiment. The diagnostic tools will allow for pedagogical diagnostics to identify the level of formation of a safety culture among 9th grade students.
Keywords: safety, school subject "Fundamentals of Life Safety", safety culture, students, ascertaining experiment, pedagogical diagnostics.


Korolev V.B.
Koroleva E.V.
Komarov A.S.

Development of the system of professional orientation of students: on the example of general educational organizations of the Kaluga region

The relevance of the topic is that at present there is a problem of students professional self-determination, their psychological and pedagogical support in the process of forming an adequate choice of a professional path taking into account their abilities and interests. The authors' goal is to study the system of students professional orientation and hold an experiment to prove its effectiveness in one of the secondary schools in the Kaluga Region. To achieve this goal, the authors used theoretical analysis of literature, observation, questionnaires, interviews, methods of collecting empirical data, methods of statistical analysis, interpretation and processing of experimental data. The authors' hypothesis is based on the idea that complex work only will help tudents to form the necessary competencies, skills, and also know themselves in order to determine a true career goal. The practical significance of the study is that the obtained empirical material can be used by young specialists, employees of general education organizations to improve the quality and develop the system of students professional orientation.
Keywords: students professional orientation, higher education, general education organization, psychological and pedagogical approach, career guidance work.


Minkova A.S.

Analysis of research on the use of innovative technologies in the educational process of a higher education institution

This scientific work presents a detailed study of current research that is devoted to the use of modern technologies in the educational process of higher educational institutions. The introduction of innovative information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT), interactive learning process, distance teaching methods and the use of game elements is analyzed as the main factor that helps improve the level of the educational process and educational results of students. These studies demonstrate that the integration of information and communication technologies into the educational process improves the influence between both teaching staff and students, and also contributes to the personalization of the learning process. In general, learning platforms for the distance learning process, such as the well-known Moodle and Coursera, which allow training to be carried out while taking into account the current needs of each student. Interactive approaches and techniques, such as project-based learning and the case method, that develop students' analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. Scientific work also examines the impact of modern techniques on the level of student achievement. A large number of studies demonstrate that the use of these technologies can increase academic achievement by 10-15%. In addition, the successful implementation of the technologies used depends on the appropriate readiness of the teaching staff to use, which determines the need to improve the level of qualifications of the teaching staff. In particular, the author of the scientific work highlights the current problems that higher education institutions have to face when integrating innovative approaches. These include resource limitations, including the digital divide among students, as well as shortcomings in methodological recommendations. The purpose of this study is to study existing techniques and practices of using innovative approaches in the educational process of higher educational institutions, and in addition, to determine their impact on the level of the educational process and the educational achievements of students. The object of this research is modern approaches used in the educational process of higher educational institutions, including modern information and communication technologies, online learning, as well as interactive approaches to the teaching process and game stimulation. The scientific novelty of the presented research lies in the classification and study of current trends and the practical application of the latest technologies in academic training, and in addition in identifying the factors that contribute to, including those that hinder their successful implementation. The study, among other things, focuses close attention on the requirement to prepare teaching staff for the use of these technologies, and also considers the impact of digital separation on the openness of educational resources. Research methodology: literature review, effective methods, quantitative analysis methods, comparative analysis, case stages.
Keywords: educational process, training, higher education institutions, innovation, modern technologies, methods, approaches, educational resources.


Protasova L.A.
Stolbov P.V.

Competence model of a graduate of an architectural and civil engineering university

In this scientific work, the author briefly analyzes the features of the structure and content of the competency model of a graduate of an architectural and civil engineering university. To do this, the author considers the essence of the competency model as such, examines its features. Then the author directly studies the characteristics of the competency model of a graduate of an architectural and civil engineering university, its individual elements and properties. In particular, the author analyzes specific examples of current educational programs, their structure and content. In conclusion, the author also makes a more general conclusion regarding the level of competence of graduates of architectural and civil engineering universities in general. The object of this scientific study is the features of the structure and content of the competency model of a graduate of an architectural and civil engineering university. The purpose of this scientific study is a comprehensive, consistent analysis of the features of the structure and content of the competency model of a graduate of an architectural and civil engineering university. The methods of this scientific research: comparative analysis, dialectical, statistical, mathematical, generalization, specification, systematization, deduction, and other methods of theoretical and practical levels of scientific knowledge. The scientific novelty of this scientific research lies in the preparation of a comprehensive study, the formation of the author's conclusions regarding the features of the structure and content of the competency model of a graduate of an architectural and civil engineering university. This scientific article will be useful to theorists, practitioners, students and faculty of economic and other areas of training, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the problems and prospects for the development of the competency model of a graduate of an architectural and civil engineering university in general.
Keywords: competencies, competency model, professional activity, professional competencies, mathematics, architectural and civil engineering university.


Tan Xiao

High level of education as a tool for the implementation of foreign policy and the implementation of scientific and practical research

This work reflects the specifics of improving the quality of education as a tool for implementing foreign policy, as well as a space in which scientific and practical research and international cooperation are possible.
The author examines the changes in various levels of education in the context of the political and socio-economic development of modern society and their impact on the transformation of society. The paper emphasizes the importance of scientific and practical research in the professional activity of any field and, in accordance with this, the close relationship between universities and enterprises, institutions, organizations. It is also very important that higher education provides a theoretical basis for the integration of science and practice, and having the necessary level of knowledge, university graduates become highly.
Among other things, the work reveals the potential of a high level of education in the field of implementing areas of international cooperation and defining new vectors of statehood development.
For the research purpose, we have defined the characteristics of increasing the quality of education as a tool for implementing foreign policy and implementing scientific and practical research. The object of the work is the strategies of international cooperation in the field of educational transformations, the subject is the instrumental characteristics of higher education.
Keywords: higher education, development strategies, international cooperation, internship, international exchange, socio-cultural studies, international projects, scientific and practical research, foreign policy, state development.


Chai Zhiheng

Socio-historical prerequisites for the formation of physical education in China

At this stage of development in the People's Republic of China, great attention is currently paid to creating a healthy population and prosperity of the country. Because of this, China is interested in a healthy and strong population. Today, one of the main tasks of China is to pay great attention to the physical development of children and adults in China. This article reveals the socio-historical prerequisites for the development of physical education in China, which are the subject of the article. This reveals the most important direction in the development of physical culture in China today. The main periods of development of physical culture in China are given. The article touches on aspects of development from the point of view of the development of the system of mass physical culture in China (from the first elements of physical culture - wushu to the modern development of physical culture in China), which includes the addition of China to the Olympic movement among nations. The conclusion of the article summarizes the main results on the socio-historical prerequisites for the formation of physical education in China. The conclusion is confirmed that at the moment China has a powerful sports infrastructure, which contributes to high economic development in China. Factors that contribute to the development of sports in China today are identified.
Keywords: socio-historical background, physical education, physical culture, sports infrastructure, development of physical culture.




Akhmetova A.R., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of World Cultural Heritage of the Institute of International Relations of Kazan Federal University.
Chai Zhiheng, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, St. Mezhlauka 1, Republic of Tatarstan.
Chapkin N.S., Senior Lecturer. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov". Basic Department of Digital Economy of the Institute for the Development of the Information Society.
Chekulaev N.D., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher. Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Far Eastern Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala.
Cherniaev M.S., Postgraduate student of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Darmilova E.N., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities. North Caucasus State Academy.
Dyusenbayev A.Z., Senior Lecturer. Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan University, Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Fidarova K.K., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health, Public Health and Socio-Economic Sciences. North Ossetian Medical State Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Galimzyanova L.R., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of World Cultural Heritage of the Institute of International Relations of Kazan Federal University.
Komarov A.S., 5th-year student of the Institute of History and Law, Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Kaluga.
Korolev E.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Foreign Languages, Kaluga branch of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, Kaluga.
Koroleva E.V., PhD in History, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of History, Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Kaluga.
Kurenkova E.A., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of the History of Russia of the State University of Education.
Lezina O.V., Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Management of the Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI).
Li V.N., Post-graduate student of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Margiev D.Y., 1st year student of the Faculty of Medicine. North Ossetian Medical State Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Minkova A.S., Senior lecturer of the Department of Higher Mathematics of the Russian Technological University - Moscow State University of Information Technology, Radio Engineering and Electronics.
Plieva A.A., 1st year student of the Faculty of Medicine. North Ossetian Medical State Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Pospelov D.V., PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Kherson Technical University, Henichesk.
Protasova L.A., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematics, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
Psychomakhova A.R., Candidate of Historical Sciences, State budgetary professional educational institution of the Moscow City Health Department "Medical College No. 5".
Stolbov P.V., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
Stukacheva Y.Y., Graduate student, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Republic of Belarus.
Tan Xiao, Assistant, Guizhou Technological College Of Machinery And Electricity.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.
Vrazhnova M.N., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Management, Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.
Yunyushkina A.S., Postgraduate student of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Zaredinova E.R., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology, Ecology and Life Safety, State Budget Education Institution of Higher Education of the Republic of Crimea Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University the name of Fevzi Yakubov Simferopol.