
Baykhanov I.B. Difficulties in the formation and consolidation of the professional identity of a teacher 11
Fidarova K.K., Kalabekova S.V., Kulova M.L. Philosophical and ideological aspects within the framework of the university course “Fundamentals of Russian Statehood” 21
Gribova E.P. Digital technologies as a means of developing cognitive activity of older preschoolers 28
Zakirova L.M., Komarova L.Yu., Yamaleeva F.M. Experience of applying the system of assessment of individual achievements of students with special educational needs in the context of inclusive education 35
Kungurova I.M., Slizkova E.V., Pavlinova K.A., Reptyukh V.I. Realization of the national-regional (Cossack) component of education at English lessons 42
Menshikova K.S., Spesivtceva S.E. Research on the problem of using digital educational resources as a learning tool in a digital educational environment 51
Mindzaeva E.V., Akishina E.M., Demidova Y.V. Modern issues in literacy teaching methodologies 62
Seryakova S.B., Andreeva D.A. Formation of cooperation competency in junior school students when implementing an optional course in extracurricular activities 71
Sofronova A.N. Pedagogical aspects of formation of ethnocultural self-consciousness of schoolchildren in extracurricular activities in a multicultural environment 77
Tseeva N.A., Chuntyzheva Z.I., Sidorov V.I., Tutarishev A.K. On the issue of the concept of the essence of “education”, “socialization”, “basic culture” in pedagogy (theoretical approaches, definitions) 81
Topical  issues  of  historical  sciences
Shuplenkov O.V., Shuplenkov N.O. The “Policy of non-interference” in the context of the crisis in the Spanish Republic of 1936 88
Kuryshova L.N., Motkin V.N., Kurmyshkina O.N. Expert opinion on the problems and prospects of the development of the Cossack movement in Mordovia 97
Makarov N.A. On the way to a one-party dictatorship: features of the formation of the party apparatus of the RCP(b) in September – December 1918 (based on materials from the Kostroma province) 104
Panasyuk V.V. The activities of the land management commissions of the Kaluga province to provide financial assistance to individual households during the Stolypin transformations 115
Sazonova D.Y. “Religion saved Russia from unprecedented disasters”: requirements of the Minister of Public Education S.S. Uvarov for the reflection  of the role of Orthodoxy in the textbook of Russian history 125
Semеnova E.Y., Ivanov K.S. Concentration camps of Nazi Germany. Creation and destruction of death camps 129
Sheludyakov I.F. The industry of the Kaluga province during the years of the new economic policy (1921-1929). Historiographical review 135
Shuvalov E.G. On some eschatological aspects of “Russian medical thought”, in the context of the development of medicine and health care during the period of centralization of the Moscow state 142
Darchiev A.V. The Ossetian folk festival of Tsyppurs in E.G. Pchelina’s manuscript materials 149
History  of  geopolitics,  international  relations  and  general  history
Sidibe O. Anti-French sentiments or the awakening of Malian civil consciousness? An analysis of the role of civil society actors 155
Abstracts 173
Authors 185




Baykhanov I.B.

Difficulties in the formation and consolidation of the professional identity of a teacher

The article reveals the features of such a complex process as the formation of a teacher's professional identity. External factors play a great role in this process, however, the main importance is given to internal spiritual impulses that allow an individual to consider pedagogical activity as more than a profession, to see in it his calling. In a calling, it is more difficult to identify clear criteria of identity, but in relation to the pedagogical sphere, they are primarily manifested in the fact that the teacher is guided in his service not only by love for the profession, but also for his students.
Keywords: education, pedagogy, teacher, profession, calling, professional identification, professional duty.


Fidarova K.K.
Kalabekova S.V.
Kulova M.L.

Philosophical and ideological aspects within the framework of the university course "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood"

The current transformations in the higher education system in Russia have led to the emergence of new disciplines, including "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood", "Teaching by Ministry", "Ethnology and Regional Studies". The current socio-political situation necessitates increased attention to the spiritual aspects of public life in our country. This largely determines the importance of educating the younger generation, including within the framework of higher education. In September 2023, the course "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood" was included in the curricula of bachelors of all fields of study. Russian Russian Citizenship The purpose of this curriculum is as follows: to expand knowledge about the history of Russian statehood, to emphasize the importance of traditional Russian values for the formation of a patriot's civic position, to promote the development of critical thinking skills and the ability to adopt worldviews characteristic of the Russian people.
Keywords: Russian statehood, worldview, values, mentality, the younger generation, citizenship, morality, the meaning of life.


Gribova E.P.

Digital technologies as a means of developing cognitive activity of older preschoolers

The article analyzes digital technologies as a means of developing the cognitive activity of older preschoolers. Digitalization involves a qualitative change in the content and conditions in which the educational process takes place. In kindergartens, the use of digital technologies allows you to create situations for a child in which he needs to actively and independently seek solutions to problems involving the activation of his cognitive skills. The cognitive activity of a child can be considered in two aspects: as a selective orientation of mental processes to events and objects of the surrounding world, personal need and desire to engage in productive activities that bring satisfaction, and such as personality quality. A characteristic feature of a child's cognitive activity is the presence of interest in the subject of study. In order for the process of developing cognitive activity in older preschool children to be effective, the teacher must comply with a number of organizational and pedagogical conditions in the classroom. Digital technologies have become an important tool for the development of cognitive activity of older preschoolers. In order to obtain exceptionally positive effects when using digital technologies, it is important to observe selectivity and moderation in the amount of digital content during children's interaction with it.
Keywords: children, senior preschool age, personality, kindergarten, cognitive activity, cognitive interest, development of cognitive activity, learning, digitalization, digital technologies.


Zakirova L.M.
Komarova L.Yu.
Yamaleeva F.M.

Experience of applying the system of assessment of individual achievements of students with special educational needs in the context of inclusive education

The inclusion of persons with disabilities in the social life of the country is a promising direction of modern reality. This is a necessary condition for creating a truly inclusive society, where everyone can feel involved and in demand for their actions. Any education should be inclusive, accessible, and take into account the right of any person to be different, while at the same time giving the right to be independent and free. Our research goal is to give every person, regardless of their needs and health opportunities, a chance to reach their full potential, realize their goals and become a full-fledged member of society. The purpose of the article is to provide applied analysis in working with individuals with special learning needs. The structure of the presented research work includes the target, content, organizational-procedural and effective components. The developed approaches in the practical activities of future specialists include the target (goals, tasks); methodological (approaches, principles); content aspect (features of negative experiences in gifted primary school children with different levels of cognitive abilities); organizational and procedural aspect (organizational and pedagogical conditions, scientific and methodological support) and performance components (performance indicators).
Keywords: children and adults with special learning needs, rehabilitation, professional competence, neuropsychological research.


Kungurova I.M.
Slizkova E.V.
Pavlinova K.A.
Reptyukh V.I.

Realization of the national-regional (Cossack) component of education at English lessons

The article deals with the possibility of implementing the national-regional (Cossack) component at English lessons in modern educational realities. The authors raise the question about the necessity of introducing the national-regional (Cossack) component in teaching a foreign language (English) and describes the variants of its integration with other educational disciplines - literature, geography, history, etc.
Keywords: national-regional component in education, integration, school, the English language, modern lesson, FSES.


Menshikova K.S.
Spesivtceva S.E.

Research on the problem of using digital educational resources as a learning tool in a digital educational environment

The article presents the conducted research on the problem of using a digital educational resource as a tool for distance learning for foreign citizens at the stage of pre-university training. The issue on the subject of the article is studied and analyzed in detail through scientific works, with consideration of various points of view. Positive and negative experiences of using a digital educational resource in the educational process are highlighted. The concept of "digital university" is highlighted as a collective image of numerous variations of digitalization of education. Fundamental concepts that define a digital educational resource, necessary for its creation, are defined. All known types of e-learning with their characteristics are considered in detail. The recommended filling of a digital educational resource with educational materials and requirements for them are presented.
Keywords: digital educational resource, distance learning, digital educational environment, digitalization of education.


Mindzaeva E.V.
Akishina E.M.
Demidova Y.V.

Modern issues in literacy teaching methodologies

The article examines the methodology of teaching Russian literacy. It presents a brief historical analysis of literalism development and an overview of dissertation research on literacy teaching methods (1984-2011). Contradictions in applying the sound analytical-synthetic method in various methodological systems are investigated. Significant disagreements in views on modern literacy teaching methodology, its results, and consequences of its widespread implementation in primers are revealed. Current directions for potential dissertation research in this field are outlined.
Keywords: methodology, didactics, methodology of teaching the Russian language, methodology of teaching literacy, bukvaristica.


Seryakova S.B.
Andreeva D.A.

Formation of cooperation competency in junior school students when implementing an optional course in extracurricular activities

The purpose of this article is to present the results of experimental work based on the results of the dissertation research. The author presents an analysis of diagnostic materials and statistical data from the ascertaining stage of the experiment, conducted to record the level of development of the cooperation competence of junior schoolchildren. The article presents a description of the optional extracurricular course “Successful Communication and Cooperation” developed by the author, the effectiveness of which was confirmed during the study and the final diagnosis of respondents. The practical significance of the research and article lies in the definition of diagnostic techniques and the development of an elective course for developing the competence of cooperation among junior schoolchildren.
Keywords: extracurricular activities, cooperation competence, primary school age, elective course, education, formation.


Sofronova A.N.

Pedagogical aspects of formation of ethnocultural self-consciousness of schoolchildren in extracurricular activities in a multicultural environment

In this scientific article pedagogical approaches to the formation of ethnocultural self-consciousness of schoolchildren in the process of extracurricular activities in a multicultural environment are considered. The theoretical methods and forms of work that contribute to the development of children's respect for cultural diversity and the formation of intercultural competence in students are analyzed.
Keywords: ethnocultural self-awareness, extracurricular activities, multicultural environment.


Tseeva N.A.
Chuntyzheva Z.I.
Sidorov V.I.
Tutarishev A.K.

On the issue of the concept of the essence of "education", "socialization", "basic culture" in pedagogy (theoretical approaches, definitions)

The article examines the various approaches of the authors to the process of upbringing and personality formation, which includes both targeted external influence and self-education. According to the new approach, special attention is paid to the education of personality through culture, the purpose of which should be the formation of a basic culture of personality. The basic culture includes the culture of life self-determination and assumes that a person has value orientations that serve as the basis for further development and allow him to develop harmoniously in accordance with social culture. In other words, personality culture is the main defining concept of the processes of upbringing and socialization.
Keywords: culture, personality culture, personality, development, basic culture, basic education, upbringing, socialization.


Shuplenkov O.V.
Shuplenkov N.O.

The “Policy of non-interference” in the context of the crisis in the Spanish Republic of 1936

This work is devoted to the analysis of the conditions of the outbreak of war in Spain (1936–1939) based on the international position of the League of Nations and the Committee on Non-Intervention. The main research methods are comparative and systematic approaches. The authors conclude that the desire to secure Britain and France's own borders has led to the escalation of the conflict in Spain. The relevance of the study is associated with the problem of strengthening the role of interstate institutions, primarily the United Nations.
Keywords: Britain, war, Spain, League of Nations, “policy of appeasement”, republic, France.


Kuryshova L.N.
Motkin V.N.
Kurmyshkina O.N.

Expert opinion on the problems and prospects of the development of the Cossack movement in Mordovia

One of the key problems of studying the Cossacks is the lack of a clear understanding of the essence of this concept in scientific circles and among the public. First of all, experts noted the importance of the religious identification of Cossacks, while a person joining a Cossack association is a distinctive feature.
The article presents an expert opinion on the activities of the regional Cossacks. The real help of the Cossacks to the state is expressed in the patriotic education of young people, the organization of children's and adolescent leisure. Cadet education is developing in the region. As part of the state service, Cossacks help the police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations in ensuring public order and civil security. A number of measures are being taken to preserve and develop Cossack culture. Experts noted the strengths and weaknesses of the activities of the Cossack associations of Mordovia. The development of Cossack associations is hindered by administrative barriers such as bureaucracy and paperwork, imperfect legislation, and the passivity of officials.
There are a number of problems that hinder the development of the regional Cossack movement. These problems can be solved with the help of financial support for Cossack associations, legal support and popularization of the activities of Cossack associations.
Keywords: Cossack, Cossacks, region, development prospects, problems of Cossacks, expert survey.


Makarov N.A.

On the way to a one-party dictatorship: features of the formation of the party apparatus of the RCP(b) in September – December 1918 (based on materials from the Kostroma province)

The article examines the process of formation of the party apparatus of the RCP (b) in the conditions of formation of the one-party Bolshevik dictatorship in the period from September to December 1918. Based on the materials of the state archive of the modern history of the Kostroma region, the process of formation of local party organizations of the province and transformation of the RCP (b) into the ruling party striving to establish a one-party dictatorship is analyzed. In particular, the expansion of the party apparatus, difficulties in the process of organizing party work in areas remote from the center are shown. It is shown that the key role in the process of organizing the political structure of the party at the local level was played by the activities of the organizers and agitators of the city party school. The role of local political elites and their electorate is characterized. The author analyzes agitation and propaganda work, activities to strengthen internal party discipline, as well as the distribution of periodicals and brochures. It is shown that ultimately all these measures contributed to increasing the efficiency of the apparatus, the formation of a system of one-party dictatorship, which ultimately helped the Bolsheviks win the Civil War.
Keywords: RCP(b), October Revolution, Kostroma province, agitation, propaganda, party school, party discipline.


Panasyuk V.V.

The activities of the land management commissions of the Kaluga province to provide financial assistance to individual households during the Stolypin transformations

The object of the study is the internal policy of Russia at the beginning of the XX century. The subject of the study is the activities of the land management commissions of the Kaluga province to provide financial assistance to individual households during the Stolypin transformations. The methodological basis of the publication is based on the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity, and consistency, which make it possible to present a variety of cause-and-effect relationships of events, phenomena, and processes in dynamics. The source base of the study consists of a wide range of diverse documents and materials that can be divided into several groups: firstly, regulations, secondly, office records identified in the State Archive of the Kaluga Region, thirdly, reference and statistical publications, and fourthly, materials from the central and local periodicals. For the first time in Russian historiography, the author set the task of revealing this problem using the example of the region under study. The article reveals the main forms of financial assistance to households during individual land management work in the region (loans, allowances, etc.), provides specific examples and statistical data on the number of peasants who received this assistance. It was found that the amount of funds released by the state for these purposes largely depended on the number of established local farms in the region. The materials and conclusions of the study can be used in the preparation of lecture courses, conducting practical classes, writing textbooks, etc.
Keywords: Kaluga province, land management commissions, loans, benefits, fire-resistant construction, individual households.


Sazonova D.Y.

“Religion saved Russia from unprecedented disasters”: requirements of the Minister of Public Education S.S. Uvarov for the reflection of the role of Orthodoxy in the textbook of Russian history

The article is devoted to the first element of the concept of the Minister of Public Education S.S. Uvarov "Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality". The "Program" for compiling a textbook on Russian history and other documents are used as an example to examine the requirements for reflecting the role of Orthodoxy in Russian history in educational literature. The minister expected the authors of the textbooks to present Orthodoxy as a factor that saved "Russia from unprecedented disasters" and "concentrated its forces" for centuries.
Keywords: S.S. Uvarov, Nicholas I, Orthodoxy, textbook of Russian history, Ministry of Public Education.


Semеnova E.Y.
Ivanov K.S.

Concentration camps of Nazi Germany. Creation and destruction of death camps

Concentration camps of Nazi Germany were places for imprisonment, detention and extermination of ordinary people and political prisoners. Various forms of violence (torture, medical experiments, using prisoners as slaves) were used in all camps. After the end of World War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany, many former prisoners of the camps faced difficulties in the process of rehabilitation and return to normal life.
Keywords: Concentration camp, Nazi Germany, genocide, prisoners, prisoners, torture, crematoria, forced labor, mass murder, World War II.


Sheludyakov I.F.

The industry of the Kaluga province during the years of the new economic policy (1921-1929). Historiographical review

The article examines the features of the development of the historiography of the Kaluga province industry during the years of the new economic policy. The author points out that the industrial development of the Kaluga province during the years of the new economic policy has long attracted the attention of researchers. However, not many publications on this topic have been created. The earliest ones include the works of S.A. Karpov and G.F. Serebryakov, where data on the work of enterprises of the Kaluga province and the Maltsovsky Industrial District are presented in relative detail. In the 1950s, in the form of a popular science lecture, a pamphlet by V.M. was published. Britova, which is dedicated to the development of the Kaluga region over 40 years of Soviet power. Part of this publication examines the development of enterprises in Kaluga province in the 1920s. In recent years, several works have appeared that use data on the work of enterprises of the Kaluga province, but this is done to study the general problems of the development of the Soviet economy of the 1920s, the Kaluga province itself is not the object of research in them. The author points out that the topic of the history of industrial development of the Kaluga province in the 1920s remains poorly developed and requires further study.
Keywords: historiography, industry, Kaluga province, new economic policy.


Shuvalov E.G.

On some eschatological aspects of “Russian medical thought”, in the context of the development of medicine and health care during the period of centralization of the Moscow state

In this work, we will trace the general role of religious worldview and eschatological teaching in the context of socio-cultural relationships and the common information space. Let's consider the interrelationship of religious and popular worldview through the prism of the ideological aspect of the Moscow state and the Holy Scriptures.
Keywords: Russian history, Russian medicine, eschatology, Orthodoxy, the apocalypse, the Bible.


Darchiev A.V.

The Ossetian folk festival of Tsyppurs in E.G. Pchelina's manuscript materials

Evgenia Georgievna Pchelina (1895-1972) made significant contributions to the study of Ossetian history, archaeology, and ethnography. Much of Pchelina's manuscript legacy remains unpublished, making its thorough examination and academic introduction a relevant scholarly endeavor. This article examines E.G. Pchelina's manuscript materials concerning the Ossetian New Year cycle festival of Tsyppurs. While this festival holds an important place in traditional Ossetian culture, several aspects of its practice remain unresolved. This research aims to evaluate how Pchelina's materials enhance our understanding of this celebration. The festival elements she described (burning parts of sacrificial animals in the holiday bonfire) reveal ethnographic parallels that suggest these practices are relics of archaic sacrificial rituals. This further supports other researchers' conclusions about the festival's pre-Christian origins, despite its calendar alignment with Orthodox Christmas. Some of the researcher's assertions require adjustment: Tsyppurs is not exclusively a commemorative day, though it serves this function in some Ossetian communities, reflecting local variations in Ossetian festive rituals. Pchelina provides a previously undocumented name for the commemorative day — "Tsyppurs kard khay khist," where the meaning of the "kard" component remains unclear. The author proposes two interpretations, however this question requires additional comprehensive ethnological-linguistic research. Overall, E.G. Pchelina's manuscript materials contain valuable information contributing to the study of the Ossetian New Year cycle festival of Tsyppurs, thereby enabling a more complete reconstruction of traditional Ossetian religious concepts.
Keywords: folk calendar, New Year celebrations, New Year bonfires, sacrifice burning, Ossetians, Tsyppurs, Christmas, E.G. Pchelina.


Sidibe O.

Anti-French sentiments or the awakening of Malian civil consciousness? An analysis of the role of civil society actors

The article examines the causes of the anti-French sentiments rise in Mali, as well as the civil society actors’ role in this process. The author analyzes how France's prolonged military presence in Mali, starting with Operation Serval in 2013, led to growing public discontent. The reasons are discussed as to why, despite France's declared anti-terrorism goals, its actions were interpreted as manifestations of neo-colonialism. Special attention is paid to the role of youth and social movements, which contributed to increased pressure on the French authorities and ultimately led to the withdrawal of French troops.
Keywords: France, Mali, anti-French sentiments, civil society, Operation Serval, neo-colonialism, extremism, sovereignty.




Akishina E.M., Doctor of Education, Candidate of Arts, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Head of the Center for Improving Methods of Teaching Disciplines of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Russian Academy of Education».
Andreeva D.A., Postgraduate student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Pedagogical University".
Baykhanov I.B., Candidate of Political Science, expert.
Chuntyzheva Z.I., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Adyghe State University.
Darchiev A.V., Candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher, V. I. Abaev North-Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of RAS.
Demidova Y.V., Methodologist of the educational and methodological department, ANO DPO «Center for the Development of Military Sports Training and Patriotic Education of Youth».
Fidarova K.K., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the North Ossetian State Medical Academy Ministry of Health of Russia.
Gribova E.P., Lecturer, North Caucasus Institute (branch) of the Moscow University of Humanities and Economics.
Ivanov K.S., Senior Lecturer, IPI named after P.P. Ershov (branch) of Tyumen State University.
Kalabekova S.V., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor. North Caucasian State Academy.
Komarova L.Yu., Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of the Volga Region Naberezhnye Chelny Institute (branch) of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Naberezhnye Chelny.
Kulova M.L., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the North Caucasus State Institute of Arts.
Kungurova I.M., Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of the Humanities and Teaching Methods, Head of the Scientific Department, P.P. Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University.
Kuryshova L.N., PhD in Sociology, Director of the State Institution of the Republic of Mordovia "Scientific Center for Socio-Economic Monitoring"; Associate Professor of the Department of General History, Political Science and Regional Studies of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev".
Kurmyshkina O.N., Senior Researcher, State Institution of the Republic of Mordovia "Scientific Center for Socio-Economic Monitoring".
Makarov N.A., Graduate student of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ivanovo State University», director of the branch of the Russian Society “Znanie” in the Ivanovo Region.
Menshikova K.S., Senior Lecturer. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shykhov, Belgorod.
Mindzaeva E.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation, Leading Analyst of the Center for Improving Methods of Teaching Disciplines of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Russian Academy of Education».
Motkin V.N., PhD in Sociology, Leading Researcher, State Institution of the Republic of Mordovia "Scientific Center for Socio-Economic Monitoring".
Panasyuk V.V., Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor of the Institute of History and Law, Kaluga State University.
Pavlinova K.A., Student of the P.P. Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University.
Reptyukh V.I., Student of the P.P. Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University.
Sazonova D.Y., Candidate for the degree of candidate of historical sciences at the Institute of Historical History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Junior Researcher at the State Museum-Reserve "Ostafyevo" - "Russian Parnassus".
Semеnova E.Y., Student. IPI named after P.P. Ershova (branch) Tyumen State University.
Seryakova S.B., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Pedagogical University".
Sidorov V.I., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Adyghe State University.
Sheludyakov I.F., Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Kaluga.
Shuplenkov O.V., Associate Professor of the Department of history, law and social Sciences of the Stavropol state pedagogical Institute.
Shuplenkov N.O., Associate Professor of the Department of history, law and social Sciences of the Stavropol state pedagogical Institute.
Shuvalov E.G., Postgraduate student. State University of Education.
Sidibe O., Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Slizkova E.V., Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood, P.P. Ershov Ishim Teachers’ Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University.
Sofronova A.N., Postgraduate Student. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov”.
Spesivtceva S.E., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent. Belgorod State Technological university named after V.G. Shykhov, Belgorod.
Tseeva N.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Adyghe State University.
Tutarishev A.K., Senior Lecturer, Adyghe State University.
Yamaleeva F.M., State Budgetary Educational Institution "Naberezhnye Chelny School No. 88 for Children with Disabilities", Naberezhnye Chelny.
Zakirova L.M., Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of the Volga Region Naberezhnye Chelny Institute (branch) of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Naberezhnye Chelny.