
Topical issues of historical sciences
Akkieva S.I., Sabanchiev K.-M.A., Temmoev I.Y. Formation of the soviet identity of the repressed peoples of the North Caucasus in the places of settlement (1940s-1950s) 13
Makedonsky A.V. Features of the work of cultural and educational institutions of the Red Army in 1929-1940 21
Salikhov R.T., Gali B.T., Galiullin R.R., Gataullina L.N. History and prospects of new religious movements (NRMs) 32
Lakunova D.R. The role of funeral and memorial rites in preserving the identity of the Adyghe peoples 39
Skhalyakho R.A. Genetic structure of the peoples Abkhaz-Adyghe group: studies on the modern populations and prospects for ancient DNA testing 48
History of geopolitics, international relations and general history
Enkhbat Ochkhuu Military-political relations between Mongolia and Russia in joint documents of the late XX – beginning of the XXI century 57
Rakotomalala Harimanohy Louisette Mangatina Estera Development of cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the (Democratic) Republic of Madagascar (1972-2024) 68
Ngoye S.T., Xue Furong, Awah J.A., Achonwa E.Ch. Russia and Africa: cooperation in the field of regional security 74
Kun Weizhan History of two generations of a mixed Chinese-Russian family 89
Al esbili faizah Saleh Mohammed The Houthis, Israel and the expansion of the conflict in the Red sea 97
Vrazhnova M.N., Ternovaya L.O. The value of an educational quiz on personnel management issues 105
Kravchenko V.I. Graphology: as a “navigator” in career guidance work with schoolchildren 114
Ondar Ch.M., Syuryun-ool Zh.V. Innovative approaches in forming geometric representations in preschool children 122
Lukashenko D.V. The impact of social media on adolescent mental health and educational outcomes 129
Anisimova M.A., Dyachkovskaya M.D. Digital platform as a means of developing students’ learning motivation in mathematics lessons 135
Guo Qing, Michko E.I. Main directions of music education for youth in the PRC 143
Gorina L.V., Kolesnichenko Y.Yu., Rogacheva A.R. Stimulating professional creativity of teachers in the context of an educational organization 151
Denisova A.Yu., Mukhanov Yu.V., Kuvakina A.A. The essence of the phenomenon of “quad-banging” and its consideration through the prism of pedagogical discourse 160
Ziganshin F.N., Ziganshina S.F. Some aspects of teaching mathematics in a modern secondary school 169
Fidarova K.K., Kalabekova S.V., Kulova M.L. The role of a mentor in the formation of civic identity and patriotic consciousness of students (using the course “Fundamentals of Russian statehood” as an example) 174
Leonova E.Yu., Berezuev E.A. Digital tools in the design activities of catering engineers and technologists 180
Lukovenko T.G. Prevention of aggressive behavior of children in difficult life situations through pedagogical technologies 186
Malashenkova I.V. Streaming services are a socio-cultural resource of modern self-education in the context of the formation of a new cultural code 202
Marufenko E.V., Danilova A.V. Patriotic education of schoolchildren at the present stage 210
Nabieva A.I., Mashtakova L.Y., Akhmetzyanova G.F. Practical use of ecological games as a means of speech development of senior preschool children with general speech underdevelopment 216
Neverovskaya N.V., Shamovskaya T.V. The role of digitalization and distance learning in the development of cognitive and regulatory personality traits of students 228
Ondar Ch.M., Khovalyg H.H. Formation of geometric concepts in preschool children using didactic games 236
Plyuscheva N.S. Implementation of various approaches in teaching communicative communication to students of the university of physical culture through interactive methods 244
Ponomareva T.N., Ponomarev M.B. Description of teamwork as a living organism within the framework of project activities 251
Razumova O.A., Chekhobasova D.Z. Physical culture as a means of preventing occupational diseases of a surgeon 260
Rahmatullaev D.N. Active position formation in students` lives in the educational process and extracurricular activities 269
Ryazantsev A.A., Khangereeva Aidana Sleep as an important resource for new sports achievements 277
Smirnova V.A. The problem of developing professional social competencies in students as future specialists 285
Tereshchenko O.V. Expanding an inclusive environment in rural areas through the study of the history of the Don Region 291
Ubaydulloeva F.A. Technology of development of methodological competence of future teachers of foreign languages in comprehensive schools (based on modular curriculum) 300
Tselik M.S. The importance of teachers’ readiness for digital transformation 307
Zhang Jianpeng, Voronin D.I. Problems of health preservation of students in higher educational institutions 314
Kungurova I.M., Pavlinova K.A., Reptyukh V.I., Usoltseva E.A. Ethno-cultural (Cossack) component as a means of developing the schoolchildren’s cultural competence 321
Abstracts 348
Authors 370




Akkieva S.I.
Sabanchiev K.-M.A.
Temmoev I.Y.

Formation of the soviet identity of the repressed peoples of the North Caucasus in the places of settlement (1940s-1950s)

The article examines the complex process of forming Soviet identity among the repressed peoples of the North Caucasus, who were displaced to new places of settlement in the 1940s and 1950s. Special attention is paid to the influence of the policy of the Soviet state on the ethnocultural adaptation and integration of these communities in the context of deportation.
Official documents, archival materials and oral testimonies are analyzed in order to identify the mechanisms of transformation of national identity and preservation of ethnic identity in the context of Soviet ideology. A comparative analysis of various peoples, such as Chechens, Ingush and Karachai, is carried out in order to identify common features and differences in their adaptation experience.
The role of educational and cultural institutions, labor mobilization and collectivization in the formation of a new identity is investigated. The article emphasizes that despite the unifying influence of the Soviet system, the repressed peoples were able to preserve key elements of their national culture, which indicates the resilience and adaptability of ethnic communities. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the process of national identification in the context of political repression and mass displacement, as well as expand the research perspective in studying the relationship between the state and ethnic minorities in the Soviet Union.
Keywords: Soviet identity, repressed peoples, North Caucasus, deportation, cultural assimilation, social adaptation, historical memory, ethnic identity, interethnic relations, politics of the USSR.


Makedonsky A.V.

Features of the work of cultural and educational institutions of the Red Army in 1929-1940

The article is devoted to the specifics of the work of cultural and educational institutions in units and subdivisions of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in military conflicts and the "winter war" in 1929-1940. Based on unpublished archival sources, the work carried out by clubs, Lenin's corners (rooms), Red Army Houses, and libraries in this area is analyzed. Their activities are examined in detail, and certain shortcomings are identified. The conclusion states that when conducting military operations in modern conditions, cultural and leisure work in the Russian army should be planned taking into account the historical experience of cultural and educational work in the army, the current military-political situation, and focus on solving issues of explaining to servicemen the reasons for the military confrontation that has arisen and Russia's participation in it, the geopolitical interests of the countries participating in the conflict, the need to protect the interests of our country and loyalty to domestic military traditions.
Keywords: cultural and educational work, Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, cultural and educational institutions, clubs, Lenin's corners, Red Army Houses, libraries, Red Army soldiers, commanders, political workers.


Salikhov R.T.
Gali B.T.
Galiullin R.R.
Gataullina L.N.

History and prospects of new religious movements (NRMs)

The article is devoted to the study of new religious movements (NRMs) as a phenomenon of modern spiritual life. The author examines the prerequisites for their emergence, including secularization, globalization and cultural pluralism, which contributed to the weakening of traditional religions. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of NRMs, their differences from traditional faiths and their focus on individual spiritual experience. A typology of movements is given with examples such as New Age, Scientology and the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Their positive aspects and challenges are noted, including manipulation of consciousness and isolation of followers. The consequences of the spread of NRMs in the post-Soviet space and in the Islamic world are analyzed.
Keywords: New religious movements (NRMs), secularization, globalization, cultural pluralism, individual spiritual experience, syncretism, post-Soviet space, neo-Christianity, New Age, manipulation of consciousness.


Lakunova D.R.

The role of funeral and memorial rites in preserving the identity of the Adyghe peoples

The relevance of studying the cult of the soul in the Abkhazian-Adyghe culture becomes especially obvious in the light of the changes taking place in modern society. In the context of globalization and rapidly changing social norms, traditional rituals are often transformed or even forgotten. However, at the same time, there is also a revival of interest in cultural heritage, which creates the need to understand and preserve these practices. The cult of the soul, reflecting ideas about life after death, requires careful study to understand how it can continue to play a role in the identity of modern generations.
Commemoration rituals, as a way of honoring ancestors, form not only ritual practices, but also social ties within the community. Participation in such rituals strengthens family ties and creates a space for sharing memories of the departed. These actions help not only to preserve the memory of the ancestors, but also to maintain an emotional connection between the living and the dead.
It is also important to pay attention to how the changing perception of death and loss in modern society affects traditional rituals. With the loss of the value of the cult of the soul, new forms of rituals and rituals arise, which can take on a variety of cultural shades and be rebuilt in response to the challenges of the time. This highlights the dynamic nature of cultural practices and the ability of traditions to adapt to changing living conditions. Ritual practices remain relevant in the life of Kabardian society, serving as a bridge between the past and the present, allowing you to maintain awareness of your roots and family unity.
Keywords: cult of the soul, funeral and memorial rites, ritual, memorial traditions, memorial food, Islam, cultural identity, tradition, kabardians.


Skhalyakho R.A.

Genetic structure of the peoples Abkhaz-Adyghe group: studies on the modern populations and prospects for ancient DNA testing

The article provides an overview of the main published studies on the gene pool of the Abkhaz-Adyghe peoples Western Caucasus by Russian and foreign scientific teams, which were carried out on a wide variety of genetic systems (from quasi-genetic and classical markers to genome-wide data). The main conclusion of all these studies is the closeness of the Abkhaz-Adyghe peoples to each other, as well as ancient connections with the gene pool of Western Asia. New data on ancient DNA are published regularly. The most convincing answer to historical questions seems to be genotyping of ancient DNA, which allows us to link certain traits known in the modern population with ancient cultures. These data make an invaluable contribution to the presentation in related disciplines: archaeology, ethnography, linguistics, etc. Also discusses scope for further research.
Keywords: gene pool, Y-chromosome, SNP, STR, haplogroup, haplotype, autosomal markers, paleogenetics, Abkhazians, Abazins, Adyghes, Ubykhs, Western Caucasus.


Enkhbat Ochkhuu

Military-political relations between Mongolia and Russia in joint documents of the late XX – beginning of the XXI century

The article analyzes military-political relations between Mongolia and Russia in the late 20th – early 21st centuries based on legal documents in chronological order.
Keywords: Mongolia, Russian Federation, China, legal documents, Mongolian-Russian relations, political ties, military-technical cooperation.


Rakotomalala Harimanohy Louisette Mangatina Estera

Development of cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the (Democratic) Republic of Madagascar (1972-2024)

This scientific article is devoted to the development of cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and Madagascar (1972-2024) and the prospects for further cooperation between the two states. The object of this study is the bilateral relations between the PRC and the Republic of Madagascar. The subject of the study is the development of political and economic relations between China and Madagascar, the prospects of their further cooperation. This study is based on the theory of political realism.
Keywords: China, Africa, Madagascar, Politics, Economy, OBOR, FDI.


Ngoye S.T.
Xue Furong
Awah J.A.
Achonwa E.Ch.

Russia and Africa: cooperation in the field of regional security

The article examines the relationship between Russia and the African continent from a regional security perspective, highlighting the motives, conditions and consequences of this partnership. It highlights the extent of Russia’s accumulated interest in Africa, which is driven by strategic, economic and geostrategic objectives. This cooperation means that Russia contributes by providing military equipment, training security forces and strengthening institutional capacity to combat international threats such as terrorism and piracy.
The study also examines how this cooperation meets the needs of some African states that face complex security challenges, often exacerbated by institutional weaknesses. Through bilateral partnerships and multilateral agreements, Russia provides technological and human resources to strengthen the country’s security. Russia also seeks to strengthen its geopolitical position in an increasingly competitive international environment, particularly with Western powers and China. The study uses quantitative methods to explore this topic, combining documentary and comparative research. This approach contributes to a detailed understanding of the underlying dynamics of Russia-Africa security cooperation, taking into account both African and global perspectives. The study is of scholarly interest as it examines the dynamics of security territorialization in Africa and its interaction with external powers.
Cooperation between Russia and African countries has become more intense over the years, attracting more African countries to Russia’s side. It seems to be continuing despite the EU sanctions imposed by European countries in response to Russia’s war in Ukraine. However, the article points out some criticisms, such as Russia’s lack of resources to build a more effective cooperation that can compete with other international powers, not only in terms of security, but also shortcomings in the management and clarity of Russia’s interventions in Africa.
Keywords: Russian-African relations, regional security, international relations, defense systems, multipolarity, foreign intervention, bilateral cooperation, transfer of military technologies, military partnership, international competition.


Kun Weizhan

History of two generations of a mixed Chinese-Russian family

In this scientific work, the author briefly analyzes the features of the phenomenon of mixed Russian-Chinese marriages using the example of 2 generations of one family. To do this, the author briefly mentions the reasons for the widespread use of mixed marriages in certain territories of Russia, analyzes the relevance of the chosen research topic. Then the author examines in more detail a specific example - the history of 2 generations of a mixed Russian-Chinese family, studies specific historical milestones. In conclusion, the author notes that the designated topic remains interesting from a research point of view - first of all, for historians, sociologists, demographers and a number of other scientists, both China and modern Russia as a whole. The object of the study is the features of the phenomenon of mixed Russian-Chinese marriages using the example of 2 generations of one family. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive, consistent analysis of the features of the phenomenon of mixed Russian-Chinese marriages using the example of 2 generations of one family. Research methods: historical, comparative, comparative analysis, dialectical, statistical, mathematical, generalization, specification, systematization, deduction, and other methods of theoretical and practical levels of scientific knowledge. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the preparation of a comprehensive study, the formation of the author's conclusions regarding the features of the phenomenon of mixed Russian-Chinese marriages using the example of two generations of one family. This scientific article, therefore, will be most useful to theorists, practitioners, students and faculty of humanitarian and other areas of training, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the issues of the phenomenon of mixed Russian-Chinese marriages and the development of intercultural interaction between the population of Russia and China as a whole.
Keywords: history, marital and family relations, marriage certificate, marital relations, Russian-Chinese relations, historical analysis.


Al esbili faizah Saleh Mohammed

The Houthis, Israel and the expansion of the conflict in the Red sea

The article deals with the Houthi movement, the direction and essence of their oppositions. At the same time, the author of the article focuses on how the movement's activities are aimed at the conflict in the Red Sea. Regular armed attacks by Yemeni Houthis on foreign merchant ships in the Red Sea area cause concern to all participants in world trade, which causes the interest shown in the study of this topic.
Keywords: Houthis, conflict in the Red Sea, Yemen, Houthi movement, political processes.


Vrazhnova M.N.
Ternovaya L.O.

The value of an educational quiz on personnel management issues

The article discusses the possibilities of activating the cognitive interest of students in higher education based on expanding the scope of creative interaction between participants in the educational process. The authors draw attention to such a modern form of organizing the educational space as a quiz. Disciplines related to personnel management were taken as a problem field for the introduction of educational quiz technology, and the gender component of personnel management was proposed for the subject of the quiz.
Keywords: training, intellectual game, team game, quiz, self-organization, interdisciplinarity, personnel management, gender aspect.


Kravchenko V.I.

Graphology: as a "navigator" in career guidance work with schoolchildren

The material of the article is devoted to the study of the actual problem of choosing a profession in line with the time paradigm, when a young person is forming value worldviews regarding one of the main life issues, who to be. Based on the author's methodology of human handwriting and signature research, a comparative analysis of handwriting with a time difference is presented, thereby showing the "navigational" role of the science of graphology not only in career guidance work with schoolchildren but also in the field of personnel retraining.
Keywords: man, worldview, values, profession, future, time paradigm, graphological analysis, handwriting, retraining of personnel.


Ondar Ch.M.
Syuryun-ool Zh.V.

Innovative approaches in forming geometric representations in preschool children

This article examines innovative approaches to forming geometric representations in preschool-age children with consideration of elements from Tuvan culture. The main objective is to analyze effective methods and techniques aimed at developing functional literacy and spatial thinking in this age group. The study focuses on such methods as constructive activity, game-based technologies, use of interactive multimedia resources, and project work. Special attention is given to the integration of Tuvan cultural elements into the educational process, which helps preserve national traditions and enriches children's experiences. Examples of using traditional ornaments, folk games, and fairy tales are discussed, enabling children to better understand their own culture and develop respect for it. The findings indicate that applying innovative methodologies and including elements of Tuvan culture significantly increase children's interest in learning geometry and facilitate deeper comprehension of the subject matter. Additionally, these approaches have a positive impact on the development of creativity and functional literacy among preschoolers.
Keywords: methods of forming geometric representations, preschool age, innovative methodologies, Tuvan culture.


Lukashenko D.V.

The impact of social media on adolescent mental health and educational outcomes

The article examines the impact of social media on the mental health of adolescents and their educational outcomes. The paper provides a systematic review of current research published between 2018 and 2023 in order to analyze the positive and negative aspects of the use of social networks by adolescents. The article discusses positive aspects such as social support and the development of interpersonal communication skills, as well as negative consequences, including depression, anxiety, cyberbullying and decreased academic performance. Special attention is paid to the mechanism of the influence of social networks on mental health, as well as their impact on academic performance and cognitive functions of adolescents. In conclusion, recommendations are proposed to minimize the negative consequences and increase digital literacy among adolescents, parents and teachers.
Keywords: social media, mental health, adolescents, depression, anxiety, cyberbullying, academic performance, digital literacy, awareness, educational outcomes.


Anisimova M.A.
Dyachkovskaya M.D.

Digital platform as a means of developing students' learning motivation in mathematics lessons

The article deals with the problem of developing educational motivation for students in mathematics lessons through the use of a digital platform. Examples of lessons using the developed online course based on the Stepik educational platform are given. Particular attention is paid to issues related to the organization of interaction between the teacher, student and the educational platform. The result of the pedagogical experiment is presented. It is noted that the use of this platform will allow to realize the creative potential of the teacher, will help to make the created educational content more visual, accessible and understandable for students. As a result, students have an increase in cognitive interest, involvement in learning, awareness of the assimilated information and improvement in academic performance.
Keywords: digital educational platform, "Stepik," online course, mathematics training, digital educational environment, electronic educational content.


Guo Qing
Michko E.I.

Main directions of music education for youth in the PRC

This scientific work presents important areas of musical training for young people in China, in particular: classical music education, the study of national musical traditions, and in addition, the influence of modern musical trends and support for Chinese musical cultural heritage. Musical training plays a significant role in the development of artistic taste, as well as cultural perception and musical abilities of young people in the PRC. In this country, there is a certain system of musical training that combines components of traditional Chinese music, including Western music theory and current trends at the present stage. The features of each of the areas under consideration and the impact on the development of music education, including youth culture in real Chinese society, are considered. Analysis of these factors and approaches contributes to understanding the specifics of music education for the formation of creative abilities, as well as for self-perception and cultural value among young people in the PRC. The goal is to explore the main trends in the musical education of the younger generation in China in order to determine the influence on the formation of creativity, including cultural awareness and emotional intelligence in the younger generation. The object of this study is the music education of youth in the PRC. Scientific novelty: analysis of the directions of musical education of young people in the People's Republic of China, taking into account national traditions and current trends, and in addition, determination of the influence of this education on the development of the personality and cultural background of students. Methodology of this research: To solve the problems, a study of scientific articles and various publications, including training programs, is carried out, and in addition, interviews with teachers and students in the field of music training in the PRC are used, methods of monitoring, comparative analysis and data processing are used.
Keywords: education, music, learning process, musical trends, trends, national traditions, students, Chinese culture.


Gorina L.V.
Kolesnichenko Y.Yu.
Rogacheva A.R.

Stimulating professional creativity of teachers in the context of an educational organization

The article analyzes the factors contributing to the development of creativity among teachers. Modern teachers face challenges related to the need to introduce creative approaches to learning, but many of them lack motivation and support for professional creativity. This leads to a routine approach that does not meet the requirements of modern society, as well as to a decrease in the quality of education. Stimulating the professional creativity of teachers is becoming a key factor in ensuring quality education. In the context of globalization and digitalization, it is necessary to develop the creativity of teachers, which will allow adapting educational methods to the needs of students and increase their motivation to learn. Solving this problem contributes not only to the development of teachers themselves, but also to the formation of an active and creative environment for students. The main objectives of the article are to analyze existing incentives and their impact on the creative activity of teachers and to identify positive and negative incentives that affect the motivation of teachers, as well as to study differences in the perception of incentives by teachers with different work experience. The research is based on the analysis of philosophical, sociological and psychological literature, as well as on an empirical study with the participation of teachers from one educational organization. The methods included questionnaires, diagnostics of creative activity, and ranking of positive and negative stimuli. The conducted research has shown that for teachers, the most significant positive incentives are monetary remuneration, the opportunity to perform creative work and the recognition of colleagues. The study also showed differences in the perception of incentives depending on work experience, which requires a differentiated approach to motivation. In addition, to increase creative activity, an integrated approach is needed that takes into account the personal and professional characteristics of teachers, the importance of personality-oriented and activity–based approaches, showing that the creative activity of a teacher is a process of self-realization, which is based on individual psychological and intellectual abilities.
Keywords: stimulation, professional creativity, teachers, motivation, positive incentives, negative incentives, creativity, educational organization, intangible incentives, material incentives.


Denisova A.Yu.
Mukhanov Yu.V.
Kuvakina A.A.

The essence of the phenomenon of "quad-banging" and its consideration through the prism of pedagogical discourse

This study attempts to understand the nature of the quadrobing phenomenon, examining it through the prism of various disciplines, in particular, pedagogical discourse. Psychology will allow us to explore the personal motives behind the choice of this form of self-expression; sociology will help us understand the social functions and collective attitudes that support this subculture; philosophy will raise questions about the identity and boundaries of the human and the animal, and cultural studies will highlight the influence of postmodernism and global pop culture on the formation of this phenomenon. A statistical analysis of quadrobing and its consequences in various countries, including Russia, is presented.
Keywords: quadrobing, subculture, set of social roles, postmodern performance, identity.


Ziganshin F.N.
Ziganshina S.F.

Some aspects of teaching mathematics in a modern secondary school

One of the main tasks of a secondary school has always been the mathematical training of students. Today, this task is becoming especially relevant due to the fact that mathematical methods are increasingly used in the economy, production, and in the social and everyday sphere. This includes automation and robotization of production processes, digitalization of the social and everyday sphere and much more. All this requires strengthening the mathematical training of the younger generation. Today, the school faces the task of educating a worthy citizen of society, a patriot of his Motherland. And here mathematics plays a large role as one of the main disciplines of the educational program. In connection with the above, the article considers the issues of teaching schoolchildren to solve mathematical problems, which is the basis for the implementation of the polytechnic, applied focus of the educational process. The article also considers the possibilities of mathematics in the formation of personal qualities of students, in the formation of a worthy citizen and patriot of the Motherland.
Keywords: training, education, patriotism, task, mathematical model, mathematical culture, oral arithmetic, equation, structure, personal qualities.


Fidarova K.K.
Kalabekova S.V.
Kulova M.L.

The role of a mentor in the formation of civic identity and patriotic consciousness of students (using the course “Fundamentals of Russian statehood” as an example)

This article examines the role of the teacher in the formation of traditional Russian values in students in the context of teaching the course "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood". The author analyzes the key aspects of this role, including the formation of a system of knowledge, skills and competencies in students, as well as values, rules and norms of behavior associated with the awareness of belonging to Russian society, the development of a sense of patriotism and citizenship, the formation of a spiritual, moral and cultural foundation for a developed and integral personality.
Keywords: modern education, patriotism, civilization of the Russian world, society, norms and values, family, country.


Leonova E.Yu.
Berezuev E.A.

Digital tools in the design activities of catering engineers and technologists

Today, the higher education system focuses on solving professional problems using innovative approaches, so the educational process includes the use of various digital tools. Modern implementations of training engineering specialists dictate requirements for the formation of practical skills and rapid adaptation in the professional environment. The food industry in modern realities is a dynamically developing industry, so employees are subject to special requirements for effectively solving non-standard problems and a creative approach to project implementation. The article discusses the practical aspects of using digital tools in training catering engineers in order to increase their competitiveness in the professional field. The use of digital tools, according to the authors, will ensure the formation of practice-oriented skills for faster adaptation of students in the professional environment.
Keywords: digital tools, project activities, innovative methods, student, practical skills.


Lukovenko T.G.

Prevention of aggressive behavior of children in difficult life situations through pedagogical technologies

The complex of pedagogical conditions and methods of their implementation proposed in the study makes it possible to launch a mechanism for reducing aggressiveness in younger adolescents with deviant behavior. The developed and successfully tested program of creative activity in decorative and applied arts classes offers an effective approach to solving the urgent problem of aggressiveness and deviant behavior among younger adolescents. The program is based on the use of artistic creativity as a means of psychological relief, self-expression and the development of emotional stability. Arts and crafts classes contribute to the formation of positive communication skills, the development of creativity, the reduction of anxiety and aggressiveness, as well as the prevention and correction of deviant behavior. The program can be effectively used in institutions of general and additional education, providing students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of creativity, get the necessary psychological resources and develop their potential.
Keywords: aggressive behavior, difficult life situation, deviant, pedagogical technologies, aggression, hostility, anxiety, teenagers.


Malashenkova I.V.

Streaming services are a socio-cultural resource of modern self-education in the context of the formation of a new cultural code

The article describes the current trends in education. The main directions in self-education are the daily critical selection of information received from various sources. The most useful and popular services have become for listening to information tracks – podcasts. And also the main sources of daily receipt of information by generations Z and Alpha are presented.
The importance of musical and literary development in self-education and self-development in the context of the formation of a new cultural code is noted. At the same time, literature and music can be completely different directions, depending on the goals and objectives set for the student.
The directions of the development of musical culture and literature, the statistical relevance of various genres among readers and listeners are highlighted. Certain preferences of generations Z and Alpha are indicated.
The importance of musical and literary development in self-education and self-development is noted. At the same time, literature and music can be completely different directions, depending on the goals and objectives set for the student.
The directions of the development of musical culture and literature, the statistical relevance of various genres among readers and listeners are highlighted. Certain preferences of generations Z and Alpha are indicated.
The leading incentive platforms operating on the territory of Russia, the principles of their work, the content, the features of each and their role in the process of self-education and self-development of the above-mentioned generations are named and described.
Keywords: cultural code, self-education, streaming service, modern listeners, readers, music, podcast, literary self-education, self-development.


Marufenko E.V.
Danilova A.V.

Patriotic education of schoolchildren at the present stage

This article is devoted to the study of the problem of patriotic education of schoolchildren at the present stage. The purpose of this study is to analyze and study the possibilities of forming a sense of patriotism through cultural and leisure activities. Emphasis is placed on the need for knowledge of leisure pedagogy, as well as pedagogical principles and methods corresponding to the target audience. The practice of interaction between the school and the Park of Culture and Recreation is presented. The positive dynamics of changing the attitude of schoolchildren to cultural and leisure activities of patriotic orientation is shown, which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. A conclusion is made about the need to rely on the component structure of patriotic education and the ability to apply it in the process of preparation, organization and holding of cultural and leisure events of patriotic orientation.
Keywords: patriotic education, family, school, Motherland, Fatherland, cultural and leisure event.


Nabieva A.I.
Mashtakova L.Y.
Akhmetzyanova G.F.

Practical use of ecological games as a means of speech development of senior preschool children with general speech underdevelopment

Speech skills are one of the key factors in the successful socialization of a child, his education and general psychological development. The importance of early detection and correction of speech disorders cannot be overestimated, since they often cause general difficulties in learning and social adaptation. The use of environmental games as a tool for speech development is characterized by a fairly large pedagogical potential. Environmental education, as a means of developing children's sustainable interest in the world around them, is a powerful resource for stimulating and developing speech skills. Interaction with nature and the use of environmental games help expand children's vocabulary, develop their cognitive abilities, imagination and creative skills. In this regard, the study and analysis of the practical use of environmental games as a means of speech development become relevant and significant. The object of this study is speech processes in older preschool children with general speech underdevelopment (GSD). The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of using environmental games as a means of speech development in older preschool children with SEN. Research methods: documentary method, experimental method, statistical analysis, generalization, systematization. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identification of specific mechanisms through which environmental play interaction contributes to the improvement of speech skills, as well as the development and testing of specialized play techniques aimed at children with special needs.
Keywords: development of education, speech development, older preschool children with general speech underdevelopment, means of speech development, use of environmental games.


Neverovskaya N.V.
Shamovskaya T.V.

The role of digitalization and distance learning in the development of cognitive and regulatory personality traits of students

Digitalization and distance learning are transforming education, revolutionizing the ways students acquire knowledge and develop skills. The article discusses the consequences of these transformations. Digital tools promote critical thinking, but concerns about information overload underscore the importance of developing critical assessment skills. Distance learning, by promoting self-regulation and peer interaction, can affect concentration and social skills. To solve these problems, the article suggests measures such as personalized learning platforms and collaborative virtual projects. Through the responsible use of technology, educators can create attractive learning environments that promote cognitive development, self-regulation, and personal growth. Ultimately, this study highlights the need to empower students to become responsible digital citizens who can thrive in the digital age.
Keywords: digitalization, distance education, cognitive development, regulatory processes, personal growth, the impact of digitalization, innovative strategies.


Ondar Ch.M.
Khovalyg H.H.

Formation of geometric concepts in preschool children using didactic games

The article discusses the formation of geometric concepts in preschool children through the use of didactic games. Preschool age is a crucial period in every child's life when the foundations for their future development are laid. One of the most important aspects is the formation of geometric representations among preschoolers, which plays a key role in their further development. Modern approaches to education are analyzed within the context of new requirements set by the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) and the Federal Pre-School Education Program (FPSEP) relevant as of 2024. Special attention is given to integrating Tuvan ethnographic elements into the learning process, fostering an interest in the native culture and enriching the educational experience. Examples of didactic games incorporating Tuvan ethnographic motifs are provided. (107 words)
Keywords: preschool education, FSES, FPSEP, didactic games, geometric concepts, Tuvan culture, ethnography.


Plyuscheva N.S.

Implementation of various approaches in teaching communicative communication to students of the university of physical culture through interactive methods

In the modern educational process, special attention is paid to the development of students' communication skills, especially in specialized universities such as physical education institutions. This article is devoted to the study of various approaches to teaching students communicative interaction through the integration of interactive methods. In the course of the work, modern pedagogical technologies and techniques aimed at enhancing student participation in the educational process and improving the effectiveness of communication in the professional field were considered.
The main focus of the research is on the comparative analysis of traditional and innovative teaching methods. The article presents the results of the introduction of interactive technologies such as role-playing games, discussions, projects and case studies, which contribute not only to improving communication skills, but also to the development of critical thinking and teamwork. Special attention is paid to the influence of the digital environment and the use of multimedia resources in the educational process.
The article also describes the experience of using online platforms and mobile applications to create dynamic and flexible learning situations that encourage students to actively communicate. Based on the analysis of the collected data, the authors identify the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and offer recommendations for optimizing curricula in universities of physical culture.
The results of the study emphasize the importance of the integrated use of interactive methods for training specialists who are able to effectively interact in a multifaceted professional environment. The conclusions of the article can be useful for teachers, methodologists and administrators of educational institutions interested in improving the educational process and increasing the level of students' communicative competence.
Keywords: communicative communication, interactive methods, approaches to learning, physical education, higher education, learning effectiveness, university students, pedagogical technologies, skills development, educational strategies.


Ponomareva T.N.
Ponomarev M.B.

Description of teamwork as a living organism within the framework of project activities

This article focuses on the study of organizational behavior in the context of teamwork among undergraduate students in their second and third years studying disciplines such as "Fundamentals of Project Activity" and "Design in Service Activities," within the framework of the federal program "From Idea to Prototype" using the University 20.35 model. The research involves students from three specializations: 43.03.01 "Service," 43.03.02 "Tourism," and 43.03.03 "Hotel Business." Teamwork is examined as a living organism capable of maintaining internal stability amid external changes by adapting to external influences through stages of transformation, adaptation, continuous learning, and skill acquisition. The primary emphasis is placed on applying principles of biological homeostasis to analyze social and organizational structures in personnel management, decision-making processes, and psychological and social interactions for coordinated work.
The author pays particular attention to describing the stages of behavioral acts, which sequentially involve developing communication skills, interacting within teams, with external experts, representatives of service industry enterprises, hospitality professionals, and clients, as well as negotiating, all of which impact the effectiveness of teamwork. This includes problem-solving, planning, organizing work, leadership, decision-making, overcoming barriers in communication and public speaking, and developing emotional intelligence.
The material presented in this article is geared towards practical application of knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for students to implement projects in tourism and hospitality, thereby contributing to their professional growth.
Keywords: project activities, project work, homeostasis, communication, teamwork, service, tourism, team interaction.


Razumova O.A.
Chekhobasova D.Z.

Physical culture as a means of preventing occupational diseases of a surgeon

The professional activity of a surgeon is complex and quite rightly belongs to the high-risk group, causing a number of occupational diseases and reducing the life expectancy of a specialist. The doctor's health is negatively affected by the conditions and regime of his work, direct contact with sick patients, stressful situations during operations and empathy for their life and health. Regular and important means of preventing occupational diseases and improving the health of surgeons are physical culture, sports and a healthy lifestyle - "physical culture is the second profession of a doctor!"
Keywords: health, working conditions, stressful situations, occupational diseases, burnout, physical education, healthy lifestyle.


Rahmatullaev D.N.

Active position formation in students` lives in the educational process and extracurricular activities

The given article dwells on the critical role of proactive engagement, defined as the intentional and self-directed participation of students in their academic and social development, within the broader context of holistic education. It is underscored that a synergistic integration of formal pedagogical practices and extracurricular involvements is essential for cultivating this proactive stance. The author of the article conducts an analysis of diverse pedagogical methodologies and extracurricular frameworks that empower students to become self-motivated learners and civically responsible individuals. Furthermore, the author of the article explores the inherent complexities and prospects associated with fostering proactive engagement within diverse educational ecosystems, proposing strategic interventions to enhance student participation and cultivate a sense of ownership over their learning trajectory.
Keywords: active learning, student engagement, extracurricular activities, civic responsibility, critical thinking, social responsibility, holistic development, pedagogical approaches, student agency, self-directed learning.


Ryazantsev A.A.
Khangereeva Aidana

Sleep as an important resource for new sports achievements

Sleep, as a natural physiological state, is extremely necessary for human life. During sleep, the most complete rest and restoration of body functions occurs, which is especially important for professional athletes exposed to significant physical and psychological stress.
Changing time zones during long trips and flights causes certain difficulties in maintaining the level of athletic fitness and functional readiness due to the disruption of the athlete's daily (circadian) rhythms of life. More than 300 changes in the human body are subject to this process, called desynchronosis and jet lag. Jet lag is especially pronounced when crossing 10-12 time zones.
Somnologists offer modern alternative sleep techniques without spending 8 hours in a row on this process, in which sleep during the day is divided into short segments (multiphasic sleep).
Keywords: professional athlete, body recovery, circadian cycles, desynchronization, polyphasic sleep.


Smirnova V.A.

The problem of developing professional social competencies in students as future specialists

The relevance of the article is due to the rapidly changing social environment and conditions of professional activity. Modern graduates are required not only to know the specifics of their profession well, but also to possess a certain set of social skills and competencies for the successful implementation of projects. Based on these requirements, the task of the university becomes active social and psychological training of students, thus forming a theoretical and practical base, but developing the personal qualities of a future employee, teaching communication skills, self-control and self-organization. Thus, taking over not only the educational, but also the educational function of education. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the main social competencies that students need to master over the years of their studies at the university were derived.
Keywords: social competencies, communication, self-organization, social skills, professional skills, socialization, personality, Seif skills, design.


Tereshchenko O.V.

Expanding an inclusive environment in rural areas through the study of the history of the Don Region

In this article, the author conducted a study of the process of expanding the inclusive environment in rural general education organizations, additional education organizations, as well as recreation, wellness and sanatorium treatment organizations, in the process of participating in events related to the history of the Don Region by children who arrived from newly annexed territories in order to immerse themselves more deeply in the culture of the territory where children live of the specified category; organization of conditions for accelerated adaptation of children of the specified category who arrived after February 2022 from newly annexed territories and temporarily residing in the territory of the Neklinovsky municipal district; arrangement of educational sites in various organizations; application of the socio-educational project "We are together..." in general education organizations of the district, organizations of additional education, as well as organizations recreation, wellness and sanatorium treatment; the human resources of the municipality involved in the implementation of the project, as well as the experts involved as guests of the project; dissemination of work experience. The beginning of a special military operation and the organization of reception, accommodation and inclusion in the life of a rural area of families with children who were forced to leave the newly annexed territories led to the goal of creating and expanding an inclusive educational environment by involving in a number of educational and cultural events held in the border rural territory of the Neklinovsky district of the Rostov region, which became a point of attraction and concentration of attention to the process of raising children. The study was conducted on the basis of rural educational organizations, organizations of additional education, as well as recreation, wellness and sanatorium treatment organizations of the municipality "Neklinovsky district". The empirical research methods were the methods of organizing and conducting a series of events and statistical data processing and their subsequent analysis. This topic and the accumulated practice can be applied in the work of other educational organizations.
Keywords: inclusive environment, Don region, children, adaptation.


Ubaydulloeva F.A.

Technology of development of methodological competence of future teachers of foreign languages in comprehensive schools (based on modular curriculum)

The rapidly evolving landscape of education necessitates highly competent foreign language teachers equipped with robust methodological skills. The given article dwells on a comprehensive technology designed to develop the methodological competence of future foreign language teachers in comprehensive schools. The technology integrates innovative pedagogical approaches, including project-based learning, collaborative activities, digital tool integration, and reflective practice, within a framework that emphasizes the interconnectedness of theoretical knowledge and practical application. The proposed technology aims to bridge the gap between theoretical pedagogical preparation and the practical realities of the foreign language classroom, ultimately enhancing the quality of foreign language education in comprehensive schools.
Thus, the core of the proposed technology is a modular curriculum designed to systematically develop the various facets of methodological competence. Each module focuses on a specific area of expertise, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical application through a variety of learning activities, including project-based learning, collaborative tasks, and reflective practice.
Keywords: methodological competence, foreign language teachers, teacher training, pedagogical technology, comprehensive schools, modular curriculum, integrating theoretical knowledge, practical application, variety of learning activities, collaborative tasks, reflective practice.


Tselik M.S.

The importance of teachers' readiness for digital transformation

Currently, there is a need to improve the digital competence of future teachers to ensure effective monitoring of the quality of higher education. Digital competence includes proficiency in ICT tools, data analysis, work with learning management platforms (LMS), work with proctoring services. In the context of rapid changes, the higher education system needs accelerated development, adaptation to the challenges of the digital era. There is an urgent need to integrate additional digital competencies into the process of training future teachers. This is possible by updating educational programs, introducing practice-oriented classes and providing access to modern digital technologies. At the same time, the task of overcoming existing barriers, such as limited opportunities to use platforms and services, as well as the resistance of some teachers to the introduction of digital tools into the educational process, remains relevant. Training future teachers with these new necessary skills will allow universities to adapt to the requirements of a rapidly changing educational environment, ensuring continuous improvement and maintaining the quality of higher education in the digital era.
Keywords: digital competence, higher education, future teachers, proctoring, digital tools, educational technologies, curricula, monitoring the quality of education, distance learning, digital transformation.


Zhang Jianpeng
Voronin D.I.

Problems of health preservation of students in higher educational institutions

This article deals with the problems associated with maintaining the health of students in higher educational institutions. The author gives a brief description of the concept of "health" as a complex phenomenon that requires careful study and definition of its components. Particular attention is paid to mental and physical health problems that students of higher educational institutions may face. The paper also suggests ways to solve these problems by holding special events within the educational institution.
Keywords: health, education, educational institution, student, lifestyle, medicine, psychology.


Kungurova I.M.
Pavlinova K.A.
Reptyukh V.I.
Usoltseva E.A.

Ethno-cultural (Cossack) component as a means of developing the schoolchildren’s cultural competence

The authors consider the effectiveness of using ethno-cultural (Cossack) component to be a means of developing the schoolchildren’s cultural competence that is aimed at the effectiveness of the process. They also propose some variants of the tasks that can be implemented in the educational process to achieve the greatest effect from the use of ethno-cultural (Cossack) component.
Keywords: Cossacks, competence, school, pupils, ethno-cultural component, cultural competence.




Achonwa E.Ch., Postgraduate student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Akhmetzyanova G.F., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Birsky Branch of Ufa University of Science and Technology, Birsk.
Akkieva S.I., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Humanities Research - branch of Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center.
Al esbili faizah Saleh Mohammed, Postgraduate student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Anisimova M.A., Undergraduate. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University", Teacher of Mathematics. The Municipal Autonomous Education Establishment «Secondary School №23 named after V.I. Malyshkin» (with profound studying of some subjects).
Awah J.A., Postgraduate student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Berezuev E.A., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals".
Chekhobasova D.Z., Student Astrakhan State Medical University.
Danilova A.V., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor. High School of Music and Theater, Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs.
Denisova A.Yu., Lecturer, Department of Pedagogy, Educational and Scientific Complex of Service Activity Psychology, Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Dyachkovskaya M.D., Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University".
Enkhbat Ochkhuu, Adjunct of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.
Fidarova K.K., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "North Ossetian State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation", Republic of North Ossetia, Vladikavkaz.
Gali B.T., Associate Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences Kazan State Agrarian University, Kazan.
Galiullin R.R., Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, Naberezhnye Chelny.
Gataullina L.N., Associate Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences Kazan State Agrarian University, Kazan.
Gorina L.V., PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Department of educational methodology, Saratov State University, Saratov.
Guo Qing, Postgraduate student, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad.
Kalabekova S.V., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "North Caucasian State Academy", Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Cherkessk.
Khangereeva Aidana, Student. Astrakhan State University.
Khovalyg H.H., Master’s Student, Kyzyl Pedagogical Institute, Tuvan State University, Kyzyl.
Kravchenko V.I., Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Docent. Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.
Kolesnichenko Y.Yu., PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Department of educational methodology, Saratov State University, Saratov.
Kulova M.L., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Caucasian State Institute of Arts", Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Nalchik.
Kungurova I.M., Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of the Humanities and Teaching Methods, Head of the Scientific Department, P.P. Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University.
Kun Weizhan, Postgraduate student, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk.
Kuvakina A.A., Cadet. Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Lakunova D.R., Junior Researcher at the Department of Ethnography of the Caucasus Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Leonova E.Yu., Candidate of Sociological Sciences. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tyumen Industrial University".
Lukashenko D.V., Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, leading researcher. Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.
Lukovenko T.G., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Head of the Higher School of Pedagogical and Defectological Education, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Pacific State University", Khabarovsk.
Makedonsky A.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, State University of Land Use Planning.
Malashenkova I.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Smolensk State Institute of Arts.
Mashtakova L.Y., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Birsky Branch of Ufa University of Science and Technology, Birsk.
Marufenko E.V., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor. High School of Music and Theater, Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs.
Michko E.I., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad.
Mukhanov Yu.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Head of the Department of Fire Training, Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Nabieva A.I., Master's student, Birsky Branch of Ufa University of Science and Technology, Birsk.
Neverovskaya N.V., Teacher, Master. State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution "Kuzbass College of Architecture, Geodesy and Construction".
Ngoye S.T., Postgraduate student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Ondar Ch.M., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Tuvan State University, Kyzyl.
Pavlinova K.A., Student of P.P. Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University.
Plyuscheva N.S., Candidate for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Yekaterinburg Institute of Physical Culture (Branch) Ural State University of Physical Culture, Yekaterinburg.
Ponomarev M.B., Postgraduate Student. M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk.
Ponomareva T.N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk.
Rahmatullaev D.N., Applicant of the all-University Department of General Pedagogy, “Khujand State University” (Khujand, Tajikistan).
Rakotomalala Harimanohy Louisette Mangatina Estera, Postgraduate Student, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Razumova O.A., Student Astrakhan State Medical University.
Reptyukh V.I., Student of P.P. Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University.
Rogacheva A.R., Master's Degree student at the Department of educational methodology, Saratov State University, Saratov.
Ryazantsev A.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State Medical University.
Sabanchiev K.-M.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Kabardino-Balkarian State University.
Salikhov R.T., Associate Professor, PhD in History Kazan State Agrarian University, Kazan.
Shamovskaya T.V., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor. Kemerovo State University.
Skhalyakho R.A., PhD of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences.
Smirnova V.A., Lecturer of the Department. Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.
Syuryun-ool Zh.V., Master’s student, Kyzyl Pedagogical Institute, Tuvan State University, Kyzyl.
Temmoev I.Y., Candidate of Sciences in Politics, Senior Lecturer at Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University.
Tereshchenko O.V., 4rd year postgraduate student. Rostov State University University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.
Tselik M.S., State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Donetsk National University».
Ubaydulloeva F.A., Applicant of the SEI “Khujand State University”.
Usoltseva E.A., Student of P.P. Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University.
Voronin D.I., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Scientific Director. Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.
Vrazhnova M.N., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Management, Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.
Xue Furong, Postgraduate student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Zhang Jianpeng, Postgraduate student, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.
Ziganshin F.N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Birsk Branch of the Ufa University of Science and Technology.
Ziganshina S.F., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Birsk Branch of the Ufa University of Science and Technology.